Biological foundations of behavior WF-ZPS-N-BPZ
The aim of the course is to present the biological foundations of human behavior in the light of current research in ethology, sociobiology, psychophysiology and evolutionary psychology, as well as behavioral genetics. The lecture focuses on explaining the biological sources of human nature and the functions of psychological mechanisms, understood as psychological adaptations, solving problems in the field of:
(1) survival (e.g. choice of food, preferences regarding a place of refuge, fighting predators and other threats);
(2) sexual life and reproduction (eg female and male strategies of choosing a partner for a lasting and fleeting relationship, attachment, jealousy of a sexual partner);
(3) parenting (eg, the importance of father and mother for the survival and development of offspring, the ability of children to transform parental care into reproductive success, conflict between parents and offspring);
(4) relationships (eg, Hamilton's law and its implications);
(5) group life (e.g. altruism and helpful behavior, aggression and war).
The exercises are aimed at deepening and detailing the knowledge discussed during the lecture through discussion and analysis of individual issues based on specialist literature on the subject, as well as familiarizing participants with the basic methods of formulating research hypotheses in the field of biological basis of behavior, and their verification in the light of appropriate data sources.
(in Polish) E-Learning
Term 2023/24: (in Polish) E-Learning (pełny kurs) | Term 2021/22: (in Polish) E-Learning (pełny kurs) | Term 2024/25: (in Polish) E-Learning | Term 2019/20: (in Polish) E-Learning (pełny kurs) | Term 2020/21: (in Polish) E-Learning (pełny kurs) | Term 2022/23: (in Polish) E-Learning (pełny kurs) |
(in Polish) Grupa przedmiotów ogólnouczenianych
(in Polish) Opis nakładu pracy studenta w ECTS
Subject level
Learning outcome code/codes
Type of subject
Preliminary Requirements
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
KNOWLEDGE: After completing the course, the student should have knowledge of ethology, sociobiology, psychophysiology, evolutionary psychology and behavioral genetics, enabling him / her to explain the causes of human behavior in the context of psychological adaptations, understood as psychological mechanisms developed in the course of evolution.
SKILLS: After completing the course the student should: be able to objectively assess the cognitive and practical value of the biological basis of mental life; see biological causes of both normal and pathological psychosocial phenomena; know and understand the genesis of biological processes underlying psychological processes and be able to use this knowledge to better explain the causes of human behavior; be able to analyze scientific texts as well as present and explain selected issues in the field of the theory of evolution, ethology, sociobiology, psychophysiology and behavioral genetics in the context of human behavior.
COMPETENCES: After completing the course, the student should accept the multifactorial background of mental life and be aware of its importance; perceive the need for constant updating of knowledge in the field of the biological basis of behavior; be open to cooperation with specialists from other disciplines; strive for a holistic understanding of mental life.
Assessment criteria
The basic assessment method is an exam. Another important component of assessment is attendance and activity during classes.
For an unsatisfactory grade (2):
- the student has mastered less than 60% of the knowledge and skills covered by the curriculum. The answers given by him are incorrect or incomplete, he cannot use his knowledge to explain the causes of specific human behavior and / or psychosocial phenomena;
For a satisfactory grade (3):
- the student has mastered at least 60% of the knowledge and skills included in the curriculum. Uses knowledge with understanding only to a limited extent and is able to use it to explain only some of the causes of human behavior and / or psychosocial phenomena;
For a good grade (4):
- the student operates with the understanding of at least 80% of the knowledge covered by the curriculum. Can use this knowledge to explain the causes of human behavior and / or psychosocial phenomena;
For a very good grade (5):
- the student has, in principle, the full range of knowledge and skills covered by the educational program. He can comprehensively and competently present knowledge of the biological basis of human behavior and correctly use it to explain the genesis and functions of psychophysiological adaptation.
Arzt V., Birmelin I. (2001). Takie jak my. Czy zwierzęta mają świadomość. Warszawa: Bertelsman Media Sp. Zoo.
Buss D. M. (2001). Psychologia ewolucyjna. Gdańsk: GWP.
Buss, D. M. (2014). Zazdrość. Niebezpieczna namiętność. Gdańsk: GWP.
De Catanzaro, D. A. (2003). Motywacje i emocje. Poznań: Zysk i S-ka.
De Waal, F. (2020). Małpy i filozofowie. Skąd pochodzi moralność. Copernicus Center Press.
Diamond, J. (2019). Trzeci szympans. Kraków: Copernicus Center Press.
Dunbar, R. (2019). Człowiek. Biografia. Kraków: Copernicus Center Press.
Dzik, J. (2021). Ewolucja. Twórcza moc selekcji. Warszawa: WUW.
Etcoff N. (2002). Przetrwają najpiękniejsi. Warszawa: Cis; WAB.
Everrett D. L. (2019). Jak powstał język. Historia największego wynalazku ludzkości. Warszawa: Prószyński i S-ka.
Fisher, H. (2016). Anatomia miłości. Nowe spojrzenie. Poznań: Rebis.
Gazzaniga, M. S. (2020). Instynkt świadomości. Jak z mózgu wyłania się umysł? Sopot: Smak słowa.
Goodall J. (2019). Przez dziurkę od klucza. Warszawa: Prószyński i S-ka.
Greszta, E., Jastrzębski, J., Izdebski, Z., Kowalska-Dąbrowska, M., Januszkiewicz, A. (2016). Attachment style, love components and sociosexual orientation of men and women in different types of heterosexual relationships. Polskie Forum Psychologiczne, 21(4), 490-513.
Hammer, D., Copeland, P. (2002). Geny a charakter. Warszawa: CiS.
Jastrzębski, J., Drążdżewska, A., Nazarowicz, M., Przybysz, N. (2016). Rodzaj doświadczanych emocji a zachowania wiążące w romantycznych związkach kobiet I mężczyzn w średniej dorosłości. Fides et Ratio, 28(4), 90-117.
Kalat, J. (2006). Biologiczne podstawy psychologii. Warszawa: PWN.
Łukasik, A., Marzec, M., Jastrzębski, J. (2015). Prekultura – kultura u zwierząt. Fides et Ratio, 24(4), s.145-156.
Marzec, M., Łukasik, A., Jastrzębski, J. (2014). Orientacja socjoseksualna a taktyki utrzymania partnera w związku długotrwały. Fides et Ratio, 20(4), 196-221.
Miller. G. (2004). Umysł w zalotach. Jak wybory seksualne kształtowały naturę człowieka. Poznań: Rebis;
Oniszczenko, W. (2002). Geny i środowisko a zachowanie. Warszawa: PWN.
Oniszczenko, W. (2005). Genetyczne podstawy ludzkich zachowań. Gdańsk: GWP.
Plomin, R. (2020). Matryca. Jak DNA programuje nasze życie. Kraków: Copernicus Center Press.
Plomin, R, DeFries, J. C, McClearn, G. E., McGuffin, P. (2001). Genetyka zachowania. Warszawa: PWN.
Ridley M. (2000). Czerwona królowa. Poznań: Rebis;
Ridley, M. (2001). Genom. Poznań: Rebis
Ryan, F. (2017). Tajemniczy świat genomu ludzkiego. Warszawa: Prószyński i S-ka.
Additional information
Information on level of this course, year of study and semester when the course unit is delivered, types and amount of class hours - can be found in course structure diagrams of apropriate study programmes. This course is related to the following study programmes:
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: