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Study programmes > All studies > Political Sciences > Political Science - full-time first-cycle studies

Political Science - full-time first-cycle studies (WS-PO-N-1)

(in Polish: Politologia - studia I stopnia stacjonarne)
first-cycle programmes
full-time, 3 years
Language: Polish

Program studiów na kierunku politologiana UKSWzapewnia zdobicie umiejętności analitycznych, eksplanacyjnych i koncepualizacyjnych, w szczególności w zakresie związanym  z dyscypliną studiów. Ponad to,program wzbogacony jest o zajęcia z dziedziny nauk humanistycznych. Indywidualizację rozwoju studenta umożliwia wybór modułu specjalizacyjnego oraz praktyki studenckie w wymiarze 120 godzin.

Na kierunku dostępne są moduły specjalizacyjne:

  •  Polityka społeczna i gospodarcza
  •  Polityka międzynarodowa i integracja europejska.

Po ukończeniu studiów absolwent może podjąć pracę w strukturach publicznych i niepublicznych. Między innymi w administracji państwowej, samorządowej, mediach, instytucjach politycznych, think-tankach, ale także do wykonywania innych zawodów wymagających zdolności komunikacyjnych i myślenia abstrakcyjnego niezbędnego w skomplikowanych relacjach politycznych, społecznych i gospodarczych.

Qualification awarded:

(in Polish) licencjat

Access to further studies:

The possibility of applying for the second-cycle studies and postgraduate studies

Professional status:

not applicable

Teaching standards

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Learning outcomes in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences for Political Sciences first-cycle programme, were approved by the University Senate resolution No 71/2014 on 29th May 2014. Studies plan and learning programme have been specified in 156/2018 Faculty of of Historical and Social Sciences Council resolution on 14th May 2018.

Course structure diagram:

Abbreviations used in tables:
lect - Lectures
cw2 - Classes
cl - Classes
kon - Conversatorium
lek_now - Modern language classes
pr - Practice
pr2 -
sem - Seminar
semli - BA Seminar
e - examination
zal - credit
zoc - graded credit
(in Polish) Politologia I rokECTSlectcw2clkonlek_nowprpr2semsemliexam
Culture and techniques of study 115zoc
Theory about the politics and the state230e
Theory about the politics and the state330zoc
History of philosophy230e
The science of law330zoc
Contemporary history230zoc
Introduction to economics230e
Descriptive statistics230zoc
Introduction to social policy230e
Principles of composition of scientific papers115zoc
Social Psychology230zoc
Ranking political events215zoc
Global politics - contemporary challanges115zoc
Logic and methodology of sciences230zoc
Poland's recent political history330e
Poland's recent political history - exercises230zoc
Political geography230e
Economic policy230e
Introduction to Sociology115zoc
Information technology23030zoc
The methodology of social science in social policy430zoc
Polish politics - contemporary challenges115e
Academic Polish for foreigners1

1 - Obligatory subject only for foreign students ects=6 lect=60h (1-2 sem.)

(in Polish) Politologia II rokECTSlectcw2clkonlek_nowprpr2semsemliexam
Intellectual property protection11515zoc
Classic Political Thought330e
Classic political thought330zoc
Introduction to contemporary political systems330e
Introduction to contemporary political systems330zoc
International Political Relations330e
International Political Relations330zoc
European Integration330zoc
Modern political thought230e
Modern political thought230zoc
Contemporary political systems230e
Political system of the Republic of Poland215zoc
Political system of the Republic of Poland215zoc
Parties and party systems230e
Parties and party systems - exercise.215zoc
International cultural relations115zoc
Fundamentals of international law115zoc
Catholic Social Thought230zoc
Research Project315zoc
Research Practice5120120zoc
Physical education060zal

1 - To choose from 1 of 2 modules: Social and Economic Policy, International Policy and European Integration

(in Polish) Politologia III rokECTSlectcw2clkonlek_nowprpr2semsemliexam
Contemporary Political Ideologies315 or 30zoc
Political anthropology015 or 30e
Political system of the EU330zoc
Self-Government and Local Politics330zoc
Political marketing330zoc
Social demography330e
Paper presentation at the conference215zoc
Organisation and management215e
Public administration330e
Bachelor seminar43030zoc
Undergraduate seminar9.53030zoc
Research Practice5120120zoc

1 - To choose from 1 of 2 modules: Social and Economic Policy, International Policy and European Integration

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://irk.uksw.edu.pl/