Courses at
Faculty of Christian Philosophy
- Methodology of teaching nature in elementary school 3 WF-PED-METPRZENPSP4
- Methodology of the work of a psychologist teacher in a secondary school and other educational system institutions - exercises WF-PED-DPSPP1
- Methodology of the work of a psychologist teacher in kindergarten and primary school WF-PED-DPSSP
- Methodology of the work of a psychologist teacher in school secondary school and other institutions of the education system - exercises WF-PED-DPSSP1
- Methodology of the work of a psychologist teacher in secondary school and other institutions of the education system WF-PED-DPSPP
- Numinous constructs and their role in intra- and interpersonal functioning WF-PS-NCIF-ER
- Ochrona powietrza WF-P-ZJPJST-OP
- Ochrona powietrza: Monitoring i ocena jakości powietrza w Polsce i Europie WF-P-ZJPJST-OPMP
- Odnawialne źródła energii – podstawy prawne WF-P-ZJPJST-OZEPP
- Odnawialne źródła energii – podstawy prawne WF-P-ZJPJST-OZEPP2
- Podstawy prawne monitoringu środowiska WF-P-ZJPJST-PPMS
- Podstawy prawne monitoringu środowiska WF-P-ZJPJST-PPMS2
- Podstawy prawne ochrony powietrza WF-P-ZJPJST-PPOP
- Podstawy prawne ochrony powietrza WF-P-ZJPJST-PPOP2
- Problemy waloryzacji i parametryzacji zasobów środowiska na przykładzie strategii rozwoju gmin WF-P-ZJPJST-PWG
- Problemy waloryzacji i parametryzacji zasobów środowiska na przykładzie strategii rozwoju gmin WF-P-ZJPJST-PWG2
- Psychology of religiosity and spirituality WF-PS-N-PRiD
- Remembering and forgetting WF-PS-N-PIZA
- Subject methodology of teaching philosophy and ethics in elementary school WF-PED-MPNFiEwSP-CW
- Subject methodology of teaching philosophy and ethics in primary and secondary school - lecture WF-PED-MPNFiEwSPiP-W
- Teacher Apprenticeship: Didactics Philosophy - Secondary School WF-PED-NPZDFSPP
- Teacher Apprenticeship: Ethics Didactics - Elementary School WF-PED-NPZDESP
- Teacher Apprenticeship: Ethics Didactics - Secondary School WF-PED-NPZDESPP
- Teacher Apprenticeship: Psychological and Pedagogical WF-PED-NPZPS-PED
- Techaer's apprenticeships: methodology of psychologist's work - kindergarten and primary school WF-PED-NPZDPSSP
- Techaer's apprenticeships: methodology of psychologist's work - secondary school and other educational system institutions WF-PED-NPZDPSPP
- Voice emission WF-PED-MGŁ