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Study programmes > All studies > Museology > Museology full-time first-cycle studies

Museology full-time first-cycle studies (WH-MU-1)

(in Polish: Muzeologia - studia I stopnia)
first-cycle programmes
full-time programmes, 3 years
Language: Polish

Celem kształcenia kierunku MUZEOLOGIA, jest zdobycie wiedzy z dziedziny nauk humanistycznych (w szczególności nauk o kulturze i religii) i innych niezbędnych do pracy w muzeach i ośrodkach kultury, z uwzględnieniem metodyki badań w zakresie wybranych zagadnień metodologii kulturoznawstwa, antropologii kultury, sztuki,historii,ochrony zabytków i ochrony przyrody - w zgodności z kategorią zadań instytucji muzealnych, opisanych w art. 2 "Ustawy o muzeach".

Na kierunku, dostępne są moduły Rzeczoznawstwo i rynek sztuki i Zarządzanie kulturą (moduł prowadzony jest wspólnie z kierunkiem kulturoznawstwo).

Po ukończeniu studiów absolwent kierunku MUZEOLOGIA będzie przygotowany do pracy w muzeach, innych instytucjach kultury, parkach narodowych, tematycznych, a także w organach administracji publicznych, odpowiadających za nadzór nad muzeami,w szczególności, na wszystkich stanowiskach, związanych z wykonywaniem ustawowych zadań muzeów, m.in. prowadzeniem działalności edukacyjnej, przygotowywaniem wystaw stałych i czasowych, współpracy z personelem specjalistycznym w zakresie konserwacji muzealiów; współpracy z przedstawicielami służb porządkowych, administracji państwowej, właściwymi w zakresie nadzoru nad bezpieczeństwem zbiorów (w tym - konserwatorskim).

Qualification awarded:

(in Polish) licencjat

Access to further studies:

Teaching standards

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Learning outcomes in terms of knowledge, skills and competences for the field of studies: Museology, full-time programme as approved by the resolution of the UKSW Senate No.124/2015 of 17th September 2015. The study plan and programme were defined by Resolution No. 54/2018 of the Council of the Faculty of Humanities of 14th May 2018.

Course structure diagram:

Abbreviations used in tables:
lect - Lectures
wyk2 - Lectures
cw2 - Classes
cl - Classes
cw_ter -
kon - Conversatorium
lek_now - Modern language classes
pr - Practice
semli - BA Seminar
e - examination
zal - credit
zoc - graded credit
(in Polish) Muzeologia I rokECTSlectwyk2cw2clcw_terkonlek_nowprsemliexam
Introduction to Museology and Museum Studies330e
Introduction to Museology and Museum Studies230zoc
Artistic Culture - Museum Architecture23030zoc
History in a Museum (Introduction to the Research Methodology)23030zoc
History in the museum (introduction to the methods of research)33030e
Artistic Culture - Fine Arts in a Museum (Introduction to the Research Methodology)460zoc
Artistic Culture - Fine Arts in a Museum (Introduction to the Research Methodology)460zoc
Artistic Culture - Fine Arts in a Museum (Introduction to the Research Methodology)230 or 15zoc
Artistic Culture - Decorative Arts in a Museum230e
Artistic Culture - Decorative Arts in a Museum 230zoc
Artistic Culture - Decorative Arts in a Museum 230zoc
Artistic Culture - Design in a Museum 230zoc
Artistic Culture - Design in a Museum 23030zoc
Museum’s Publications and Editorial Work230zoc
Museum Legal System (Intellectual Rights Protection), Rules of Professional Ethics330zoc
History of Polish Culture (Until the 18th Century)330zoc
History of Polish Culture (Until the 18th Century)330e
History of Polish Culture (Until the 18th Century)230zoc
Polish prescriptive linguistic230zoc
Ancient Tradition23030zoc
Biblical Tradition30zoc
Culture and techniques of study 115zoc
Academic Polish for foreigners1

1 - Obligatory subject only for foreign students ects=6 lect=60h (1-2 sem.)

(in Polish) Muzeologia II rokECTSlectwyk2cw2clcw_terkonlek_nowprsemliexam
The history of creating collections and collections (from antiquity to the 19th century)330e
The history of creating collections and collections (from antiquity to the 19th century)230zoc
Ethnography with Elements of Methodology230 or 15zal
Ethnography with Elements of Methodology23030zoc
Archaeology with Elements of Methodology26060 or 30zoc
History of Technology with Elements of Methodology230zal
History of Technology with Elements of Methodology23030zoc
Sociology in the museum (introduction to research methodology)23030zoc
Sociology in the museum (introduction to methodology)230zoc
Natural Sciences at the Museum (Introduction to Research Methodology)330e
Natural Sciences at the Museum (Introduction to Research Methodology)260zoc
Ethics 330zoc
History of Philosophy130zoc
History of Philosophy330zoc
Documentation of objects330zoc
330 or 15zoc
BA Seminar330zal
Intellectual property protection11515zoc
Physical education060zal
(in Polish) Muzeologia III rokECTSlectwyk2cw2clcw_terkonlek_nowprsemliexam
Scientific Activity in a Museum (Working with Archaeological, Ethnographic, Historic, Biographic, Natural and Socially-Sensitive Objects)3030zoc
Scientific Activity in a Museum (Working with Archaeological, Ethnographic, Historic, Biographic, Natural and Socially-Sensitive Objects)30e
Museum Education230zoc
Exhibition Design230e
Exhibition Design30zoc
Museum Management230 or 15zoc
Museum Management330zoc
Digital and Internet Techniques330zoc
Digital and Internet Techniques330e
Expertise, methodology and evaluation of art pieces30zoc
BA Seminar330zal
Scientific Activity in a Museum (Working with Archaeological, Ethnographic, Historic, Biographic, Natural and Socially-Sensitive Objects)30zoc
Scientific Activity in a Museum (Working with Archaeological, Ethnographic, Historic, Biographic, Natural and Socially-Sensitive Objects)3030zoc
Museum Education230zoc
Exhibition Design30zoc
Exhibition Design23030zoc
Museum Management330e
Museum Management230 or 15zoc
Digital and Internet Techniques30zoc
Digital and Internet Techniques30e
Contemporary Italian Culture - Museums, Art and Fashion30zoc
BA Seminar430zoc
Student Internship - Collecting, Expertise and Art Market Specialisation120zal

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://irk.uksw.edu.pl/