(in Polish) Podstawowe problemy subdyscyplin filozofii - do wyboru na I, II lub III roku
- Basic issues of the philosophy of biology WF-FI-123-PPSFP-W21
- Bioethics WF-FI-123-PPSFET-M21
- Epistemological disputes (Epistemology 2) WF-FI-123-PPSFT-K21
- Introduction to French phenomenology WF-FI-123-PPSFK-SK21
- Metaethics WF-FI-123-PPSFET-C21
- Philosophy of language. Language in cognition and communication WF-FI-123-PPSFT-B21
- Philosophy of politics WF-FI-123-PPSFK-G21
- PPSF: "Other" in french philosophy WF-FI-123-PPSFK-SK22
- PPSF: Art and perception WF-FI-1123-PPSFPIE23
- PPSF: Basic problems of the development of science WF-FI-123-PPSFP-WA22
- PPSF: Bayesian mind WF-FI-123-PPSFT-PI22
- PPSF: How words connect with the world? Introduction to the philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein WF-FI-123-PPSFT-P21
- PPSF: Philosophical Angelology WF-FI-1123-PPSFZEM23
- PPSF: Philosophical understanding of truth, goodness and beauty - theoretical and practical dimensions WF-FI-1123-PPSFMA24
- PPSF: Phliosophy of culture WF-FI-123-PPSFK-SO21
- PPSF: Platonic and Aristotelian theory of language WF-FI-1123-PPSFPI24
- PPSF: Social Ethics (Ethics 2) WF-FI-123-PPSFE-R21
- PPSF: The question of universals WF-FI-1123-PPSFPTK23
- PPSF:Logical Semiotics WF-FI-123-PPSF-SEM
- Rationality of religious beliefs WF-FI-123-PPSFEL-T21
- The dispute over the existence of God. Arguments in favor of theism in contemporary philosophy WF-FI-123-PPSFM-M21