(in Polish) Wykłady monograficzne - Psychologia
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- (in Polish) Academic writing WF-PS-N-AWR
- (in Polish) WM: ICD-11 - Zaburzenia związane ze stresem, dysocjacyjne i odżywiania - diagnoza różnicowa i terapia WF-PS-N-ICD
- (in Polish) Komunikacja społeczna WF-PS-N-KMSP
- (in Polish) Zachowania polityczne WF-PS-N-KZP
- (in Polish) Praktyczne aspekty psychoterapii WF-PS-N-PAPS
- (in Polish) WM: Percepcja Ja w relacjach interpersonalnych WF-PS-N-PERJ
- (in Polish) WM: Psychology of religion: Social, developmental, clinical, and cross-cultural aspects WF-PS-N-PRSD
- (in Polish) WM: Wellbeing and other psychological concepts in everyday life WF-PS-N-WOPC
- (in Polish) WM: Zaburzenia psychiczne w chorobach somatycznych WF-PS-N-ZPS
- (in Polish) Zasady szkolenia podyplomowego z psychologii klinicznej w kontekście diagnozy i pracy klinicznej WF-PS-N-ZSP
- (in Polish) Subjective Well-being: Cross-Cultural,Developmental and Methodological Aspects WF-PS-NSWB
- (in Polish) Patriotism, Ethnocentrism, Nationalism and Multiculturalism: A tangled web of collective identities and loyalties WF-PS-PENM-ER
- Achievement motivation in human functioning WF-PS-N-MOFC
- Anthropological psychology WF-PS-N-PA
- Autopresentation-determinants, styles, attractiveness WF-PS-N-AUSA
- Biases in judgment and decision-making WF-PS-BJD-ER
- Childbearing choices in contemporary world WF-PS-CCCW-ER
- Clinical work with people with schizophrenia WF-PS-N-PKO
- Cross-cultural psychology WF-PS-CCP-ER
- Evolutionary Psychology WF-PS-EP-ER
- Evolutionary psychology WF-PS-EVOP
- Facing the challenge of sustainable societal development WF-PS-FCS-ER
- Forensic psychopathology WF-PS-N-PPS
- Home abuse WF-PS-N-PD
- Human development at different stages of life - main changes and possible forms of support WF-PS-HDDS-ER
- Human factor in transport systems WF-PS-HFTS-ER
- Human resource management in the organization WF-PS-N-ZZLWO
- Introduction to attachment theory WF-PS-N-WDTP
- Methodological aspects of research on psychotherapy WF-PS-N-MBP
- Methods of data analysis in scientific papers WF-PS-N-MAD
- Methods of diagnosing emotional-social functioning WF-PS-N-MDES
- ML: A child with intellectual disability WF-PS-N-NDZNI
- ML: Aviation psychology WF-PS-NPL
- ML: Basics of clinical neuroscience WF-PS-N-PNK
- ML: Behavioral addictions WF-PS-N-UBH
- ML: Conditions of socio-emotional competences 1 WF-PS-N-UKSE1
- ML: Conditions of socio-emotional competences 2 WF-PS-N-UKSE2
- ML: Contemporary "homo faber" in the man - machine relation WF-PS-N-HOFA
- ML: Cross-cultural psychology WF-PS-N-PMK
- ML: Disorders of children and youth-family context WF-PS-NZDM
- ML: Dysarthria (disorder of speech), diagnosis and therapy WF-PS-ZMDT1
- ML: Dysarthria (disorder of speech), diagnosis and therapy 2 WF-PS-ZMDT2
- ML: Eating disorders, conditions, course and treatment WF-PS-N-ZODZ
- ML: Education of a disabled child 1 WF-PS-NWDN1
- ML: Education of a disabled child 1 WF-PS-NWDN1
- ML: Education of a disabled child 2 WF-PS-NWDN2
- ML: Education of a disabled child 2 WF-PS-NWDN2
- ML: Family dysfunctions WF-PS-N-NDR
- ML: Family dysfunctions WF-PS-NDR
- ML: Family dysfunctions 1 WF-PS-N-NDR1
- ML: Family dysfunctions 2 WF-PS-N-NDR2
- ML: Gestalt psychotherapy in the prison isolation conditions WF-PS-NPGW
- ML: Human behavior in extreme situations WF-PS-N-EKST
- ML: Human resource management (HR) antinomies WF-PS-N-AZZ
- ML: In the hungry brain trap - therapeutic challenges WF-PS-NWT
- ML: Man in extreme situations WF-PS-N-CWSE
- ML: Operator activity from the perspective of the theory of attention WF-PS-N-DOU
- ML: Organizational psychology WF-PS-N-PORG
- ML: Pandemic syndrome and the need for stimulation WF-PS-N-SPPS
- ML: Personalistic concept of personality WF-PS-NPKOS
- ML: Political psychology WF-PS-N-POLI
- ML: Psychology in Public Health WF-PS-N-PWZP
- ML: Psychology of creativity WF-PS-N-PTW
- ML: Psychology of people with sensory disabilities WF-PS-NPONS
- ML: Psychology of Persuasion and Propaganda WF-PS-N-PPP
- ML: Psychology of vision WF-PS-NPW
- ML: Selected issues of rehabilitation of sex offenders WF-PS-NRPS
- ML: Selected psychological issues concerning employees from the perspective of occupational medicine WF-PS-WZP
- ML: Strengthening "self": self-esteem, narcissism, entitlement WF-PS-N-UJA
- ML: Systemic psychotherapy of families WF-PS-NPSR
- ML: The importance of religiosity and spirituality for human inter- and intrapsychic functioning WF-PS-N-ZRDF
- Ontogenesis of religiosity WF-PS-NOR
- Personality disorders WF-PS-N-ZOS
- Psychological aspects of image building WF-PS-N-PABW
- Psychological Aspects of Image Building WF-PS-PAIB-ER
- Psychology of friendship WF-PS-N-PP
- Psychology of leadership WF-PS-N-PRZY
- Psychology of marriage and family 1 WF-PS-N-PMR1
- Psychology of myth and phantasm WF-PS-N-PMF
- Recognition memory WF-PS-RM-ER
- Remembering and forgetting WF-PS-N-PIZA
- Revalidation psychology WF-PS-N-PER
- Role of spirituality and religiosity in intra- and interpersonal functioning WF-PS-ROSP-ER
- Self enhancement: Narcissism and Entitlement WF-PS-SENE-ER
- Seminar: Preparation for conducting research and writing scientific texts WF-PS-N-KPDB
- Seminar: Qualitative research methods WF-PS-N-KMBJ
- Social influence WF-PS-N-WSP
- Sustainability and unsustainability aspects of migration and return migration processes WF-PS-SUA-ER
- The Art of Influencing: Unlocking Leadership Potential WF-PS-AIUL-ER
- The COVID-19 pandemic as a special case of social isolation WF-PS-N-COV
- The Dark Side of Personality WF-PS-DSP-ER
- Working with a group - practical part WF-PS-N-PZGCP
- Workshop on developing research competences WF-PS-N-WRKB