(in Polish) Grupa przedmiotów ogólnouczelnianych - obszar nauk humanistycznych i społecznych (studia I st. i JM)
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- (in Polish) Zagrożenia i zasady bezpiecznej pracy UKSW-ZiZB
- (in Polish) KO: Powrót czy zanik religii? Interpretacje filozoficzne WF-FI-1123-KOBAL20
- (in Polish) KO: Irrational beliefs WF-FI-1123-KOPIEK201
- (in Polish) KO: Introduction to the philosophy of cognitive science WF-FI-1123-KOPIEK202
- (in Polish) KO: Wielkie pytania i wielkie odpowiedzi filozofii starożytnej i średniowiecznej WF-FI-1123-KOZEMB20
- (in Polish) WMSFang: Philosophy of Nature in the 19th century WF-FI-123-WMAN-W21
- (in Polish) WMSF: Heraklit i Parmenides - presokratyków pytanie o tożsamość WF-FI-123-WMFK-GRZ22
- (in Polish) WMSF: W piekle z Dantem, w niebie z Beatrycze czyli rzecz o Boskiej Komedii. WF-FI-123-WMSFK-G21
- (in Polish) Translatorium ogólnouczelniane: On human death and dying WF-FI-123-WOMELL19
- (in Polish) Translatorium: On human death and dying WF-FI-MELLER-WO19
- (in Polish) WO: Filozofia w kulturze popularnej WF-FI-WPLOTKA-WO192
- (in Polish) Corporate Social Responsibility WF-OB-POCSR
- (in Polish) Ancient epistolography in theory and practice WH-KON-AncEpist
- (in Polish) Cultura polacca per l'Italia. L'immagine e il bello nella comunicazione interculturale WH-KON-CultPolItal
- (in Polish) Szmonces - przedwojenny żydowski humor WH-KON-Szmon
- (in Polish) Alternatywne metody rozwiązywania sporów WK-WPK-AS
- (in Polish) Ochrona danych osobowych WK-WPK-OD
- (in Polish) Historia doktryn politycznych i prawnych WK-WPK-UKSW-HDPP
- (in Polish) Historia doktryn politycznych i prawnych WK-WPK-UKSW-HDPP
- (in Polish) Prawo do poznawania „świętych nauk” a kościelny system studiów wyższych WK-WPK-ŚN
- (in Polish) Polskie poselstwa obediencyjne XVI-XVIII w. i ich dokumentacja WNHS-HI-WMTM
- (in Polish) Planowanie i zagospodarowanie przestrzenne WP-MON-PO-S-Pizp
- (in Polish) Historia społeczna Europy WS-PO-OG-HSE
- (in Polish) Rządy komunistyczne w Polsce WS-PO-OG-RKP
- (in Polish) Totalitaryzm i jego epoka WS-PO-OG-TiJEXXw.
- (in Polish) Ekologiczny Transport Przyszłości - pojazdy,paliwa alternatywne,infrastruktura,inteligentne miasta i innowacyjne produkty i projekty WSE-EK-ZR-ETP
- (in Polish) Energetyka rozproszona a bezpieczeństwo energetyczne. Niezbędne zmiany w infrastrukturze, innowacje w obszarze generowania i magazynowania energii (ZR-9) WSE-EK-ZR-IPI
- (in Polish) Antropologia integracji europejskiej WSE-OG-EU-AIE
- (in Polish) Fundusze strukturalne WSE-OG-EU-FS
- (in Polish) Parlament Europejski- podstawy prawne i praktyka WSE-OG-EU-PEU
- (in Polish) Polityki UE- wybrane zagadnienia WSE-OG-EU-PUE
- (in Polish) Religious freedom in EU WSE-OG-EU-RFEU
- (in Polish) Unia Europejska jako aktor stosunków międzynarodowych WSE-OG-EU-UE
- (in Polish) Europa w stosunkach międzynarodowych WSE-OG-PO-ESM
- (in Polish) Problematyka państwa opiekuńczego WSE-OG-PO-PPO
- (in Polish) Transformacja systemowa w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej WSE-OG-PO-TSE
- (in Polish) Dialog społeczny WSE-PO-DSP
- (in Polish) Problematyka państwa opiekuńczego WSE-PO-PPO
- (in Polish) III sektor w Polsce i na świecie WSE-PO-TSPS
- (in Polish) Katastrofy naturalne, historyczne, kulturowe, społeczne WSE-SO-KNHKS
- (in Polish) Rozwiązywanie konfliktów w organizacji WSE-SO-RKwO
- (in Polish) Człowiek w tajemnicy stworzenia i odkupienia WSR-NR-1-CTS
- (in Polish) Influencja w bezpieczeństwie WSR-NR-1-IB
- (in Polish) Superwizja WSR-NR-1-S
- (in Polish) Umiejętności i kompetencje rodzicielskie WSR-NR-1-UKR
- (in Polish) Prawnoadministracyjne aspekty elektromobilności WSR-NR-PAE
- (in Polish) Podcasty WT-DKS-WOP
- (in Polish) Ancient Greece and the Bible WT-DTE-WJAGA
- Social and economic policy in the programs of Polish political parties WSE-PO-PSG
- A student in the system of higher education and science WK-WPK-SWiN
- A traditional man in the world of media WT-DKS-WTC
- ABC's of Own Business CSDZ-ABK-ABC
- Adoptive and foster parenting WSR-NR-1-RAZ
- Air protection in EU law WP-MON-PO-S-OpwpUE
- American Civilisation 1865 - 2015 WP-MON-PO-S-CA1865
- American Conceptions of International Relations WP-MON-PO-S-Aksm
- American Elections WP-MON-PO-S-AE
- Ancient and Exotic Regimes of International Law WP-MON-PO-S-SERPM
- Animal Behaviour WF-OB-POAB
- Anthropology and Evolutionary Medicine WF-OB-POAEM
- Anthropology in ecumenical terms WT-DTE-AUE
- Antique in contemporary world WF-FI-124-KOBEJ191
- Apocalyptic visions of the end of this world in the Jewish tradition WT-DTE-WOA
- Apology and journalism WT-DKS-P-A
- Argumentations WP-MON-PO-H-A
- Argumentations WP-MON-PO-H-A
- Art Collecting and Art Patronage in Modernist Europe (ca 1880-1939) UKSW-ACAP
- Association law WK-WPK-S
- Basic problems of philosophy (metaphilosophy, metaphisics, epistemology, philosophy of language) WF-FI-1123-WOKRO20
- Basic rights and duties in the US WP-MON-PO-S-PiWOwU
- Basics of computer forensics WM-I-U2-PIŚ
- Beginner's guide to the Universe WM-FI-BGU
- Beginner's guide to the Universe WM-FI-KDH
- Bioethics WF-FI-123-PPSFET-M21
- Bioethics WF-FI-MELLER-WO
- Bioethics WF-OB-POBIO
- Bird Ecology and Conservation WF-OB-POBE
- Bird Ecology and Conservation WF-OB-SUBE
- Broadcasts of religious celebrations - savoir-vivre for journalists WT-DTE-WOTU
- Business Constitution - new legal bases for business activity WP-MON-PO-S-KB
- Business Plan, Image Creation and Brand Building CSDZ-ABK-BWM
- Chemical Compounds in the Human Environment WF-OB-POHC
- Civilizational Function of the Family WSR-NR-D-CRR
- Concept and understanding the world WF-FI-1123-KOPDPIL2
- Conception of biological information WF-FI-1123-WOLAT20
- Conditions of sustainable consumption WNP-PE-ZR-UZK
- Conscience. Philosophical problematic WF-FI-1123-KOMEL20
- Consumption and anti-consumption, fashion and slow fashion WSE-SO-ZR-KiA
- Contemporary challenges of polish society in the context of health and quality of life WSE-SO-ZR-WWSP
- Contemporary Political Ideologies WSE-OG-PO-WIP
- Cultural Communication of Modern Times. Challenges and Prospects WH-KON-CultComModern
- Cultural Psychology WF-PS-CP-ER
- Culture and techniques of study UKSW-KTSt
- Culture and techniques of studying UKSW-KTSt-N
- Culture of language at Internet WH-FP-ZR-PSSI
- Death and dying in a socio-cultural perspective WSR-NR-1-SIU
- Demography and migration WSE-PO-DIM
- Development and Project Management WSR-NR-Z-MOP2
- Dialogue and creativity as competencies of the future WT-SST-DKK
- Diplomatic and consular ethics WSE-OG-PO-EDK
- Diplomatic and consular ethics WSE-PO-EDK
- Discussion on infinity WF-FI-1123-WOLEM203
- Early Iron Age in Europe WNHS-AR-EIAE
- Early modern architecture in Grand Duchy of Lithuania WNHS-HS-ANWKL
- Economic geography of contemporary Europe WSE-OG-PO-GGWE
- Effective Communication and Creative Problem Solving CSDZ-ABK-KKP
- Elements of Philosophy WP-MON-PO-H-Ef
- Elements of philosophy for economists WF-FI-WSE-EKO-AND21
- Energy transformation of cities and regions. Renewable energy sources, "green local government" and energy clusters (ZR-7) WSE-EK-ZR-Temr
- Environmental Ethic WF-OB-POEETH
- Environmental Law WF-OB-POEL
- Environmental Law WF-OB-POEL
- Epistemological disputes (Epistemology 2) WF-FI-123-PPSFT-K21
- Ethics WSE-EU-E
- Ethics and popular literature (crime fiction) WF-FI-123-WMSFET-P21
- Ethics and the humanities WF-FI-1123-KOPODR20
- Ethics for the Anthropocene WF-OB-POEA
- Ethics in public life WSE-ZP-EZP
- Ethics of Animal Research WF-OB-POEAR
- EU decision-making process WSE-OG-EU-PD
- Euro-Atlantic legal cultures WP-MON-PO-S-Ekp
- Europe in international relations WSE-PO-ESM
- Europe's digital sovereignty WSE-PO-E-CIR
- European and World balance of power and Instability of the European project? WSE-PO-ESR
- Evidence in cases of marriage annulment due to matrimonial consent simulation WK-WPK-ŚD
- Evolution or creation? WF-FI-1123-WOLEM201
- Faith and Reason UKSW-WiR
- Family as an environment for preparation of marriage. WSR-NR-1-RPM
- Family in different cultures and religions WSR-NR-1-RKR
- Family in Polish culture WSR-NR-1-RKP
- Family in popular culture WSR-NR-1-RwP
- Family in Roman law, Canon and Contemporary WP-PR-MON-RwPRZKW
- Family Law WP-MON-PO-S-PrRo
- Family policy WSE-PO-PRO
- Family towards the illness and death of a child WSR-NR-1-RWCH
- Fertility education WSR-NR-1-EP
- Field Course in Behavioural Methods WB-BI-ANG-06cw
- Fighting cybercrime WM-I-U2-ZC
- Formation of Christian parents WSR-NR-1-FCR
- Foundations of argumentation theory WF-FI-1123-WOPORW20
- France in the twentieth century international politics WP-MON-PO-S-FXXw
- France in the twentieth century international politics WP-MON-PO-S-FXXw
- From mind to life - contemporary discussion WF-FI-123-WMSFT-P21
- Fundamentals of bioethics WSR-NR-1-PB
- Greek Tragedy and Its Afterlife WH-KON-GreekTr
- High-quality education in Poland WNP-PE-ZR-EWJ
- History of economics thought WSE-PO-HM
- History of european music culture 2 WNHS-HS-DEKM2
- History of European musical culture WNHS-HS-DEKM1
- History of Polish Culture. Sarmatism - Ideology and State Interest of Polish Lithuanian Ukrainian Commonwealth WH-KON-HistPolish
- How to Write a Thesis? A Practical Interdisciplinary Guide WP-MON-PO-S-PD
- Human Development and Values in Mythos and Logos Cultures WF-PS-ZAGORSKA
- Human internal needs vs. susceptibility to cyber attacks WM-I-U2-PSYCH
- Human well-being in the light of sustainable development WF-OB-POES
- Hydrogen as the fuel of the future. Conditions for the development of the hydrogen economy WSE-EK-ZR-WPP
- Idea of self-knowlegde WF-FI-1123-KOPDPIL1
- Ideological traditions of Europe WS-PO-OG-TIE
- Ideological traditions of Europe WSE-OG-EU-TIE.
- Immanuel Kant's political thought WSE-PO-MPIK
- Intellectual property management and technology brokerage in the economy - (ZR-9/16) WB-IS-ZR-ZWI
- Intercultural communication WT-DTE-WKMM
- International economic relations WSE-PO-MSG
- International migrations. The humanitarian aspect WSE-OG-MMAH
- International organizations WSE-OG-PO-OM
- International population policy WSE-PO-MPL
- Interreligious communication WT-DTE-WKM
- Introduction to decision theory WF-FI-123-WMST-PL21B
- Introduction to Diplomacy WSE-OG-PO-WSD
- Introduction to European Law WSE-OG-EU-WPE
- Introduction to French phenomenology WF-FI-123-PPSFK-SK21
- Introduction to partnership and company law WP-MON-PO-S-PPS
- Kant's political thought WS-PO-OG-MPK
- Knowledge management in the organization WSE-PO-U2-ZWW
- KO:Atheist spirituality WF-FI-SKURZDoB-KO19
- Labour market and employment policy WSE-OG-PO-RPPS
- Law Aspects of Cybersecurity WM-I-U2-PAC
- Law of commercial company WK-WPK-SH
- Law of commercial company WK-WPK-SH
- Laws of nature WF-FI-1123-WOLEM202
- Logic for humanists WP-MON-PO-S-LdH
- Logic for humanists WP-MON-PO-S-LdH
- Logic of deductive theories (Metalogic) WF-FI-123-WMSFET-S21
- Marriage and Family in the Bible WSR-NR-1-MRB
- Medieval Arabic Philosophy and its Influence on the Culture of Latin Europe WF-FI-123-WMSFHF-A21
- Medieval Preachers and Their Sermons WH-KON-MedPreach
- Migration and threats to religious freedom in the context of contemporary socio-cultural changes WT-DTE-WOMZ
- ML: History and Philosophy of Evolutionism WF-FI-123-WMAN-WA22
- ML: Philosophy on pleasure WF-FI-123-WMAN-PT22
- ML: Questions concernig nature of consciousness WF-FI-112-WOBUCZK19
- ML: The philosophical problems of memory WF-FI-123-WMNF-ZE22
- ML: Towards maturity and higher developmental stages WF-PS-N-KDIWSR
- Models of education in the Middle Ages WSR-NR-1-MWŚ
- Modern art - lecture WS-HS-SNW
- Monographic lecture: History of political and legal doctrines WK-S-WM-HDPP
- musical instruments in European history and culture WNHS-HS-IMHKE
- Narrative Stategies in Film WH-KON-StNarrSztFilm
- Nature and society. Basic issues of social and political philosophy WF-FI-WAG-PZFS
- Negotiations and Savoir vivre in Business CSDZ-ABK-NSV
- Ontogenesis of religiosity WF-PS-NOR
- Oral history: narration, ritual, memory WF-PS-ZR-HM
- Personal data protection WK-S-WM-OD
- Personal right protection UKSW-PODO
- Philosophical anthropology WSR-NR-1-FŻ
- Philosophical aspects of human rights WF-FI-123-WMSFET-M21
- Philosophical Concepts of Man WF-FI-21-FKC1
- Philosophical interpretations of human body WF-FI-112-KONFB-SK21
- Philosophical models of life in antiquity and the Middle Ages WF-FI-1123-KOZEMB202
- Philosophical models of life in antiquity and the Middle Ages WF-FI-ZEMBRZ-WO19
- Philosophy about pleasure WF-FI-123-WMSFHF-P21
- Philosophy anf Literature WF-FI-123-WMST-PL21A
- Philosophy of language. Language in cognition and communication WF-FI-123-PPSFT-B21
- Poland in Europe WSE-OG-EU-PWE
- Poland in the International Politics (1914-1989) WP-MON-PO-H-PitIP
- Political communication WSE-PO-KP
- Political elites in Central and Eastern Europe WSE-PO-EPESW
- Political ethics WSE-PO-EP
- Political marketing WSE-OG-PO-MP
- Political system of the EU WSE-EU-SPUE
- Political system of the EU WSE-OG-PO-SPUE
- Populism and nationalism in Europe WSE-PO-PIN
- Postwar reckoning with Nazism and communism in Poland and Germany from 1945 to the present day UKSW-RNKP
- Power-sharing political systems: theory and practice UKSW-SPPS
- PPSF: How words connect with the world? Introduction to the philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein WF-FI-123-PPSFT-P21
- PPSF: Phliosophy of culture WF-FI-123-PPSFK-SO21
- Prehistoric religions and rituals WNHS-AR-PRR
- Presidental elections in the United States: politics and religion WSE-PO-E-PEinUS2
- Principles of Harmony: Mathematics, Music and Philosophy WF-FI-Ciurlionis-WM2
- Problems of the genesis of life WF-FI-1123-KOSWIE20
- Psychology of Religion and Spirituality WF-PS-PRS-ER
- Public finance in Poland WSE-OG-PO-FPP
- Public finance in Poland WSE-PO-FPP
- Rationality of beliefs WF-FI-1123-KOPDTOM1
- Rationality of religious beliefs WF-FI-123-PPSFEL-T21
- Religion and Ecology - Main Monotheistic Traditions WF-OB-POREMT
- Religious identity and language WT-DTE-WTR
- Renewable Energy (RES) WB-IS-EO
- Report 3. Using of strategy and forecast WSE-PO-BPS
- Rhetoric of philosophical discourse WF-FI-1123-KOPORW20
- Rights of the person, family and nation in the thought of Primate Stefan Wyszynski WT-DTE-WOPC
- Roman Africa in late antiquity WNHS-AZD-ARz
- Romantics' Bibles WH-KON-BiblRom
- Roots of the Christian Culture WSR-NR-D-KCH
- Sacred art and music as a means of evangelization WT-DTE-WSME
- Safety of primary groups WSR-NR-1-BGP
- Science and Religion WM-MON-NiR
- Science and Religion WM-MON-NiR
- Secularization and religion policy WSE-PO-SPR
- Selected trends in contemporary philosophy of science WF-FI-1123-WOBUCZ20
- Self-Government and Local Politics WSE-OG-PO-SIP
- Seminar: The presence of Antiquity in the 21st century WF-FI-1123-KOBEJ20
- Sexual violence - perpetrators and victims WSR-NR-1-PSS
- Social Ecology and Cultural Neuroscience WF-PS-SECN-ER
- Social friendship and social love (charity) based on selected authorities UKSW-PiM
- Social History of Europe-exercise WSE-OG-EU-HSE
- Social philosophy WS-SO-FSP
- Social psychology WS-SO-PsychSpol
- Social thought of the Church WS-SO-PS-1-KNS
- Sociology of youth WSR-NR-1-SM
- Spiritual formation of family pastoral workers WSR-NR-1-FDP
- Spirituality - selected aspects of Christian life UKSW-DWAZCH
- Stability and sustainability of the european project WSE-PO-E-SUE
- Stress-Related Disorders – Etiology, Symptoms and Management WF-PS-SRD-ER
- Student Self-Government UKSW-SS
- System transition in Central and Eastern Europe - from authoritarian socialism to neoliberal democracy WSE-PO-E-STCE
- Systemic transformation in Central Europe WSE-PO-TSE
- The ABC's of radio workshop WT-DKS-WOA
- The ABC’s of love according to Stefan Cardinal Wyszyński UKSW-ABC
- The art of early modern Europe WNHS-HS-PNE
- The basis of crisis intervention for social services WSE-PS-BoCIfSS
- The Bible and literary tradition WH-KON-BibliTrad
- The Choir of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw CH-UKSW-CH
- The Church and the sacraments in family life WSR-NR-1-KSR
- The dispute over the existence of God. Arguments in favor of theism in contemporary philosophy WF-FI-123-PPSFM-M21
- The dispute over the human. Understanding human nature in the personalism of Dietrich von Hildebrand and John F. Crosbe WF-FI-123-WMSFM-M21
- The Foreign and Security Policy of the EU WSE-PO-E-FSPUE
- The geography of faith WT-DTE-WMGW
- The History of Philosophy WNHS-HS-HF
- The Human Being and the world of values UKSW-CSW
- The human brain: structure, function, disorders and simulation WM-I-ML
- The institution of incardination in canon law WK-S-WM-I
- The Internet and Politics WSE-PO-E-IandP
- The legacy of Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski teaching. WT-DTE-WOD
- The media in the face of exorcism and possession WT-DTE-WOM
- The most important events of the 20th century. People, ideas, culture UKSW-NWXXw
- The Paradigm of Elements in History of Philosophy and Science WF-FI-Ciurlionis-WM
- The Paradigm of Elements in History of Philosophy and Science WF-FI-Ciurlionis-WM
- The philosophy of Boethius and its importance for medieval thought WF-FI-123-WMSFHF-Z21
- The Philosophy of Money WF-FI-WSE-EKO-PIL21
- The pros and cons of secularization. The period from antiquity to revival. A philosophical and historical perspective WF-FI-112-WOMAZAN20
- The Theatre and the Actors in Ancient Rome WP-MON-PO-H-TaAiAR
- Theories and measurement of poverty WSE-OG-PO-TPU
- Theories and measurement of poverty WSE-PO-TPU
- Theories of European Integration WSE-OG-EU-TIE
- Theory of Translation WH-KON-TheoryTrans
- Threats of the modern family WSR-NR-1-ZWR
- Threats to the religious freedom WT-DTE-WO-ZW
- Time Management and Adaptation to Changes CSDZ-ABK-ZCZ
- Totalitarian systems UKSW-UT
- Translation class of philosophical texts: ‘Knowing spirits’ in philosophy of George Berkeley WF-FI-123-TRA-K21
- Translation class of philosophical texts: Alasdair MacIntyre ‘God, philosophy, universities’ WF-FI-123-TRA-C21