Psychology of individual differences 1 WF-PS-N-RI1
Shematic scope of lectures
1. Introduction to the issues of individual differences: possibilities and preferences as a subject of research. The subject of research on the psychology of individual differences. Interindividual differences and intraindividual differences.
2. Basic categories of description in the psychology of individual differences (feature, factor, dimension, type, feature).
3. The nature and structure of intelligence in classical psychometric concepts. Theoretical and practical implications of the dispute over the existence of the "g" factor. The development of intelligence in the light of various psychometric concepts. Factor concepts of intelligence: hierarchical theories (C. Spearman, P.E. Vernon, R.B. Cattell) and theories based on peers (T. Kelley, L.L. Thurstone, J. Guilford).
4. Psychometric diagnosis of intelligence: psychometric and cognitive approach. Intelligence as: adaptive ability, mental property, set of mental processes, the phenomenon measured by intelligence tests. Tests as tools based on a statistical frame of reference, the concept of standardization, ways of presenting test results, types of norms, the Flynn effect, the problem of cultural justice (cultural "purity" or cultural adequacy of tests).
5. Contemporary concepts of the structure of the intellect: The multidimensional concept of intelligence by H. Gardner and the Triarchic theory of R. J. Sternberg (the importance of the cultural context of intelligence, intelligence components, intelligence and information processing automation, intelligence and information processing strategies).
6. The role of intelligence in everyday human functioning (educational and professional achievements, life success, social conditioning of intelligence). The view on the existence of the "g" factor and the problems of diagnosis of intellect and the importance of education in the development of intelligence.
7. The concept of general and special abilities. Selected models of ability: structural-interaction models (J. S. Renzulli, F. Mönks, A. Tannenbaum) and development models (D. Feldman, J. Piaget).
8. The genesis of individual differences in intelligence and abilities: the concept of the heritability index, twin studies and adoption studies, the influence of environmental factors.
9. Other aspects of intelligence: emotional and social intelligence, creative intelligence.
10. Cognitive styles and styles of thinking as the subject of research on the psychology of individual differences. Selected examples of variables used to describe cognitive styles and styles of thinking. The meaning and determinants of cognitive styles and styles of thinking and, the possibility of applying knowledge about cognitive styles in psychological counseling.
11. Outstanding abilities, theories, genetic vs environmental conditions and their relationship with intelligence and personality. Basic aspects of psychological functioning of eminently gifted people. Selected issues of psychological support for extremely gifted people.
12. Difficulties in educating pupils and students. The ability, motivational and emotional aspect. Wisdom as an object of interest in psychology - methods of diagnosis.
13. Interpersonal competences in forming individual differences.
14. Psychology of individual differences compared to other branches of psychology.
1. Introduction, information about requirements, organizational issues.
2. Basic methods of psychology of individual differences: a) in scientific research (factor analysis, correlations, inter-group comparison); b) in individual diagnosis (tests, questionnaires, and rating scales).
3. Ethical and legal aspects of tests’ using and psychological diagnosis.
4. Measurement of fluid intelligence – Raven’s Progressive Matrices – TMS, TMZ.
5. Measurement of fluid intelligence – CFT 20-R.
6. Measurement of fluid intelligence – CFT-3
7. Measurement of crystallized intelligence – the presentation of APIS/APIS-Z(R) battery.
8. Measurement of crystallized intelligence – interindividual analysis of APIS outcomes.
9. Measurement of crystallized intelligence – intraindividual analysis of APIS outcomes.
10. Measurement of crystallized intelligence – “Omniubus” test.
11. Measurement of expressive fluency – TPE.
12. Presentation of TRS (test of word comprehension). TRS-S/TRS-Z.
13. Relations between fluid and crystallized intelligences.
14. Final test.
15. Final test discussion and grading.
Term 2021/22_Z:
The course includes lectures and exercises. During the lectures, students gain knowledge about the theory of general, social and emotional intelligence as well as the concept of cognitive styles and thinking styles. The issue of wisdom as a subject of psychological research and its determinants is also discussed. |
Term 2022/23_Z:
The course includes lectures and exercises. During the lectures, students gain knowledge about the theory of general, social and emotional intelligence as well as the concept of cognitive styles and thinking styles. The issue of wisdom as a subject of psychological research and its determinants is also discussed. During the exercises, they learn about various intelligence tests and learn how to use them for diagnostic purposes. |
Term 2023/24_Z:
The course includes lectures and exercises. During the lectures, students gain knowledge about the theory of general, social and emotional intelligence as well as the concept of cognitive styles and thinking styles. The issue of wisdom as a subject of psychological research and its determinants is also discussed. |
Term 2024/25_Z:
The course includes lectures and exercises. In lectures, students gain knowledge of the theories of general, social and emotional intelligence, as well as the concepts of cognitive styles and thinking styles. The issue of wisdom as a subject of psychological research and its determinants is also discussed. In the exercises, they learn about various intelligence tests and how to use them for diagnostic purposes. |
(in Polish) E-Learning
(in Polish) Grupa przedmiotów ogólnouczenianych
Subject level
Learning outcome code/codes
Type of subject
Preliminary Requirements
Course coordinators
Term 2022/23_Z: | Term 2020/21_Z: | Term 2023/24_Z: | Term 2024/25_Z: | Term 2021/22_Z: |
Learning outcomes
1) Identifies the basic concepts of the structure of the intellect (PS_W07).
2) Characterizes new theories of temperament (PS_W07).
3) Explains the importance of intelligence in human functioning (PS_W04).
4) Distinguishes the basic types of approaches to the diagnosis of intellect and temperament (PS_W08).
5) Knows the basic tests of intelligence and temperament (PS_W05).
6) Understands the ethical and legal aspects of test application (PS_W10).
1) Is able to carry out research with selected intelligence and temperament tests (PS_U01).
2) Can interpret the results (PS_U03).
3) Can integrate the results and diagnose intellect and temperament (PS_U04).
4) Is able to provide feedback on the results of the research
test (PS_U05).
1) I show understanding and tolerance towards diversity (PS_K01).
2) Is aware of the responsibility for the diagnosis and feedback provided PS_K02).
3) Respects and respects the rights of test persons as well as test authors and publishers (PS_K05).
ECTS: 5 points (participation in the lecture: 30; participation in exercises: 30; preparation for the exam: 20; preparation for the colloquium (exercises): 20; reading list: 50; [150: 30 = 5]).
Assessment criteria
Form of crediting the lecture: written test (test).
The pass mark is required to answer more than 50% of the questions correctly.
Conditions necessary to pass the exercises: 1) the number of absences not exceeding three; 2) active participation in classes (unpreparedness for exercises results in a reduction of the grade by 0.5); 3) passing the test.
Practical placement
Gardner, H. (2001). Multiple intelligences. Theory in practice. Poznań: Media Family.
Hampson, S. E., Colman A. M. (2000). Psychology of individual differences. Poznań: Zysk i S-ka Publishing House.
Iskra, J., Klinkosz, W. (2020). Student difficulties: method of measurement and possibilities of help. Warsaw: Difin.
Klinkosz, W. (2003). The academic success of blind and partially sighted students and their personality. Lublin: TN KUL.
Klinkosz, W. (2004). Selected problems of research on extremely gifted people with disabilities. In: A. Sękowski (ed.) The psychology of abilities. Contemporary research directions, pp. 91-112. Warsaw: PWN.
Klinkosz, W. (2010). Intellectual abilities and the motivation of students' achievements. In: A. Sękowski, W. Klinkosz (ed.). Human abilities in terms of modern psychology, pp. 117-138. Lublin: TN KUL.
Klinkosz, W., Iskra, J., Artymiak, M. (2021). Interpersonal Competences of Students, Their Interpersonal Relations, and Emotional Intelligence. Current Issues in Personality Psychology, 9(2), 125–134.
Klinkosz, W., Iskra, J., Dawidowicz, M. (2017).ICQ-R Questionnaire of Interpersonal Competences D. Buhrmester, W. Furman, M.T. Wittenberg and H.T. Reis. Professional Manual. Gdańsk: Psychological and Pedagogical Test Laboratory.
Marszał-Wiśniewska, M., Fajkowska-Stanik, M. (ed.) (2003) Psychology of individual differences. Gdańsk: GWP.
Matczak, A. (1982). Cognitive styles. Warsaw: PWN.
Matczak, A. (1994). Diagnosis of the intellect. Warsaw: Institute of Psychology Publishing House.
Matczak, A. (2000). Cognitive styles. In: J. Strelau (ed.), Psychology: academic textbook. T. 2. Gdańsk: Gdańsk Psychological Publishing House, 761-782.
Matczak, A. On the need to modify the test procedure for ability testing. Psychological Review, 1998, Vol. 41, Z. 1/2, 89-102.
Nęcka, E. (1994). Intelligence and cognitive processes. Krakow: Impuls publishing house.
Nęcka, E. (2000). Intelligence. In: J. Strelau (ed.), Psychology: academic textbook. T. 2. Gdańsk: Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne.
Nęcka, E. (2003). Intelligence. Genesis - Structure - Functions. Gdańsk: GWP.
Nosal, Cz. (1990). Psychological models of the mind. Warsaw: PWN.
Nosal, Cz. (1992). Diagnosis of types of mind. Development and application of Jung's theory. Warsaw: PWN.
Popek, S. (eds.) (1996). Abilities and talents as personality properties of a human being. Lublin: UMCS Publishing House.
Seligman, D. (1995). Almost everything about intelligence. IQ controversy. Warsaw: Polish Scientific Publishers PWN.
Sękowski, A., Klinkosz, W. (eds.) (2010). Human abilities in terms of modern psychology. Lublin: TN KUL.
Sternberg, R. J. (1999). Introduction to Psychology. Warsaw: WSiP.
Strelau, J. (1997). Human intelligence. Warsaw: "Żak" Publishing House.
Strelau, J. (2000 or later reissues). Psychology. Academic textbook (Vol. 1 chapters 6, 12.2, 12.3; Vol. 2 chapters 37-40). Gdańsk: Gdańsk Psychological Publishing House.
Strelau, J. (2002). Psychology of individual differences. Warsaw: Scholar.
1. Anastasi, A., Urbina. S. (1999). Testy psychologiczne (rozdz. 4, 5). Warszawa: Pracownia Testów Psychologicznych PTP.
2. Ciechanowicz, A., Jaworowska, A., Szustrowa, T. (1996). Testy-prawo-praktyka. Warszawa: Pracownia Testów Psychologicznych PTP.
3. Jaworowska, A. (2004). Dostęp do testów psychologicznych i kompetencje zawodowe ich użytkowników. W: J. Brzeziński, M. Toeplitz-Winiewska (red.), Etyczne dylematy psychologii. Warszawa: Academica.
4. Jaworowska, A. (2017). Test Matryc Ravena w wersji dla Zaawansowanych. Polska normalizacja 2016. Podręcznik. Warszawa: Pracownia Testów Psychologicznych PTP.
5. Jaworowska, A., Matczak, A. (2002). Omnibus. Test inteligencji. Podręcznik. Warszawa: Pracownia Testów Psychologicznych PTP.
6. Jaworowska, A., Szustrowa, T. (2000). Podręcznik do Testu Matryc Ravena. Wersja Standard TMS. Formy: Klasyczna, Równoległa, Plus. Polskie standaryzacje. Warszawa: Pracownia Testów Psychologicznych PTP.
7. Matczak, A., Jaworowska, A. (2020). Test Płynności Ekspresyjnej TPE. Podręcznik. Warszawa: Pracownia Testów Psychologicznych PTP.
8. Matczak, A., Jaworowska, A., Ciechanowicz, A., Stańczak, J. (2006). Bateria testów APIS-Z. Podręcznik (wyd. 2). Warszawa: Pracownia Testów Psychologicznych PTP.
9. Matczak, A., Jaworowska, A., Martowska, K. (2012). Test Rozumienia Słów. Wersja Standard. Wersja dla Zaawansowanych TRS-S, TRS-Z. Podręcznik. Warszawa: Pracownia Testów Psychologicznych PTP.
10. Matczak, A., Martowska, K. (2013). Neutralny Kulturowo Test Inteligencji - wersja 3 Raymonda B. Cattella i Alberty K.S. Cattell. Podręcznik. Warszawa: Pracownia Testów Psychologicznych PTP.
11. Matczak, A., Wujcik, R., Stańczak, J., Jaworowska, A., Wrocławska-Warchala, E. (2020). APIS-Z(R). Bateria testów. Wersja zrewidowana. Podręcznik. Warszawa: Pracownia Testów Psychologicznych PTP.
12. Stańczak, J. (2013). Neutralny Kulturowo Test Inteligencji Cattella - wersja 2. Warszawa: Pracownia Testów Psychologicznych PTP.
13. Standardy do testów stosowanych w psychologii i pedagogice. (2007). Gdańsk: GWP.
14. Wytyczne Międzynarodowej Komisji Ds. Testów.
Term 2021/22_Z:
Gardner, H. (2001). Multiple intelligences. Theory in practice. Poznań: Media Family. |
Term 2022/23_Z:
Gardner, H. (2001). Multiple intelligences. Theory in practice. Poznań: Media Family. |
Term 2023/24_Z:
Gardner, H. (2001). Multiple intelligences. Theory in practice. Poznań: Media Family. |
Term 2021/22_Z:
Absence. |
Term 2022/23_Z:
Absence. |
Term 2023/24_Z:
Absence. |
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