ML: Gestalt psychotherapy in the prison isolation conditions WF-PS-NPGW
Assumptions and objectives:
The cognitive aims of the course are to learn the principles and stages of Gestalt therapy and existential therapy that can be combined with it, and to learn the principles of violence therapy, the anger of prisoners and injured feelings of victims of crime.
The aim of the course is to teach prisoners the ability to conduct individual therapy, and the aim of the course is to encourage them to be therapeutically open to the world of prisoners.
Form of credit: oral test
Conditions for obtaining credit: ability to provide individual therapy
Programme content:
Gestalt therapy (main field: the aim of the therapy, theory related to this therapy, combining Gestalt therapy with existential therapy).
The first and second phase of Gestalt therapy (main course: awareness and responsibility; lecture combined with exercises - references to the world of prisons).
Third and fourth phases of Gestalt therapy (main activities: experimental and consolidation phase; lecture combined with exercises - references to the world of prisons).
4. contact, dialogue and aggression in Gestalt therapy (main field): "The lecture is connected with exercises - references to the prison world.
Sensory, motor and emotional disorders in Gestalt therapy (main disorders: desensitisation, splitting at the body level, unpleasant and forbidden feelings; lecture combined with exercises - examples from the lives of prisoners).
Mechanisms of defense in Gestalt therapy (main play: introjection, projection, retroreflection, confluence; lecture combined with exercises - examples from the lives of prisoners).
7-8 Conducting Gestalt therapy (exercises - simulation of therapy in prison isolation conditions).
9. therapeutic practice based on phenomenological and existential psychology (main field: the phenomenon of a breakthrough, the role of narration, the lack of contact with one's own self, the sense of life found in action, the experience of one's own identity and the true self born of desire, stages of existence; lectures and exercises).
10. Gestalt psychotherapy and mediation (main field: selection of cases for mediation, its course and principles, phases of the victim's behaviour; lecture).
11. workshops - simulation of mediation.
12 Individual therapy of prisoner's violence (main field: aggression - emotional, instrumental, sadistic, spontaneous, immanent, trauma, causes and consequences of injury, stages of recovery; lecture combined with workshops).
13 Individual therapy of a prisoner's anger (main focus: negative feelings of a person, genesis of anger in an individual's life, therapy phase; 2 hours; lecture combined with discussion).
14 Therapy of victims of crime (main field: stages of therapy, basic victimological issues).
15 Limits of knowledge of the other person and realistic therapy (main field: getting to know the other person in a meeting, understanding the person in prison isolation, rejection of irresponsible behaviour, repeated learning).
(in Polish) E-Learning
(in Polish) Grupa przedmiotów ogólnouczenianych
Learning outcome code/codes
Type of subject
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
EK1 student at the end of the course will be able to explain and discuss the essence of the most important elements of psychotherapy in general
EK2 student after classes ended will be able to describe the main differences between the treatment and prevention
EK3 student after classes ended will know the basic formula of Gestalt
EK4 student after classes ended will know the stages of Gestalt therapy
EK5 student after classes ended will be able to show the "characters" Gestalt in different categories of prisoners
EK6 student after classes ended will be able to describe the essential elements of the treatment of violence, anger, feelings
Assessment criteria
F rating forming includes feedback to the student teacher has during the course relating to:
F1 - material previously prepared and presented by the student in the classroom
F2 - providing students with speech or understanding of the deficiencies in the understanding of the content discussed in class
F3 - questions asked by the student providing the level of knowledge and interest in the issues raised during the discussions
F4 - cognitive activity of students during class (knowledge of literature, make comparisons, draw conclusions independently, etc.)
P Rating Summary allows credit course is issued at the end of classes and includes:
P1 - assessment of student activities in the classroom
P2 - assess yourself prepared and presented during the course topic
P3 - the result of having a final examination in oral, during which the six questions asked are open, open-ended questions independently verify the ability to define terms, make comparisons and clarify the nature of the problem.
The assessment 2 - the student is unable to give any information about Gestalt psychotherapy and its prison conditions. The assessment of 3 - students can briefly give basic information about Gestalt psychotherapy and its prison conditions. The assessment of 4 - the student can give broader understanding of Gestalt psychotherapy and its prison conditions. At the 5 - students can replace a lot of Gestaltowskich relating to the categories of prisoners and criminals.
Sills, Ch., Fish, S., Lapworth (1999). Pomoc psychologiczna w ujęciu Gestalt. Warszawa: Instytut Psychologii Zdrowia - Polskie Towarzystwo Psychologiczne.
Dawidson, I.(1996). Tu i Teraz - Uzdrowienie chrześcijańskie a terapia Gestalt. Kraków: Wydawnictwo m,.
Herman, J. L. (1999). Przemoc. Gdańsk: GWP.
Madanes, C. (2002). Przemoc w rodzinie. Psychoterapia sprawców i ofiar. Gdańsk: GWP.
Opoczyńska, M. (red.) (1999). Wprowadzenie do psychologii egzystencjalnej. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego.
Woźniak, W. (1998). Postawy więźniów wobec duszpasterstwa penitencjarnego a ich osobowość i system wartości. Warszawa: ATK (maszynopis, praca doktorska).
Zimbardo, Ph. G., Leippe, M. R. (2004). Psychologia zmiany postaw i wpływu społecznego. Poznań: Zysk i S-ka Wydawnictwo.
Zinker, J. (1992). Twórczy proces myślenia w terapii Gestalt. Warszawa: J. Santorski & Co. AGENCJA WYDAWNICZA.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: