Biology - full-time first cycle studies (WB-BI-N-1)(in Polish: Biologia - studia I stopnia stacjonarne) | |
first-cycle programmes full-time programmes, 3 years Language: Polish | Jump to: Opis ogólnyCelem kształcenia na kierunku biologia jest zdobycie wiedzy z zakresu szeroko rozumianej biologii środowiskowej i biologii człowieka, a także solidnych podstaw z zakresu przedmiotów ścisłych: matematyki, fizyki, chemii. Kierunek zapewnia zajęcia w wysoko wyspecjalizowanych laboratoriach, a także umożliwia zdobycie wiedzy praktycznej podczas zajęć terenowych. Po ukończeniu studiów absolwent może podjąć pracę w laboratoriach badawczych, instytutach badawczych, jednostkach administracji państwowej i samorządowej; ma także możliwość kontynuowania nauki na studiach II stopnia. |
Qualification awarded:
Access to further studies:
Professional status:
Teaching standards
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Learning outcomes in terms of knowledge, skills and competencies for the first level studies in Biology as approved by the resolution of the UKSW Senate No. 94/2015 on 25th June 2015. Studies plan program was approved by Resolution of the Council of the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Scienes of UKSW No. 37/2018 on 4th June 2018 as amended.
Course structure diagram:
Abbreviations used in tables: | |
lect - Lectures cl - Classes cw_ter - kon - Conversatorium lab - Laboratory lek_now - Modern language classes pr - Practice sem - Seminar semli - BA Seminar | e - examination zal - credit zoc - graded credit |
First year of Biology | ECTS | lect | cl | cw_ter | kon | lab | lek_now | pr | sem | semli | exam |
General and inorganic chemistry | 2 | 30 | e | ||||||||
General and inorganic chemistry | 2 | 15 | zoc | ||||||||
Mathematics | 2 | 15 | zoc | ||||||||
Mathematics | 2 | 30 | zoc | ||||||||
1 | 15 | zoc | |||||||||
2 | 15 | zoc | |||||||||
General botany | 2 | 30 | e | ||||||||
General botany | 3 | 30 | zoc | ||||||||
General zoology | 2 | 30 | e | ||||||||
General zoology | 2 | 30 | zoc | ||||||||
Nature conservation and environment protection | 2 | 30 | e | ||||||||
Nature conservation and environment protection | 2 | 30 | zoc | ||||||||
Information Technology | 3 | 30 | zoc | ||||||||
Introduction to life sciences and biological methods | 2 | 30 | zoc | ||||||||
Culture and techniques of study | 1 | 15 | zoc | ||||||||
Laboratory in general and inorganic chemistry | 3 | 30 | zoc | ||||||||
Systematic botany | 2 | 30 | e | ||||||||
Systematic botany | 3 | 30 | zoc | ||||||||
Cell biology | 2 | 30 | e | ||||||||
Cell biology | 3 | 30 | zoc | ||||||||
General ecology | 2 | 30 | e | ||||||||
General ecology | 2 | 30 | zoc | ||||||||
2 | 30 | e | |||||||||
2 | 45 | zoc | |||||||||
English language for biologists - basic | 2 | 30 | zoc | ||||||||
Biodiversity - field practices | 5 | 60 | zoc | ||||||||
4 | 60 | zoc | |||||||||
Academic Polish for foreigners1 | |||||||||||
Total: | 62 | 300 | 225 | 60 | 15 | 150 | 60 |
1 - Obligatory subject only for foreign students ects=6 lect=60h (1-2 sem.)
Second year of Biology | ECTS | lect | cl | cw_ter | kon | lab | lek_now | pr | sem | semli | exam |
Organic chemistry | 1 | 30 | zoc | ||||||||
Organic chemistry | 2 | 15 | zoc | ||||||||
2 | 30 | e | |||||||||
3 | 45 | zoc | |||||||||
Plant physiology | 2 | 30 | zoc | ||||||||
Plant physiology | 2 | 30 | zoc | ||||||||
2 | 30 | zoc | |||||||||
2 | 30 | zoc | |||||||||
Laboratory in organic chemistry | 4 | 30 | zoc | ||||||||
Genetics | 2 | 30 | e | ||||||||
Genetics | 3 | 45 | zoc | ||||||||
Intellectual property protection | 1 | 15 | zoc | ||||||||
Flora and fauna of Mazovia - field biology | 5 | 60 | zoc | ||||||||
Student internship | 4 | 120 | zoc | ||||||||
16 | 120 | 120 | zoc | ||||||||
5 | 60 | zoc | |||||||||
6 | 60 | e | |||||||||
Physical education | 0 | 60 | zal | ||||||||
Total: | 62 | 330 | 195 | 60 | 15 | 180 | 60 | 120 |
Third year of Biology | ECTS | lect | cl | cw_ter | kon | lab | lek_now | pr | sem | semli | exam |
Molecular biology | 2 | 30 | e | ||||||||
Molecular biology | 3 | 45 | zoc | ||||||||
Human Ecology | 2 | 30 | e | ||||||||
Human Ecology - tutorials | 2 | 30 | zoc | ||||||||
Basics of statistics for biologists | 3 | 30 | zoc | ||||||||
Dyploma Seminar I | 3 | 30 | zoc | ||||||||
The basis of live and its evolution | 2 | 30 | e | ||||||||
The basis of live and its evolution | 2 | 30 or 15 | zoc | ||||||||
Biotechnology | 2 | 30 | e | ||||||||
Biotechnology | 2 | 30 | zoc | ||||||||
Dyploma seminar II | 3 | 30 | zoc | ||||||||
Methodology of natural sciences | 2 | 30 | e | ||||||||
24 | 180 | 180 | zoc | ||||||||
Total: | 52 | 330 | 240 | 75 | 60 |