Courses at
Institute of History of Art
- (in Polish) Rewitalizacja zabytków WS-HS-REWITALIZ
- (in Polish) Digitalizacja dziedzictwa kulturowego WS-MZ-ODKS-DDK
- (in Polish) Seminarium magisterskie - Historia architektury X-XX w. oraz ochrona i konserwacja zabytków w Polsce i na świecie WS-HS-4M-SM-HAOKZ
- (in Polish) Seminarium magisterskie. Wybrane zagadnienia ze sztuki nowożytnej WS-HS-SEM-5-WZSN
- (in Polish) Ekologia krajobrazu - wykład WS-HS-ODKS-EKw
- (in Polish) Seminarium magisterskie. Wybrane zagadnienia ze sztuki nowożytnej WS-HS-SEM-4-WZSN
- (in Polish) Projekty Ochrony Środowiska Naturalnego w Polsce WS-HS-ODKS-POŚNwP
- (in Polish) Wstęp do archeologii I: Metody badawcze w archeologii WS-HS-ODKS-WdAMBcw
- (in Polish) The Aesthetics of the Sublime. Selected Issues WS-HS-TASSI
- (in Polish) Chiny współczesne WS-HS-ODKS-CHW
- (in Polish) Seminarium licencjackie. Wybrane zagadnienia z historii sztuki średniowiecznej WS-HS-SL-WZZHSŚ
- (in Polish) Seminarium magisterskie. Sztuka dawna - idee, inspiracje, funkcje, interpretacje WS-HS-SL-4-SZDIIFI
- (in Polish) Seminarium magisterskie. Sztuka dawna - idee, inspiracje, funkcje, interpretacje WS-HS-SL-5-SZDIIFI
- (in Polish) Seminarium magisterskie. Wybrane zagadnienia z dziejów kultury artystycznej średniowiecznej i staropolskiej WS-HS-SL-4-WZzDKAŚiS
- (in Polish) Seminarium magisterskie. Wybrane zagadnienia z dziejów kultury artystycznej średniowiecznej i staropolskiej WS-HS-SL-5-WZzDKAŚiS
- (in Polish) New trends in presenting cultural history in museums WS-HS-ODKS-NTPC
- (in Polish) Dziedzictwo starożytne i wczesnochrześcijańskie w basenie Morza Śródziemnego WS-HS-ODKS-DSiWwBMŚ
- (in Polish) The Jewish Religious and Secular Art – sources, iconography, selected artists in Poland and Paris – Ecole de Paris WS-HS-TJRSAPP
- (in Polish) Współczesne problemy myśli konserwatorskiej WS-HS-WSPKONm
- A History of Philosophical Systems, Problems and Ideas WS-HS-HSPiIF
- Administrative procedure in environmental protection WS-HS-ODKS-PADS
- Ancient and early Christian art WS-HS-SSW-W
- Ancient and Early Christian Art. Classes. WS-HS-SSW-CW-SZ
- Anthropology of art WS-HS-ASZ
- Architecture of the 19th -21st century WS-HS-A19-21-W
- Architecture of the 19th -21st century WS-HS-A19-21-ĆW
- Art criticism WS-HS-3L-KA
- Art criticism WS-HS-KA-ĆW
- Art in the church - ideas, inspirations, functions, interpretations WS-HS-SZKIIFI
- Art of the second half of the 20th century WS-HS-SZ2POL20W
- Art Techniques WS-HS-ODKS-TA
- Art Techniques - lecture WS-HS-TA-SL
- Artistic doctrines. Antiquity - 19th century WS-HS-DADO19-ĆW
- Bachelor's seminar - Selected issues in modern art WS-HS-ODKS-LICWZSZN
- Bases of the selection of grades of green - exercises WS-HS-ODKiS-1L-PDGZc
- Basic maintenance of gardens and green objectives - lecture WS-HS-ODKiS-PKOiZZ
- Basics of conservation of archaeological heritage, monuments of technology and industry WS-HS-ODKS-PKD
- Basics of museology - exercises WS-HS-ODKS-PMćw
- Basics of provenance research and inventory of monuments WS-HS-ODKS-DHZPI
- Basics of selection green species WS-HS-ODKiS-1L-PDGZ
- Beyond the canon? Selected issues from the history of European sculpture in the 16th-18th centuries WS-HS-PKWZDKE
- Biogeography WS-HS-ODKS-BIOGE
- Classicism, Romanticism WS-HS-SztKlasRomĆw
- Conservation of architecture and ubran planning WS-HS-PKAiU
- Contemporary problems of conservation mean - lecture WS-HS-ODKS-WPMK
- Contemporary problems of conservator mean WS-HS-WPMKON
- Contemporary Visual Culture - lecture WS-HS-N-4M-W-WKW-II
- Cultural Anthropology WS-HS-ODKiŚ-AntrKult
- Decorative Arts - Connoisseurship WS-HS-RARZECZ
- Early Christian and Medieval Iconography - exercises WS-HS-IKONCHiŚRcw
- Early modern European visual art WS-HS-N-2L-C-PNE-II
- Educational Activities in Museums and Cultural Instytutions - exercise WS-HS-ODKS-DZOwIK
- Environmental impact assessment WS-HS-ODKS-OOŚ
- Environmental protection - exercises WS-HS-ODKiS-1L-OS-cw
- History of Art Didactic WS-HS-DHS
- History of art in the 19th, 20th and 21th centuries WS-HS-ODKS-HSP19-21
- History of art in the 19th, 20th and 21th centuries WS-HS-HSZ1921w
- History of art in the 19th, 20th and 21th centuries WS-HS-HSZ1921ćw
- History of Art of the World. The Jewish Art WS-HS-SŻ
- History of Byzantine and post-Byzantine art WS-HS-HSB
- History of Decorative Arts WS-HS-HRZA-W
- History of Decorative Arts WS-HS-HRZA-ĆW
- History of medieval art WS-HS-ODKS-HSŚ
- History of modern art WS-HS-ODKS-HSzNOW
- History of museums and collections WS-HS-HMiK
- History of Renaissance and Baroque Polish Architecture- exercise WS-HS-N-2L-C-ANP-II
- History of World Art. Latin America WS-HS-HSiŚAŁ
- Humanistic dimension of environmental protection WS-HS-ODKS-HWOS
- Intangible cultural heritage - lecture WS-HS-ODKS-NDzK
- Introduction to archeology I. Research methods in archeology WS-HS-ODKS-WAMB
- Introduction to environmental management WS-HS-ODKS-WdZŚ
- Introduction to the history of art - fine arts WS-HS-WdHSP-ĆW
- Introduction to the history of art - fine arts - lecture WS-HS-ODKS-1L-WdHS-w
- Introduction to the history of art - fine arts - lecture WS-HS-WDHSPLAS
- Introduction to the History of Art. Architecture WS-HS-N-1L-C-WA-II
- Introduction to the History of Art. Architecture WS-HS-ODKiS-1L-WdHA
- Introduction to the history of urban planning WS-HS-ODKiS-1L-WdHU
- Introduction to the methodology of the history of art WS-HS-N-1L-K-WdMHS
- Introduction to the protection of cultural goods and the environment WS-HS-ODKS-WdODKiS
- Latin WS-HS-JŁ-KON
- Latin language WS-HS-ODKiS-LJŁ
- Latin language - 1st year WS-HS-JŁ
- Legal and administrative system for monument protection in Poland WS-HS-ODKS-SPiAOZwP
- M.A. thesis Seminar. Art from 19th tod 21st c. - selected issues. WS-HS-4M-SMWZS1921
- M.A. thesis Seminar. Art from 19th tod 21st c. - selected issues. WS-HS-5M-SMWZS1921
- MA Seminary:selected issues of the art history of 19th and 20s century in Poland - Jewish art,Holocaust art, ikonography, museums, provenance research. WS-HS-SL-ZHM19-20-SZ
- Master's seminar. History of architecture. Protection and conservation of monuments WS-HS-5M-SM-HAOKZ
- Medieval art of Europe WS-HS-PŚEU
- Medieval Polish art WS-HS-PLŚRPOL
- Methodics of teaching art history (5) WS-HS-MNHS5
- Methodology of Art History WS-HS-WHSMet
- Methodology of teaching art history (1) WS-HS-MNHS1
- Modern art - classes WS-HS-SNC
- Modern art - lecture WS-HS-SNW
- Modern art in Europe - lecture WS-HS-N-2L-W-PNE-II
- Modern Polish art WS-HS-SNP-W
- Modern Polish art - classes WS-HS-SNP-ĆW
- Musical instruments in the history and culture of Europe WS-HS-IMHKE
- Musicals ( part. 1: instrumentarium) WS-HS-MUZINSTR