History of Art - full-time first-cycle studies (WNHS-HS-N-1)(in Polish: Historia Sztuki - studia I stopnia stacjonarne) | |
first-cycle programmes full-time programmes, 3 years Language: Polish | Jump to: Opis ogólnyHistoria sztuki (II tura - 25 wolnych miejsc) Celem kształcenia na kierunku historia sztuki(I st.) jest zdobycie wiedzy z zakresu rozwoju sztuki europejskiej (w tym polskiej) od starożytności po czasy współczesne, poznania jej specyfiki przedmiotowej oraz metod analizy i interpretacji dzieł sztuki. Na kierunku dostępne są przedmioty do wyboru oraz moduły zajęciowe, umożliwiające pogłębienie zainteresowań w wybranym zakresie (Opis i analiza dzieła sztuki; Sztuka świata), bądź nabycia kwalifikacji nauczycielskich (Dydaktyka historii sztuki). Po ukończeniu studiów absolwent może podjąć pracę w placówkach oświatowych, galeriach wystawienniczych i prowadzących obrót dziełami sztuki, muzeach, współpracować z wydawnictwami branżowymi lub podjąć dalsze kształcenie na studiach II stopnia. |
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Learning outcomes in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences for History of Art first-cycle programme, were approved by the University Senate resolution No 48/2015 of 23rd April 2015. Studies plan and learning programme have been specified in 156/2018 Faculty of of Historical and Social Sciences Council resolution of 14th May 2018.
Course structure diagram:
Abbreviations used in tables: | |
lect - Lectures cl - Classes cw_ter - cw_ter_2 - kon - Conversatorium lek_now - Modern language classes lek - Modern language classes lek_sta - Ancient language classes pr - Practice sem - Seminar | e - examination m - compound record zal - credit zoc - graded credit |
(in Polish) Historia Sztuki I rok | ECTS | lect | cl | cw_ter | cw_ter_2 | kon | lek_now | lek | lek_sta | pr | sem | exam |
Introduction to the methodology of art history | 2 | 30 | zoc | |||||||||
Introduction to the History of Art. Architecture | 2 | 30 | zoc | |||||||||
Introduction to the History of Art. Architecture | 1 | 15 | zoc | |||||||||
An introduction to the history of art. Plastics arts | 2 | 30 | zoc | |||||||||
Introduction to art history: fine arts | 2 | 30 | zoc | |||||||||
Introduction to the history of art. Art Techniques | 2 | 30 | zoc | |||||||||
Introduction to art history: literary sources | 1 | 30 | zoc | |||||||||
Ancient and early Christian art | 4 | 60 | e | |||||||||
Ancient and Early Christian art | 4 | 60 | zoc | |||||||||
The History Architecture of the Middle Ages | 2 | 30 | e | |||||||||
Medieval architecture in Poland | 4 | 60 | zoc | |||||||||
Europe's medieval art | 4 | 60 | e | |||||||||
Medieval art of Poland | 4 | 60 | zoc | |||||||||
Early Christian and medieval iconography | 2 | 30 | e | |||||||||
Early Christian and medieval iconography | 2 | 30 | zoc | |||||||||
Latin language course | 3 | 60 | zoc | |||||||||
Fieldwork - Toruń | 0.5 | 6 | zoc | |||||||||
Fieldwork - Wielkopolska Wschodnia | 0.5 | 6 | 6 | zoc | ||||||||
Lublin - field trip | 0.5 | 6 | zoc | |||||||||
Culture and techniques of study | 1 | 15 | zoc | |||||||||
4 | 60 | zoc | ||||||||||
1 | 6 | 90 | zoc | |||||||||
Academic Polish for foreigners2 | ||||||||||||
Total: | 53.5 | 360 | 315 | 18 | 6 | 15 | 60 | 60 |
1 - To choose 3 of 4 lectures
2 - Obligatory subject only for foreign students ects=6 lect=60h (1-2 sem.)
(in Polish) Historia Sztuki II rok | ECTS | lect | cl | cw_ter | cw_ter_2 | kon | lek_now | lek | lek_sta | pr | sem | exam |
History of European Renaissance and Baroque Architecture | 2 | 30 | e | |||||||||
The architecture of Early Modern Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth | 4 | 60 | zoc | |||||||||
The art of early modern Europe | 4 | 60 | e | |||||||||
The art of early modern Europe | 4 | 60 | zoc | |||||||||
Modern Art of Poland | 4 | 60 | e | |||||||||
Modern Art of Poland | 4 | 60 | zoc | |||||||||
Classicism and romanticism | 2 | 30 | e | |||||||||
Classicism and Romanticism. Classes | 2 | 30 | zoc | |||||||||
Modern iconography | 2 | 30 | e | |||||||||
Modern iconography | 2 | 30 | zoc | |||||||||
The History of Philosophy | 2 | 30 | zoc | |||||||||
Anthropology of art | 2.5 | 30 | zoc | |||||||||
Methodology for academic paper | 4 | 60 | zoc | |||||||||
Latin language course | 3 | 60 | zoc | |||||||||
Intellectual property protection | 1 | 15 | 15 | zoc | ||||||||
Popularization of art and history of art in educational institutions | 2 | 30 | zoc | |||||||||
Fieldwork - Gdańsk | 2 | 18 | zoc | |||||||||
Fieldwork - Małopolska Północna | 0.5 | 6 | zoc | |||||||||
Fieldwork - Pułtusk | 0.5 | 6 | zoc | |||||||||
Fieldwork - Węgrów | 0.5 | 6 | zoc | |||||||||
Fieldwork - Łowicz | 0.5 | 6 | zoc | |||||||||
3 | 30 | zoc | ||||||||||
6 | 60 | e | ||||||||||
Physical education | 0 | 60 | zal | |||||||||
Total: | 57.5 | 315 | 360 | 42 | 45 | 60 | 60 |
(in Polish) Historia Sztuki III rok | ECTS | lect | cl | cw_ter | cw_ter_2 | kon | lek_now | lek | lek_sta | pr | sem | exam |
Modern Art | 4 | 60 | e | |||||||||
Modern Art | 4 | 60 | zoc | |||||||||
The art of the second half of the 20th century | 4 | 60 | e | |||||||||
Architecture of the 19th Century | 2 | 30 | e | |||||||||
Architecture of the 20th -21st century | 2 | 30 | e | |||||||||
History of Decorative Arts | 4 | 60 | e | |||||||||
History of Decorative Arts | 4 | 60 | zoc | |||||||||
Fieldwork - Kraków | 3 | 24 | zoc | |||||||||
Fieldwork - Nałęczów - Kozłówka | 0.5 | 6 | zoc | |||||||||
Fieldwork - Łódź | 0.5 | 6 | zoc | |||||||||
Student internships | 3 | 90 | zal | |||||||||
10 | 60 | e | ||||||||||
6 | 30 | zoc | ||||||||||
8 | 120 | zoc | ||||||||||
1 | 16 | 120 | 120 | m | ||||||||
Total: | 71 | 510 | 240 | 36 | 90 | 60 |
1 - The student chooses the Description and Analysis of Works of Art Module and the History of World Art or the Module of classes preparing for the teaching profession - art history teacher (28 ECTS, 540h)