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Study programmes > All studies > History of Art > History of Art - full-time first-cycle studies

History of Art - full-time first-cycle studies (WNHS-HS-N-1)

(in Polish: Historia Sztuki - studia I stopnia stacjonarne)
first-cycle programmes
full-time programmes, 3 years
Language: Polish

Historia sztuki  (II tura - 25 wolnych miejsc)

Celem kształcenia na kierunku historia sztuki(I st.) jest zdobycie wiedzy z zakresu rozwoju sztuki europejskiej (w tym polskiej) od starożytności po czasy współczesne, poznania jej specyfiki przedmiotowej oraz metod analizy i interpretacji dzieł sztuki. Na kierunku dostępne są przedmioty do wyboru oraz moduły zajęciowe, umożliwiające pogłębienie zainteresowań w wybranym zakresie (Opis i analiza dzieła sztuki; Sztuka świata), bądź nabycia kwalifikacji nauczycielskich (Dydaktyka historii sztuki).

Po ukończeniu studiów absolwent może podjąć pracę w placówkach oświatowych, galeriach wystawienniczych i prowadzących obrót dziełami sztuki, muzeach, współpracować z wydawnictwami branżowymi lub podjąć dalsze kształcenie na studiach II stopnia.

Qualification awarded:

(in Polish) licencjat

Access to further studies:

The possibility of applying for the second-cycle studies and postgraduate studies

Professional status:

not applicable

Teaching standards

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Learning outcomes in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences for History of Art first-cycle programme, were approved by the University Senate resolution No 48/2015 of 23rd April 2015. Studies plan and learning programme have been specified in 156/2018 Faculty of of Historical and Social Sciences Council resolution of 14th May 2018.

Course structure diagram:

Abbreviations used in tables:
lect - Lectures
cl - Classes
cw_ter -
cw_ter_2 -
kon - Conversatorium
lek_now - Modern language classes
lek - Modern language classes
lek_sta - Ancient language classes
pr - Practice
sem - Seminar
e - examination
m - compound record
zal - credit
zoc - graded credit
(in Polish) Historia Sztuki I rokECTSlectclcw_tercw_ter_2konlek_nowleklek_staprsemexam
Introduction to the methodology of art history230zoc
Introduction to the History of Art. Architecture230zoc
Introduction to the History of Art. Architecture115zoc
An introduction to the history of art. Plastics arts230zoc
Introduction to art history: fine arts230zoc
Introduction to the history of art. Art Techniques230zoc
Introduction to art history: literary sources130zoc
Ancient and early Christian art460e
Ancient and Early Christian art460zoc
The History Architecture of the Middle Ages230e
Medieval architecture in Poland460zoc
Europe's medieval art460e
Medieval art of Poland460zoc
Early Christian and medieval iconography230e
Early Christian and medieval iconography230zoc
Latin language course360zoc
Fieldwork - Toruń0.56zoc
Fieldwork - Wielkopolska Wschodnia0.566zoc
Lublin - field trip0.56zoc
Culture and techniques of study 115zoc
Academic Polish for foreigners2

1 - To choose 3 of 4 lectures

2 - Obligatory subject only for foreign students ects=6 lect=60h (1-2 sem.)

(in Polish) Historia Sztuki II rokECTSlectclcw_tercw_ter_2konlek_nowleklek_staprsemexam
History of European Renaissance and Baroque Architecture230e
The architecture of Early Modern Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth460zoc
The art of early modern Europe460e
The art of early modern Europe460zoc
Modern Art of Poland460e
Modern Art of Poland460zoc
Classicism and romanticism230e
Classicism and Romanticism. Classes230zoc
Modern iconography230e
Modern iconography230zoc
The History of Philosophy230zoc
Anthropology of art2.530zoc
Methodology for academic paper460zoc
Latin language course360zoc
Intellectual property protection11515zoc
Popularization of art and history of art in educational institutions230zoc
Fieldwork - Gdańsk218zoc
Fieldwork - Małopolska Północna0.56zoc
Fieldwork - Pułtusk0.56zoc
Fieldwork - Węgrów0.56zoc
Fieldwork - Łowicz0.56zoc
Physical education060zal
(in Polish) Historia Sztuki III rokECTSlectclcw_tercw_ter_2konlek_nowleklek_staprsemexam
Modern Art460e
Modern Art460zoc
The art of the second half of the 20th century460e
Architecture of the 19th Century230e
Architecture of the 20th -21st century230e
History of Decorative Arts460e
History of Decorative Arts460zoc
Fieldwork - Kraków324zoc
Fieldwork - Nałęczów - Kozłówka0.56zoc
Fieldwork - Łódź0.56zoc
Student internships390zal

1 - The student chooses the Description and Analysis of Works of Art Module and the History of World Art or the Module of classes preparing for the teaching profession - art history teacher (28 ECTS, 540h)

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://irk.uksw.edu.pl/