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Study programmes > All studies > Mathematics > Mathematics - full-time second-cycle studies

Mathematics - full-time second-cycle studies (WM-MA-N-2)

(in Polish: Matematyka - studia II stopnia stacjonarne)
second-cycle programmes
full-time programmes, 2 years
Language: Polish

The Master's studies in Computer Science aim to deepen the mathematical knowledge of graduates of the Bachelor's studies, passing on skills and social competencies adequate for the labor market. After their graduation, it is possible to continue education at the doctoral school or work in various branches of the global economy in managerial positions using advanced mathematical tools and requiring creative attitudes.

The following modules/specializations are available: Applications of mathematics, Teaching.

After graduation, a graduate can work in the banking and insurance sector, production management, economic analysis, research and development institutions, and many other similar places.

Qualification awarded:

(in Polish) magisterium

Access to further studies:

the possibility of applying for postgraduate and doctoral studies

Professional status:

A graduate has completed classes preparing to perform a teacher's profession in accordance with the teacher education standards set out in the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education on 25th July 2019 on the standards of education preparing to perform the profession of a teacher (Journal of Laws 2019 item 1450, with later amendments ). He obtained preparation for the practice of a teacher of the subject of Mathematics

Teaching standards

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Learning outcomes in terms of knowledge, skills and competences for the Master degree in mathematics. approved by the Resolution No. 67/2015 of the UKSW Senate of 22 May 2015. Plan of study and syllabus given by the Resolution of the Council of the Faculty of Mathematics – Natural Sciences. College of Science, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University, No. 71/18 of 19 June 2018.

Course structure diagram:

Abbreviations used in tables:
lect - Lectures
cl - Classes
kon - Conversatorium
lab - Laboratory
pr - Practice
sem1 -
e - examination
zoc - graded credit
(in Polish) Matematyka 1 rokECTSlectclkonlabprsem1exam
Theory of measure and integration63030e
Analysis on manifolds53030e
Functional analysis53030e
Scientific seminar with elements of English language on the level B2+330zoc
Probability Theory II5301515e
Intellectual property protection11515zoc
Moduł do wyboru117/27210/12075/60-/45-/6030/-
Academic Polish for foreigners2

1 - Student wybiera 1 z 2 modułów (47 ects): Moduł nauczycielski(17 ECTS; 315h) lub Zastosowanie matematyki(27 ECTS; 285h)

2 - Obligatory subject only for foreign students ects=6 lect=60h (1-2 sem.)

(in Polish) Matematyka 2 rokECTSlectclkonlabprsem1exam
Algebra with elements of Cryptography53030e
Partial Differential Equations53030e
Stochastic processes with application53030e
Nature-Inspired Algorithms53030e
Moduł do wyboru130/22100/90120/6025/-30/-120/60

1 - Student kontynuuje wybrany na I roku moduł: Moduł nauczycielski(30 ECTS; 395h) lub Zastosowanie matematyki(22 ECTS; 270h)

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://irk.uksw.edu.pl/