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Study programmes > All studies > Theology > Theology - seminary in Ołtarzew

Theology - seminary in Ołtarzew (WT-SOP-N-MGR)

(in Polish: Teologia - studia jednolite magisterskie stacjonarne (seminarium Ołtarzew))
long-cycle programmes
full-time programmes, 6 years
Language: Polish
No description for the programme.

Qualification awarded:

(in Polish) magisterium

Access to further studies:

The possibility of applying for postgraduate and third-cycle studies

Professional status:

The graduate has a thorough knowledge of theology based on the Revelation and patristic sources; is familiar with the basics of the knowledge of humanities, especially philosophy and social sciences covering the canon of theological education . The graduate is prepared for pastoral work and to work in ecclesiastical and secular institutions and centers dealing with prevention and the provision of social, educational, and cultural services. This person is qualified both in knowledge as well as in pedagogical preparation to teach religion in all types of schools under the Agreement between the Polish Episcopal Conference and the Minister of National Education of 03.04.2019 on the professional qualifications required of teachers of religion (Dz. Urz. MEN of 2019.9)§ 1 point 2, § 2, point 1, and Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 25.07.2019 on educational standards in preparation for the teaching profession (Dz. U. of 2019 pos. 1450).

Teaching standards

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Learning outcomes in terms of knowledge, skills and abilities for the field of Theology, master degree approved by Resolution No. 68/2015 of the Senate of the UKSW of 22nd May 2015. The plan of studies and the programme defined by Resolution No. 280-2014 / 2015 of the Council of the Theological Faculty of the UKSW of 28th September 2015.

Course structure diagram:

Abbreviations used in tables:
lect - Lectures
wyk2 - Lectures
wyk_mon - Monographic lecture
cw2 - Classes
cl - Classes
kon - Conversatorium
lek_now - Modern language classes
lek_sta1 - Ancient language classes
lek_sta - Ancient language classes
pr - Practice
prosem - Proseminar
sem - Seminar
sem_mgr - MA Seminar
tra - Translatorium
war - Workshops
wf - Physical education
konf - conference
e - examination
kol - final test
m - compound record
zal - credit
zoc - graded credit
(in Polish) Teologia ogólna 1 semestrECTSlectwyk2wyk_moncw2clkonlek_nowlek_sta1lek_staprprosemsemsem_mgrtrawarwfkonfexam
Church Music115zoc
Introduction to Christianity- Catechism of the Catholic Church360 or 30zoc
Voice Production115zoc
Classes on Church History until 692115zoc
Physical Education015 or 30zal
Classes on Metaphysics115kol
Church History until 692330e
Introduction to Philosophy21515kol
History of Philosophy-Antiquity,330e
Personalism of John Paul II6zoc
Founder's Writings230zoc
liturgy - history and theology115zoc
Biblical History and Geography330kol
Introduction to Theology330kol
Theology of the Body of John Paul II8zoc
Logic315 or 30e
Forum of study prefects: smartphone in the process of evangelization8zal
General Psychology330e
Forum of study prefects: smartphone – a blessing or a curse?8zal
General Introduction to the Bible330kol
General Psychology - personality30kol
Group vocal emission130zoc
(in Polish) Teologia ogólna 2 semestrECTSlectwyk2wyk_moncw2clkonlek_nowlek_sta1lek_staprprosemsemsem_mgrtrawarwfkonfexam
Church History (692-1648)30e
Introduction to Christianity- Catechism of the Catholic Church360kol
Voice Production115 or 30zoc
Classes on Church History 692-1648115zoc
Church Music115kol
Physical Education015zal
History of Philosophy Middle Ages330e
Forum of study prefects2zoc
Classes on Philosophical Anthropology115zoc
Liturgy - history and theology of liturgy230 or 15e
General Methodology of Sciences115e
Religiology - World Religions30kol
Philosophical Anthropology330e
General Methodology of Sciences115zoc
Philosophy of God330e
Basics of Media Education230kol
Developmental Psychology33030kol
The philosophy of the nature330e
Homiletics – public reading15zal
Liturgy – liturgical signs and symbols230 or 15kol
Introduction to Theology30kol
Group vocal emission130zoc
(in Polish) Teologia ogólna 3 semestrECTSlectwyk2wyk_moncw2clkonlek_nowlek_sta1lek_staprprosemsemsem_mgrtrawarwfkonfexam
Physical Education015 or 30zal
Church Music115zoc
History of Philosophy Modern330e
Church History (1648-2010)015zoc
Church History (1648-2010)430e
Greek11515 or 30kol
Fundamental Theology - Revelation; Faith and Christ330e
General Psychology330e
Fundamental Theology - Revelation; Faith and Christ015zal
Forum of study prefects: smartphone in the process of evangelization8zal
General Psychology - personality30kol
General Introduction to the Bible330kol
Forum of study prefects: smartphone – a blessing or a curse?8zal
Group vocal emission130zoc
Founder's Writings230zoc
liturgy - history and theology115zoc
Personalism of John Paul II6zoc
Biblical History and Geography330kol
Theology of the Body of John Paul II8zoc
Logic315 or 30e
(in Polish) Teologia ogólna 4 semestrECTSlectwyk2wyk_moncw2clkonlek_nowlek_sta1lek_staprprosemsemsem_mgrtrawarwfkonfexam
Physical Education015zal
Church Music115kol
Classes on History of Philosophy115zoc
History of philosophy – contemporary directions215kol
The philosophy of the nature330e
Liturgy – liturgical signs and symbols230 or 15kol
Philosophy of God330e
Fundamental Theology - Ecclesiology330e
Basics of Media Education230kol
Homiletics – public reading15zal
Developmental Psychology33030kol
Group vocal emission130zoc
(in Polish) Teologia ogólna 5 semestrECTSlectwyk2wyk_moncw2clkonlek_nowlek_sta1lek_staprprosemsemsem_mgrtrawarwfkonfexam
Liturgics - Sanctification of time115zoc
Church Music115zoc
Canon law-enforcement; and Book of the Code of Canon Law330e
Fundamental Moral Theology330kol
Proseminar Methods of Studying30zal
Theology of the Body of John Paul II8zoc
Dogmatic Theology - Trinity30e
Sociology of Religion230e
The Bible Pentateuch330e
Personalism of John Paul II6zoc
Dogmatic Theology Chrystology30e
Group vocal emission130zoc
The Bible Gospel according to St. John315 or 30e
Catholic Social Teaching15kol
Theology of Spirituality30kol
Theology of Apostolate315 or 30kol
The Bible Classes on the Gospel accorging to St.John115zoc
Forum of study prefects: smartphone – a blessing or a curse?8zal
SAC law and challenges of the XXI century for Church30e
Dogmatic Theology - Eschatology330e
Fundamental Theology - Revelation; Faith and Christ015zal
Patristics - the pre-Nicean period330kol
Catholic social teaching – Family community and Political community215 or 30kol
The Bible-Synoptic Gospels345 or 30e
Fundamental Theology - Revelation; Faith and Christ330e
Catholic social teaching – Family community and Political community015zal
English A130kol
Dogmatic Theology- Creation330e
Holy Scripture – Books of Chronics, Maccabees, Didactical330e
Forum of study prefects: smartphone in the process of evangelization8zal
(in Polish) Teologia ogólna 6 semestrECTSlectwyk2wyk_moncw2clkonlek_nowlek_sta1lek_staprprosemsemsem_mgrtrawarwfkonfexam
Liturgics - Sanctification of time115kol
Fundamental Moral Theology330e
Church Music130 or 15kol
Canon Law: II, III Book of the Code of Canon Law330e
Proseminar Methods of Studying30zal
Dogmatic Theology - Sacraments30e
Catholic Social Teaching Introduction, Man in Society215 or 30e
The Bible Pentateuch15kol
Dogmatic Theology – Sacraments (exercises)115zoc
Forum of study prefects2zoc
The Bible Pentateuch330e
Theology of Spirituality30kol
Liturgy of Hours115zoc
Classes on Liturgics15zal
The Bible-Biblical Theology330e
The Bible-Classes on Synoptic Gospels15zal
Social Doctrine of the Church. Fundamental Issus of Economy015zal
Social Doctrine of the Church. Fundamental Issus of Economy215 or 30kol
The Bible Prophetic Books330e
Group vocal emission130zoc
Dogmatic theology – theological anthropology - Christology30e
Fundamental Theology - Ecclesiology330e
Patristics - Post-Nicean period330e
(in Polish) Teologia ogólna 7 semestrECTSlectwyk2wyk_moncw2clkonlek_nowlek_sta1lek_staprprosemsemsem_mgrtrawarwfkonfexam
Dogmatic Theology – Sacraments (exercises)115zoc
Church Music115zoc
Dogmatic Theology - Sacraments230e
Dogmatic Theology - Eschatology330e
Holy Scripture – Books of Chronics, Maccabees, Didactical330e
Homiletics: preparation of testimonies and retreats145 or 30kol
Catholic social teaching – Family community and Political community015zal
SAC law and challenges of the XXI century for Church30e
The Bible-Synoptic Gospels345 or 30e
Patristics - the pre-Nicean period330kol
Catholic social teaching – Family community and Political community215 or 30kol
Forum of study prefects: smartphone – a blessing or a curse?8zal
Pastoral Theology30kol
Dogmatic Theology- Creation330e
Forum of study prefects: smartphone in the process of evangelization8zal
Group vocal emission130zoc
Canon Law: IV, V Book of the Code of Canon Law330e
Moral Theology-A Christian in the World15zal
Moral Theology A Christian in the World30e
Theology of the Body of John Paul II8zoc
Personalism of John Paul II6zoc
Dogmatic Theology - Trinity30e
The Bible Gospel according to St. John315 or 30e
Canon Law VI, VII, Book Code of Canon Law330e
Homiletics15 or 30zoc
Seminar on dogmatic theology and fundamental73030zoc
Catechetics fundamental330kol
Theology of Apostolate315 or 30kol
The Bible Classes on the Gospel accorging to St.John115zoc
Catholic Social Teaching15kol
Moral Theology-Christians in the Church330e
Theology of Spirituality30kol
Sociology of Religion230e
The Bible Pentateuch330e
Homiletics fundamental215 or 30kol
(in Polish) Teologia ogólna 8 semestrECTSlectwyk2wyk_moncw2clkonlek_nowlek_sta1lek_staprprosemsemsem_mgrtrawarwfkonfexam
Church Music115kol
Moral Theology A Christian in the World30e
Theology of Apostolate230kol
The Bible-Biblical Theology330e
The Bible Prophetic Books330e
Pastoral particular theology215 or 30kol
Moral Theology-A Christian in the World15zal
Canon Law - Matrimony330e
The Bible-Classes on Synoptic Gospels15zal
Group vocal emission130zoc
Homiletics fundamental215 or 30kol
Dogmatic theology – theological anthropology - Christology30e
Social Doctrine of the Church. Fundamental Issus of Economy015zal
Social Doctrine of the Church. Fundamental Issus of Economy215 or 30kol
Patristics - Post-Nicean period330e
Material Catechetics230kol
The Bible Pentateuch330e
Theology of Spirituality30kol
The Bible Catholic Letters330e
Marriage and family spirituality in the teaching of John Paul II30kol
Dogmatic Theology - Sacraments30e
Canon Law Denominational Law330e
Forum of study prefects2zoc
The Bible Pentateuch15kol
Dogmatic Theology – Sacraments (exercises)115zoc
Moral Theology-Christians in the Church330e
Catholic Social Teaching Introduction, Man in Society215 or 30e
(in Polish) Teologia ogólna 9 semestrECTSlectwyk2wyk_moncw2clkonlek_nowlek_sta1lek_staprprosemsemsem_mgrtrawarwfkonfexam
Church Music115zoc
Liturgics - Eucharist330e
Inspections and didactic-catechetical practices30zoc
Personalism of John Paul II6zoc
Information technology13030 or 15zoc
The Bible Classes on the Gospel accorging to St.John115zoc
Methodology of revalidation work with mentaly handicapped people115zoc
Catechetics fundamental330kol
Dogmatic Theology - Trinity30e
The Bible Pentateuch330e
Protection of intellectual property215 or 30zoc
Moral Theology-Christians in the Church330e
Theology of the Body of John Paul II8zoc
The Bible Gospel according to St. John315 or 30e
Canon Law VI, VII, Book Code of Canon Law330e
Seminar on dogmatic theology and fundamental73030zoc
SAC law and challenges of the XXI century for Church30e
Holy Scripture – Books of Chronics, Maccabees, Didactical330e
Forum of study prefects: smartphone – a blessing or a curse?8zal
Pastoral Theology30kol
Dogmatic Theology- Creation330e
Forum of study prefects: smartphone in the process of evangelization8zal
Homiletics: preparation of testimonies and retreats145 or 30kol
Moral Theology A Christian in the World30e
Dogmatic Theology - Eschatology330e
Canon Law: IV, V Book of the Code of Canon Law330e
Moral Theology-A Christian in the World15zal
History of Art and Preservation of Historic Buildings11515e
(in Polish) Teologia ogólna 10 semestrECTSlectwyk2wyk_moncw2clkonlek_nowlek_sta1lek_staprprosemsemsem_mgrtrawarwfkonfexam
Inspections and didactic-catechetical practices30zoc
Material Homiletics230e
Church Music130 or 15kol
The Bible Catholic Letters330e
Marriage and family spirituality in the teaching of John Paul II30kol
Psychological-pedagogical internships240zoc
The Bible Pentateuch330e
Forum of study prefects2zoc
Canon Law Denominational Law330e
Material Catechetics230kol
Moral Theology-Christians in the Church330e
The Bible Pentateuch15kol
Moral Theology A Christian in the World30e
Canon Law - Matrimony330e
Moral Theology-A Christian in the World15zal
The Bible-Biblical Theology330e
Pastoral particular theology215 or 30kol
Dogmatic theology – theological anthropology - Christology30e
The Bible Prophetic Books330e

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://irk.uksw.edu.pl/