Psychology of personality WF-ZPS-PB
1. Roots and research traditions in personality psychology. Input of classic psychology
2. Controversies about personality psychology. Lay theories and scientific theories; natural and humanistic approaches to personality interpretation; criteria of scientific theory of personality; applied methods of measurement of personality. Perspectives of analysis of personality theories; a subject and its characteristics. Fundamental strategies of interpretation; dispositional approaches to traits (history- constitutional propositions, theory of Eysenck, Cloninger, Allport)
4. Descriptive approaches to traits (Cattell, Big Five, Wiggins, Leary, a constructivist interpretation); controversies about human traits; situationism as an opposition to theories of traits; answers to controversies - down to the past (Dollard, Miller; Skinner; Lewin); interactional interpretations of traits (Rotter, Bandura, Mischel)
5. A subject created in a process of adaptation- sociobiological approach to personality (Hogan, Millon); the role of a culture - cultural theories of personality; contemporary anaylises on relation "culture- personality"
6. An evolution as a basic way of personality interpretation- psychoanalysis of S.Freud; a subject and a culture- psychoanalysis of C.Jung
7. A culture and needs of a subject - interpretations of Fromm, Sullivan, Horney, Adler. Object- relations theories
8. Development of subject potential - ego psychology of Hartmann, Ericson' psychosocial interpretation of ego development; theories of Loevinger and Buehler
9. An activity- regulatory approach to personality (from beginning- Rubinstein, Leontiev). Propositions of Polish psychologists (Gerstmann, Mądrzycki, Reykowski, Łukaszewski, Obuchowski)
10. An organismic approach to personality (Angyal, Lecky, Maslow, Rogers)
11. A Subject as a lay theorist - G.A.Kelly's interpretation
12. From needs to narrations - personology of Murray, dialogical self of Hermans
13.A subject in process of discovering a "meaning" - an existential approach to personality (Binswanger, May, Frankl, Popielski); a personalistic interpretation of personality- the author proposition
(in Polish) E-Learning
(in Polish) Grupa przedmiotów ogólnouczenianych
Subject level
Learning outcome code/codes
Type of subject
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
EK_1- knows the speciifics of personality psychology and understands the differences between various research traditions
EK_2 - has knowledge on different conceptions and personality theories; is able to differ them and to identify them.
EK_3 - understands the role of biological and socio- cultural determinants of personality
EK_4 - identifies and differs between fundamental methods and techniques of personality exploration; knows their theoretical and application specificity; understands relations of personality theory and its methods
EK_5 - can explain the reasons of different interpretations of personality
EK_6 - uses diverse techniques of measurement of personality, interprets results of tests
EK_7 - confronts and integrates knowledge descending from different sources
EK_8- interprets personality from known approaches to personality
EK_9- is conscious of necessary to respect compatibility between techniques of measurement of personality and social- ethical context of diagnosis
EK_10- is competent to recognize the limitations of possibilities to estimate complexity of human personality
Assessment criteria
The course ends in the form of written exam (30 questions) after the second semester. 26 to 30 correct answers means A; minimum 20 correct answers - B; below 15 answers- unsatisfactory
Primary literature:
Gasiul, H. (2020). Psychologia osobowości. Nurty teorie koncepcje. Warszawa: Diffin. Wydanie 3.
Complementary literature:
Ashcraft, D. (2001). Teorie osobowości. Studia przypadków. Warszawa: PWN.
Gałdowa, A. (red.) (1999). Klasyczne i współczesne koncepcje osobowości. Kraków, UJ.
Hall, C.S., Lindzey, G., Campbell, J.B. (2004). Teorie osobowości. Warszawa: PWN.
Oleś, P. K. (2018). Wprowadzenie do psychologii osobowości. Warszawa: WN Scholar.
Pervin, L.A., John, O.P. (2002). Osobowość. Teoria i badania. Kraków: UJ.
Siek, S. (1983). Wybrane metody badania osobowości. Warszawa, ATK.
Strus, W., Cieciuch, J. (2016). Towards a synthesis of personality, temperament, motivation, emotion and mental health models within the Circumplex of Personality. Journal of Research in Personality, 66, 70- 95.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: