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Study programmes > All studies > Biology > Biology - full-time first cycle studies

Biology - full-time first cycle studies (WB-BI-N-1)

(in Polish: Biologia - studia I stopnia stacjonarne)
first-cycle programmes
full-time programmes, 3 years
Language: Polish

Celem kształcenia na kierunku biologia jest zdobycie wiedzy z zakresu szeroko rozumianej biologii środowiskowej i biologii człowieka, a także solidnych podstaw z zakresu przedmiotów ścisłych: matematyki, fizyki, chemii. Kierunek zapewnia zajęcia w wysoko wyspecjalizowanych laboratoriach, a także umożliwia zdobycie wiedzy praktycznej podczas zajęć terenowych. 

Po ukończeniu studiów absolwent może podjąć pracę w laboratoriach badawczych, instytutach badawczych, jednostkach administracji państwowej i samorządowej; ma także możliwość kontynuowania nauki na studiach II stopnia.

Qualification awarded:

(in Polish) licencjat

Access to further studies:

The possibility of applying for the second-cycle studies and postgraduate studies

Professional status:

not applicable

Teaching standards

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Learning outcomes in terms of knowledge, skills and competencies for the first level studies in Biology as approved by the resolution of the UKSW Senate No. 94/2015 on 25th June 2015. Studies plan program was approved by Resolution of the Council of the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Scienes of UKSW No. 37/2018 on 4th June 2018 as amended.

Course structure diagram:

Abbreviations used in tables:
lect - Lectures
cl - Classes
cw_ter -
kon - Conversatorium
lab - Laboratory
lek_now - Modern language classes
pr - Practice
sem - Seminar
semli - BA Seminar
e - examination
zal - credit
zoc - graded credit
First year of BiologyECTSlectclcw_terkonlablek_nowprsemsemliexam
General and inorganic chemistry230e
General and inorganic chemistry215zoc
General botany230e
General botany330zoc
General zoology230e
General zoology230zoc
Nature conservation and environment protection230e
Nature conservation and environment protection230zoc
Information Technology330zoc
Introduction to life sciences and biological methods230zoc
Culture and techniques of study 115zoc
Laboratory in general and inorganic chemistry330zoc
Systematic botany230e
Systematic botany330zoc
Cell biology230e
Cell biology330zoc
General ecology230e
General ecology230zoc
English language for biologists - basic230zoc
Biodiversity - field practices560zoc
Academic Polish for foreigners1

1 - Obligatory subject only for foreign students ects=6 lect=60h (1-2 sem.)

Second year of BiologyECTSlectclcw_terkonlablek_nowprsemsemliexam
Organic chemistry130zoc
Organic chemistry215zoc
Plant physiology230zoc
Plant physiology230zoc
Laboratory in organic chemistry430zoc
Intellectual property protection115zoc
Flora and fauna of Mazovia - field biology560zoc
Student internship4120zoc
Physical education060zal

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://irk.uksw.edu.pl/