Courses at
PhD School
- (in Polish) Seminarium State of the art - 2021 SzD-SEM-ART
- (in Polish) Zagadnienia filozoficzne we współczesnych sporach bioetycznych SzD-FI-FILBIOET
- (in Polish) Digitalizacja jako wyzwanie dla edukacji w cyfrowo zorientowanym świecie: interdyscyplinarny dyskurs naukowo-badawczy SzD-PE-DYG
- (in Polish) Dowodzenie w procesie o orzeczenie nieważności małżeństwa SzD-PK-NIEWMAŁ
- (in Polish) Psychometrics SzD-PS-PSYCHOMETRICS
- (in Polish) Nowoczesne teleskopy optyczne, nowa generacja badań astronomicznych SzD-FIZ-NTO
- Practical theology as applied science SzD-NT-TP
- Academic writing in Psychology - Advanced SzD-PS-WR-I
- Artist as Text. The Art of Metatext SzD-LI-ART
- Close to practice research - concept and implementation SzD-PE-BBP
- Doctoral seminar - biological sciences SzD-NB-SEMDOK
- Ethics in scientific research SzD-EBN
- False memory SzD-PS-FAŁPAM
- Human rights - contemporary challenges SzD-NP-PCz
- Implementation of non - invasive methods in studies of archaeological heritage SzD-AR-METOD
- Latin for lawyer-canonists SzD-PK-ŁPK
- Legal aspects of scientific work SzD-PAPN
- Man in the World of Media SzD-ŚM
- Modern methods of conducting teaching classes SzD-NMP
- Moral antonyms of Erich Fromm SzD-NT-MF
- PhD seminar in the discipline of political science and administration SzD-PA-SEMDOK
- Political transformation in Poland SzD-HS-TRANSPOL
- Research projects - funding and management SzD-PB
- Researcher's workshop SzD-WB
- Secrets of writers' manuscripts SzD-LI-TRE
- Seminar State of the art SzD-SEM-STATEART
- Social communication and media sciences SzD-NKSM-SEMDOK
- State towards innovations - public and legal aspects SzD-NP-INNOW
- Stuntmen of literature: Wojaczek, Stachura, Poświatowska SzD-LI-KASK
- The application of modern techniques in biology to address the hypothesis SzD-NB-MT-ANG
- The Phenomenology of Ethical Actions SzD-FI-FDE
- Theology of women in the context of theological anthropology SzD-NT-TEOKA
- Theoretical and research foundations for the development of adaptive human resources and their social environment: the critical reception of discourse in pedagogical sciences SzD-TPR
- Writing and editing of scientific papers SzD-PRPN