(in Polish) Specjalizacje DO i DK
- (in Polish) Kultura wizualna w dziennikarstwie WT-DKS-P-SPKW
- (in Polish) Organizacja projektów, warsztatów i szkoleń edukacyjno-medialnych WT-DKS-P-SPOP
- Editorial and journalism workshops WT-DKS-P-SPWW
- Architecture of Internet Systems WT-DKS-P-SPAS
- Articles and press interview WT-DKS-P-AWP
- Building relationships with customers and opinion leaders WT-DKS-P-SPB
- Consumer behavior and advertising strategy WT-DKS-P-SPZ
- Creative techniques in media and education WT-DKS-P-SPT
- Crisis management WT-DKS-P-SPC
- Desktop Publishing workshops I WT-DKS-P-SPWD
- Desktop Publishing workshops II WT-DKS-P-SPWD2
- Documentary forms on radio WT-DKS-P-SPFD
- Documentary forms on television WT-DKS-P-SPF
- E-learning and multimedia in education WT-DKS-P-SPE
- Graphic design WT-DKS-P-SPG
- Internet programming WT-DKS-P-SPPI
- Introduction to web design WT-DKS-P-SPA
- Introduction to webmastering WT-DKS-P-SPP
- Language of Advertising WT-DKS-P-SPJ
- Local and regional press WT-DKS-P-SPPL
- Marketing communication on the Internet WT-DKS-P-SPKM
- Materials and texts of PR WT-DKS-P-SPM
- Mobile marketing WT-DKS-P-SPMM
- Multimedia forms on the radio and podcasts WT-DKS-P-SPFM
- Network economy WT-DKS-P-SPS
- New communication WT-DKS-P-SPN
- Organization of Social Media Activities WT-DKS-P-SPO
- Press photography WT-DKS-P-FP
- Product promotion WT-DKS-P-PP
- Reportage art WT-DKS-P-SRE
- Science journalism WT-DKS-P-SPD
- Strategy, planning and measuring effectiveness in PR WT-DKS-P-SPSP
- TV presenter's workshop WT-DKS-P-SPWP
- TV Reporter Workshop I WT-DKS-P-SPWR
- TV Reporter Workshop II WT-DKS-P-SPW
- Word culture I. WT-DKS-P-SPK
- Word culture II. WT-DKS-P-SPK2
- Works of Art in Media and Culture Communication WT-DKS-P-SPDK
- Workshop of TV correspondent and reporter WT-DKS-P-SPWT
- Workshop of TV correspondent and reporter WT-DKS-P-SPWT2