(in Polish) Wykłady monograficzne II stopień ZDK
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- (in Polish) Średniowieczna i nowożytna architektura Czech w kontekście europejskim WNHS-HS-ACZ
- (in Polish) Herby w warsztacie historyka sztuki WNHS-HS-MON7
- (in Polish) Pozawerbalne środki komunikacji w sztuce średniowiecznej WNHS-HS-MON8
- (in Polish) Pozawerbalne środki komunikacji w sztuce średniowiecznej WNHS-HS-MON8
- (in Polish) MON. Rzeźba XIX/XX wieku. Wybrane zagadnienia WNHS-ZDK-M.RZ
- (in Polish) MON. Zakopane przełomu XIX i XX wieku jako narodowa i artystyczna Arkadia: fakty i mit WNHS-ZDK-ZAKOP
- (in Polish) A few thoughs on the art of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania WNHS-ZDK2-GDL
- (in Polish) Synagogue-origins, functions, architecture, iconography and sources WNHS-ZDK2-MON.SO
- Ancient Goddesses WNHS-ZDK-AG
- Art in church. Ideas, inspirations, functions and interpretations WNHS-HS-SKIIFI
- Art in church. Ideas, inspirations, functions and interpretations WNHS-ZDK-OB.SKII
- Borders of archaeology WNHS-AR-BAja
- Clothing, outfits and weapons in an art historian's workshop WNHS-HS-USUWHS
- Collecting and Provenance Research. Selected Issues WNHS-ODKS-CPR
- Early modern architecture in Grand Duchy of Lithuania WNHS-HS-ANWKL
- Florentine painting of the Quattro Century. Selected Issues WNHS-HS-MFDQWZ
- Holocaust Art and Holocaust in Art WNHS-HS-HA
- Miraculous images of Jesus with Mary and Saint Joseph in the modern Polish Commonwealth WNHS-HS-CWJMRZ
- musical instruments in European history and culture WNHS-HS-IMHKE
- musical instruments in European history and culture WNHS-HS-IMHKE
- Prehistoric religions and rituals WNHS-AR-PRR
- Prehistoric religions and rituals WNHS-AR-PRR
- Presenting cultural heritage: Museums in their historical and intellectual context WNHS-ZDK-PCHja
- Sculpture in 20th Century Poland WNHS-ZDK2-M.RZP
- Sculpture of the 19th/20th century. Selected issues - part 1 WNHS-ZDK2-MON.Rcz1
- Sculpture of the 19th/20th century. Selected issues - part 2 WNHS-HS-RZ2
- Signs, animals, plants and their meanings in Jewish religious art. WNHS-ZDK-SAP.M
- The artistic milieu of the twentieth century Zakopane. Selected issues. WNHS-HS-ŚAZ
- The birth of the portrait WNHS-ZDK-M.NP
- The cult of the "Terrestrial Trinity" in the territory of the modern Polish Commonwealth WNHS-HS-KTZ
- The cult of the "Terrestrial Trinity" in the territory of the modern Polish Commonwealth WNHS-ZDK2-MKTZ
- Theory of the origins of Man, culture, language and civilisation WNHS-ZDK-MON.TP
- Underwater Archaeology and Art in Greaco-Roman Egypt WNHS-HS-UAA
- Vilnius - city history and culture WNHS-HS-WHM
- Warsaw, Lodz, Palestine - the art of Polish Jewish artists of the 19th and 20th centuries WNHS-ZDK2-MWLP
- Zakopane at the turn of the 19th and 20th century as national and artistic Arcadia. Facts and myths WNHS-HS-ZAKOP
- Zakopane at the turn of the 19th and 20th century as national and artistic Arcadia. Facts and myths WNHS-HS-ZAKOP