(in Polish) Grupa przedmiotów ogólnouczelnianych - Obszar nauk społecznych (studia II stopnia)
- (in Polish) Corporate Social Responsibility WF-OB-POCSR
- (in Polish) ISO standards in the organisation WF-OB-POISO
- (in Polish) Research methods in anthropology and human ecology. From the field to the lab WF-OB-PORM
- (in Polish) Bezpieczeństwo energetyczne (cel 7) WF-OB-ZR-BE
- (in Polish) Patriotism, Ethnocentrism, Nationalism and Multiculturalism: A tangled web of collective identities and loyalties WF-PS-PENM-ER
- (in Polish) Alternatywne metody rozwiązywania sporów WK-WPK-AS
- (in Polish) Krytyczne myślenie w naukach przyrodniczych WM-FI-ZR-KMwNP
- (in Polish) Konwersatorium pedagogiczne w języku angielskim na poziomie B2+: Multicultural Education WNP-PE-KON-B2+-DS-L
- (in Polish) Konwersatorium pedagogiczne w języku angielskim na poziomie B2+: Deep competences - a call to understand oneself (seminar based on philosophical anthropology) WNP-PE-MP-Z-OGÓN
- (in Polish) Konwersatorium pedagogiczne w języku angielskim - Digital educational suport WNP-PE-OU-2
- (in Polish) Wykład w języku angielskim na poziomie B2+: Virtue and Dialog centered Moral Education. Philosophical references WNP-PE-SL-2021-22
- (in Polish) Administracja publiczna a obywatel dla opornych WP-MON-PO-S-ADaOdP
- (in Polish) Cmentarze i zasady chowania zmarłych WP-MON-PO-S-CiZCHZ
- (in Polish) International Law and Sustainable Development WP-MON-PO-S-ILaSD
- (in Polish) Odpowiedzialność karno-skarbowa oraz czyny zabronione skierowane przeciwko obowiązkom podatkowym WP-MON-PO-S-Oks
- (in Polish) Podatki i opłaty stanowiące dochód gminy WP-MON-PO-S-Piosdg
- (in Polish) Postępowanie podatkowe WP-MON-PO-S-Pp
- (in Polish) Current international relations - from global order to worldwide chaos WS-PO-OG-CIR
- (in Polish) Polska polityka wschodnia WS-PO-OG-PPW
- (in Polish) Research on Local (Community) Development WSE-EK-MON-ROLD
- (in Polish) Filozofia polityki WSE-OG-PO-FP
- (in Polish) Psychologia polityki WSE-OG-PO-PPw
- (in Polish) System transition in Central and Eastern Europe - from authoritarian socialism to neoliberal democracy WSE-PO-STCE
- (in Polish) Wprowadzenie do dyplomacji publicznej i komunikacji WSE-PO-WDPK
- (in Polish) Stereotypy i uprzedzenia w kulturze i społeczeństwie WSE-SO-SiUwKiS
- (in Polish) Procedury aplikacyjne i decyzyjne Unii Europejskiej WSR-NR-2-PAD
- Accessibility of justice in Poland (Objective 16) WF-OB-ZR-SI
- Adoption and the system of foster care WSR-NR-2-APZ
- Air protection in EU law WP-MON-PO-S-OpwpUE
- American Elections WP-MON-PO-S-AE
- Animal psychology WB-BI-PSYCHZ
- Anthropological psychology WF-PS-N-PA
- Banking law WP-MON-PO-S-PB
- Basic course in cybersecurity WM-I-U2-CKP
- Basics of computer forensics WM-I-U2-PIŚ
- Biases in judgment and decision-making WF-PS-BJD-ER
- Biology and ecology of temperate zone bats WB-BI-ZR-BIOEKOL
- Biotechnology and Microbiology for Environmental Sustainability WF-OB-SUMB
- Building a personal brand WF-PS-BPB-ER
- Business Negotiations WP-MON-PO-S-NwB
- Central Europeanism - an outline of the idea WSE-PO-SEZI
- Ceremonial and customs in family WSR-NR-2-OR
- Changes in quality of life and human health: from the past to the present WF-OB-ZR-JZ
- Childbearing choices in contemporary world WF-PS-CCCW-ER
- Coaching workshops WSE-SO-WzC
- Consumption and production in accordance with the principles of sustainable development WF-OB-ZR-ZK
- Contemporary Italy and the Information System WH-F-FW-U2-LICON
- Contemporary Polish Family WSR-NR-2-WRP
- Data Visualization WM-I-U2-WD
- Death in culture and society. Socio-cultural contexts of dying and mourning WSE-SO-ŚKS
- Democratization, democracy promotion and democratic leadership WS-PO-OG-DDPDL
- Digital educational support WNP-PE-DESWO
- Economic and monetary union WP-MON-PO-S-Eamu
- Economic history of Poland WSE-EK-MON-EHP
- Economic Systems WSE-EK-MON-SG
- Education - Morality - Democracy WNP-PE-KONANG-DS
- Education - Morality - Democracy WNP-PE-WOKPST
- Education in Europe: Contemporary Approaches WNP-PE-KANG-PRNS-Z
- Educational Conversatory - Promoting social inclusion: between dream and reality in English Language WNP-PE-KPJA-5
- Effective leadership in the organization WF-PS-ELIO-ER
- Elements of applied artificial intelligence WM-I-U2-ESSI
- Episodic memory WF-PS-EMEM-ER
- Europe in the family: the unity and diversity of European identity from a sociological perspective WSE-SO-EwRII
- Europe in the family: the unity and diversity of European identity from a sociological perspective WSE-SO-ZR-EwR
- Evidence in cases of marriage annulment due to matrimonial consent simulation WK-S-WM-ŚD
- Evolutionary Psychology WF-PS-EP-ER
- Family in European civilization WSR-NR-2-RCE
- Fighting cybercrime WM-I-U2-ZC
- Forms of cooperation of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe WSE-PO-FWS
- Foundation Law WP-MON-PO-S-Pf
- France in the twentieth century international politics WP-MON-PO-S-FXXw
- General Sociology WSR-NR-D-SO2
- Global social processes WS-SO-GPS
- Graphical design in environmental engineering WB-IS-II-11-28
- Health promotion and prevention of its disorders in the family and society WSR-NR-2-PZPZ
- History of American Civilization 1865-2015 WP-MON-PO-S-Hca2
- History of economic ideas and doctrines WSE-EK-MON-HEID
- History of economics thought WSE-OG-PO-HM
- History of Political Institution 17th and 18th c. WSE-OG-HIPW
- History of political institutions in the 19th and 20th centuries WSE-PO-HIP
- Home budget management WSR-NR-2-ZBD
- How to protect yourself and your family on the Internet - a practical course WM-I-U2-JZS
- Human development and values in mythos and logos cultures WF-PS-HDVML-ER
- Human development at different stages of life - main changes and possible forms of support WF-PS-HDDS-ER
- Human internal needs vs. susceptibility to cyber attacks WM-I-U2-PSYCH
- Information protection in cyberspace WM-I-U2-OIWC
- Introduction to Behavioural Ecology of Waterbirds WF-OB-BEPW
- Introduction to data analysis WM-I-U2-WDAD
- Introduction to Public International Law WP-MON-PO-S-Itpil
- Kant's political thought WS-PO-OG-MPK
- Law Aspects of Cybersecurity WM-I-U2-PAC
- Law of commercial company WK-WPK-SH
- Legal Aspects of Energy Management WF-OB-POLAEM
- Lobbying in international relations WP-MON-PO-S-Lwsm
- Logic for humanists WP-MON-PO-S-LdH
- Macropsychology WF-PS-MAC-ER
- Media and political polarization WSE-PO-MIP
- Media and society – persuasion and propaganda WSE-PO-MIS
- Mitigation of climate change and its consequences WF-OB-ZR-KL
- ML: Pandemic syndrome and the need for stimulation WF-PS-N-SPPS
- Monographic lecture: Alternative Dispution Resolution WK-S-WM-P-AS
- Monographic lecture: Law of commercial company WK-S-K-SH
- Multicultural Education WNP-PE-MEDUWO
- National conflicts in Central and Eastern Europe WSE-PO-KNESW
- Neurocognitivistics WB-BI-NKG
- Non-chemical methods of protecting plants against pests and pathogens WF-OB-NMOR
- Paradigmatic stratification in contemporary sociology WSE-R-SO-RPwWS
- Parental mistakes and the formation of personality disorders WF-PS-PMAPD-ER
- Pedagogical seminar in English at B2+ level Climate Change Education WNP-PE-KANG-AKL
- Pedagogical seminar in English at the B2+ level: Climate change education WNP-PE-KON-ANG-AKL-L
- Pedagogical seminar in English at the B2+ level: Digital educational suport WNP-PE-KONW-ANG-JS-1
- Pedagogical seminar in English at the B2+ level: Promoting social inclusion: between dream and reality WNP-PE-KONW-ANG-JS-2
- Pedagogical seminar in English at the B2+ level: Selected issues of youth pedagogy WNP-PE-AKP-Z-OGÓN
- Pedagogical seminar in English at the B2+ level: The entrepreneurship in the context of the flexible employment model. Perspective of learners and employees WNP-PE-KON-B2+-AKP-L
- Pedagogical seminar in English at the B2+ level: The entrepreneurship in the context of the flexible employment model. Perspective of learners and employees WNP-PE-KONW-ANG-AK-L
- Pedagogical seminar in English: Selected problems of modern labour pedagogy WNP-PE-KONANG-AK
- Poilsh Family Law WP-MON-PO-S-Polprr
- Poland in the International Politics (1914-1989) WP-MON-PO-H-PitIP
- Polish politics after 1989 WSE-OG-PO-PP
- Polish politics after 1989 WSE-PO-PP
- Polish Politics in Comparative Perspective WSE-PO-PPWPP
- Political Decission Making WSE-OG-PO-DPO
- Political Decission Making WSE-PO-DPO
- Political ethics WSE-PO-EP
- Population processes in Europe WSE-SO-PPE
- Prehistoric religions and rituals WNHS-AR-PRR
- Preparation of letters in administrative proceedings in the field of environmental protection WF-OB-POPPA
- Project Management WM-IE-ZP
- Promoting social inclusion: between dream and reality WNP-PE-WOKPS
- Protection of monuments WP-MON-PO-S-OchrZ
- Psychological Aspects of Image Building WF-PS-PAIB-ER
- Psychology of self-enhancement: Narcissism, entitlement & overclaiming WF-PS-PSE-ER
- Public debate WSE-OG-PO-DP
- Public debate WSE-PO-DPU
- Quality and food security WF-OB-JAKZ
- Rights of women from the Middle Ages to the 20th century WP-MON-PO-S-PKXXw
- Role of spirituality and religiosity in intra- and interpersonal functioning WF-PS-ROSP-ER
- Science and democracy WF-OB-POSAD
- Selected problems of modern labour pedagogy WNP-PE-SPOM
- Self enhancement: Narcissism and Entitlement WF-PS-SENE-ER
- Social aspects of cybersecurity WM-I-U2-SAC
- Social movements WSE-PO-RS
- Sociology of Family Problems and Social WSR-NR-D-SPR
- Sociology of norms and social control WSR-NR-2-SNK
- Sociology of politics WSE-PO-SP
- Soil Biodiversity, Functions and Ecosystem Services WF-OB-POSB
- Sustainable Development Goals - educational tools WNP-PE-ZR-C
- Sustainable development of enterprises WNP-PE-ZR-Z
- Sustainable development of local communities WSE-SO-ZR-ZRSL
- Sustainable life on land: targets of Goal 15 of Agenda 2030, actions taken and the chances of achieving (Goal 15). WF-OB-ZR-ZL
- Systems of totalitarian states UKSW-UPT
- Tax system in Poland WP-MON-PO-S-SpwP
- The Art of Influencing: Unlocking Leadership Potential WF-PS-AIUL-ER
- The Dark Side of Personality WF-PS-DSP-ER
- The entrepreneurship in the context of the flexible employment model WNP-PE-EFEM
- The pedagogical workshop – Social competencies useful in "flexible work" – the analysis of available empirical data WNP-PE-OU
- The psychology of love WSR-NR-2-PM
- The psychology of love WSR-NR-2-PM
- The psychology of love WSR-NR-2-PM
- The psychology of politics WSE-PO-PSP
- The use of artificial intelligence in psychology WF-PS-UAIP-ER
- Theory of Politics and Theory of State WSE-PO-TPTP
- Traditional, organic or sustainable agriculture – how to eliminate hunger and achieve food security? WF-OB-ZR-ZG