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Study programmes > First-cycle studies > Sociology > Sociology - full-time first-cycle studies

Sociology - full-time first-cycle studies (WS-SO-N-1)

(in Polish: Socjologia - studia I stopnia stacjonarne)
first-cycle programmes
full-time programmes, 3 years
Language: Polish

Qualification awarded:

(in Polish) licencjat

Access to further studies:

The possibility of applying for the second-cycle studies and postgraduate studies

Professional status:

not applicable

Teaching standards

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Learning outcomes in terms of knowledge, skills and competencies for the I-level studies in Sociology approved by the resolution of the UKSW Senate No. 71/2014 of 29 May 2014. Studies plan program approved by resolution of the Council of the Faculty of Historical and Social Sciences of UKSW No. 154/2017 of 15 May 2017 changed by resolution of the Council of the Faculty of Historical and Social Sciences of UKSW No. 157/2018 of 14 May 2018 on establishing the program for I-level studies in Sociology.

Course structure diagram:

Abbreviations used in tables:
lect - Lectures
cl - Classes
kon - Conversatorium
lab - Laboratory
lek_now - Modern language classes
pr - Practice
prosem - Proseminar
sem - Seminar
semli - BA Seminar
e - examination
zal - credit
zoc - graded credit
(in Polish) Socjologia III rokECTSlectclkonlablek_nowprprosemsemsemliexam
Theories of regionalism330e
Contemporary Polish Family330zoc
Sociology of organization330e
Sociology of knowledge330e
Workshops sociological: population processes330zoc
The contemporary Polish society330zoc
Sociology of Politics230e
Sociology of law330e
Diagnostic and interpretive skills330zoc
Sociology of public sphere230zoc
Undergraduate seminar860zoc
Student internships260zoc

1 - Student choose 3 lectures (two in Polish, one in English)

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://irk.uksw.edu.pl/