ML: Conditions of socio-emotional competences 1 WF-PS-N-UKSE1
1. The notions of social competencies.
2. Methods for measurement of social competencies – I.
3. Methods for measurement of social competencies – II.
4. The notions of emotional competencies.
5. Methods for measurement of emotional competencies.
6. The notions of emotional intelligence (emotional abilities).
7. Methods for measurement of emotional intelligence (emotional abilities).
8. The notions of social intelligence (social abilities).
9. Methods for measurement of social intelligence (social abilities).
10. The differences between the concept of intelligence (abilities) and concept of competencies (skills).
11. The notion of social training.
12. The model of determinants of social-emotional competencies.
13. Instrumental determinants of social-emotional competencies.
14. Cognitive and developmental determinants of social-emotional competencies.
15. Summary of the course.
Term 2021/22_Z:
1. The notions of social competencies. |
(in Polish) E-Learning
(in Polish) Grupa przedmiotów ogólnouczenianych
Subject level
Learning outcome code/codes
Type of subject
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
1) Defines notions: social competencies, emotional competencies, social intelligence, emotional intelligence, social training.
2) Understands the significance of instrumental determinants of the development of social and emotional competencies.
3) Knows basic conceptions of social intelligence.
4) Knows basic conceptions of emotional intelligence.
5) Understands the difference between abilities concept and competencies (skills) concept.
6) Understands the difference between ability and competence measures.
7) Knows tools for measuring of social competencies, emotional competencies, social intelligence and emotional intelligence.
1) Recognizes the difference between dispositions determining of maximal and typical performance.
2) Is able to choose adequate tools for measuring of social and emotional competencies.
Competencies (attitudes):
1) Presents a tendency to profile understanding of social-emotional competencies.
2) Recognizes the possibility of the improvement of social and emotional competencies.
ECTS: 4 points (lectures: 30 h, reading: 60 h, preparation for the exam: 30 h, sum; 120 h; 120:30=4
Assessment criteria
For grade 5: in high degree has acquired and understands very well the knowledge defined in section “the learning outcomes”.
For grade 4: has acquired and understands well the knowledge defined in “the learning outcomes”.
For grade 3: has sufficiently acquired (over 60%) and partially understands the knowledge in section “the learning outcomes”.
For grade 2: has not sufficiently acquired the knowledge defined in section “the learning outcomes”.
For grade 5: can independently find similarities and differences between various approaches to operationalizing of social and emotional competencies, emotional intelligence and social intelligence; can choose a tool for measure of social-emotional competencies adequate to individual’s problem. For grade 4: in comparing various approaches to operationalizing of social and emotional competencies, emotional and social intelligence, usually does not analyze them independently, but limits him- or herself to quoting ready knowledge; can choose a tool for measure of social-emotional competencies adequate to individual’s problem.
For grade 3: in comparing various approaches to operationalizing of social and emotional competencies, emotional and social intelligence, mostly limits him- or herself to description; in choosing diagnostic tools, takes no account of the specificity of individual’s problem.
For grade 2: is not able to operate with acquired knowledge.
Competencies (attitudes):
The reflection over determinants of development of social-emotional competencies and complementarity of various approaches to their descriptions is assessed.
1. Martowska, K. (2012). Psychologiczne uwarunkowania kompetencji społecznych. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Liberi Libri.
2. Matczak, A., Knopp, K. (2013). Znaczenie inteligencji emocjonalnej w funkcjonowaniu człowieka. Warszawa: Liberi Libri.
3. Śmieja, M., Orzechowski, J. (2008) (red.). Inteligencja emocjonalna. Fakty, mity, kontrowersje. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN.
1. Jakubowska, U. (1996). Wokół pojęcia „kompetencja społeczna” – ujęcie komunikacyjne. Przegląd Psychologiczny, 39, 29-40.
2. Knopp, K. (2007). Inteligencja emocjonalna a temperament studentów oraz postawy rodzicielskie ich matek i ojców. Roczniki Psychologiczne, 10, 113-134.
3. Leopold, M. A. (2001). Rozumienie pojęcia kompetencja emocjonalna. Forum Psychologiczne, 1, 155-182.
4. Leopold, M. A. (2006). Elementy składowe kompetencji emocjonalnej. Czasopismo Psychologiczne, 2, 191-204.
5. Martowska, K. (2009). Inteligencja emocjonalna licealistów a oddziaływania wychowawcze rodziców. Ruch Pedagogiczny, 3-4, 55-69.
6. Martowska, K., Knopp, K. (2018). Sposoby pomiaru inteligencji emocjonalnej. W: H. Gasiul (red.), Metody badania emocji i motywacji. Warszawa: Difin.
7. Matczak, A. (2001). Temperament a kompetencje społeczne. W: W. Ciarkowska, A.
8. Matczak (red.), Różnice indywidualne: wybrane badania inspirowane Regulacyjną Teorią Temperamentu Profesora Jana Strelaua (s. 53-69). Warszawa: Interdyscyplinarne Centrum Genetyki Zachowania.
9. Matczak, A. (2004). Temperament a inteligencja emocjonalna. Psychologia – etologia – genetyka, 10, 59-82.
10. Matczak, A. (2006). Natura i struktura inteligencji emocjonalnej. Psychologia – etologia – genetyka, 10, 59-82.
11. Matczak, A. (2009) (red.). Determinants of social and emotional competencies. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo UKSW.
12. Matczak, A., Martowska, K. (2011). Z badań nad uwarunkowaniami kompetencji emocjonalnych. Studia Psychologica, 1, 5-18
13. Mądrzycki, T. (2002). Osobowość jako system tworzący i realizujący plany. Gdańsk: GWP.
14. Olszyca, K. (1998). Rola osobowościowych mechanizmów w regulacji stymulacji. Studia Psychologiczne, 36, 57-71.
15. Piekarska, J. (2004). Inteligencja emocjonalna młodzieży a sposoby reagowania rodziców sytuacjach problemowych. Psychologia Rozwojowa, 9, 23-33.
16. Smółka, P. (2008). Kompetencje społeczne. Kraków: Oficyna Wolters Kluwer Business.
17. Smółka, P. (2008). Kompetencje społeczne – uwarunkowania i metody pomiaru. W: W. Ciarkowska, W. Oniszczenko (red.), Szkice z psychologii różnic indywidualnych. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar.
Term 2021/22_Z:
Podstawowa Uzupełniająca |
Term 2021/22_Z:
None |
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