Courses at
Faculty of Historical Sciences
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- Selected problems of the history of the People's Republic of Poland WNHS-HI-PHPRL
- Seminar for doctoral students WNHS-R-AR-SEM.DR
- Signs, animals, plants and their meanings in Jewish religious art. WNHS-HS-SAP
- Signs, animals, plants and their meanings in Jewish religious art. WNHS-ZDK-SAP.M
- Social communication WNHS-ZDK2-KS
- Social issues in Royal Prussia (XVI-XVIII c.) WNHS-HI-StosSpolwP
- Social Psychology WNHS-ZDK-PS
- Society in XIX century WNHS-P-GEN-SWW
- Society in XIX century -exercises WNHS-P-GEN-SWC
- Society in XX century WNHS-P-GEN-SWWW
- Socio-political history of the Third Polish Republic WNHS-HI-HSPIIIRP
- Sociology of Local Communities WNHS-ZDK-SSL
- Sociology of opinion polling WNHS-ZDK2-SBOP
- Source material for a regional history WNHS-AZD-ZHR
- source studies and recent historiography WNHS-HI-WMJO
- Spatial planning and revitalization of monuments WNHS-ZDK-PPRZ
- Spatial planning and revitalization of monuments WNHS-AR-OB2PPRZ
- Special topic lectures: At home and at farm WNHS-AR-WMEK1
- Special topic lectures: We go on a hunt WNHS-AR-WMEK2
- Statistcs and historial demography WNHS-HI-SDH
- Student internships WNHS-HS-PS1
- Student internships WNHS-ODKS-PS
- Student internships: detour WNHS-ZDK-PRAK2S
- Student internships: museum or cultural institution WNHS-ZDK-PRAK2RM
- Synagogue - origins, functions, architecture, iconography and sources WNHS-HS-SOF
- System and organization of the State and the Church in Poland XIX - XX WNHS-AZD-UOrgPiK
- The Aesthetics of 20th and 21st century WNHS-HS-ESTET
- The Aesthetics of 20th and 21st century WNHS-HS-ESTETć
- The ancient history universal and Church WNHS-HI-SemLicTK
- The apparatus of power in the People"s Republic of Poland WNHS-AZD-AW
- The Archaeology of the Slavic WNHS-AR-AS
- The Archaeology of the Slavic WNHS-ZDK-ASo
- The Architecture of Benedictine Monasteries in the Modern Period WNHS-HS-AZRB
- The architecture of Early Modern Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth WNHS-HS-ANPć
- The art of early modern Europe WNHS-HS-PNE
- The art of early modern Europe WNHS-HS-PNEć
- The art of islam WNHS-HS-SI
- The art of southern Slavs WNHS-HS-MONO
- The art of the oldest human beings and the problems of its protection, sharing and interpretation WNHS-ZDK-SNIL
- The art of the oldest human beings and the problems of its protection, sharing and interpretation WNHS-AR-SNIL
- The art of the second half of the 20th century WNHS-HS-S2P20W
- The artistic milieu of the twentieth century Zakopane. Selected issues. WNHS-HS-ŚAZ
- The basics of museology WNHS-ODKS-PM
- The birth of the portrait WNHS-HS-NP
- The birth of the portrait WNHS-ZDK-M.NP
- The cult of the "Terrestrial Trinity" in the territory of the modern Polish Commonwealth WNHS-HS-KTZ
- The cult of the "Terrestrial Trinity" in the territory of the modern Polish Commonwealth WNHS-ZDK2-MKTZ
- The Ethnography of Slavs WNHS-ZDK-ES
- The Ethnography of Slavs WNHS-ZDK2-ES
- The Etnography of the Slavs WNHS-AR-ES
- The History Architecture of the Middle Ages WNHS-HS-AŚE
- The history of 19th-21st century art WNHS-ODKS-HS19/21
- The history of 19th-21st century art WNHS-ODKS-HS19/21ć
- The history of archaeological theory WNHS-AR-DMA
- The history of architecture from classicism to the present day in Mazovia WNHS-ODKS-HAKWć
- The history of bibliography WNHS-BIB2-DzBibl
- The History of Book in 19-20th centuries WNHS-HI-DLK
- The History of Book in 19-20th centuries WNHS-BIB2-DLK
- The history of modern art in Europe WNHS-ODKS-HSNE
- The history of modern art in Poland WNHS-ODKS-HSNPć
- The History of Philosophy WNHS-HS-HF
- The History of Philosophy WNHS-ODKS-HF
- The History of Philosophy WNHS-ZDK-HF
- The History of Philosophy WNHS-HI-HisFil
- The History of Philosophy WNHS-AZD-HisFil
- The history of Polish emigration i the 19th and 20 th centuries WNHS-HI-DzWP
- The history of the archives WNHS-AZD-DzArch
- The introducing to archaeology. Research methods WNHS-AR-WAMBć
- The Jewish Art WNHS-HS-SZ
- The Jewish Art in Warsaw, Krakow and Lodz from the 19th century to 1950s. Selected issues. WNHS-HS-TJAWK
- The Knowledge about Historical Weapons WNHS-AR-BH
- The Knowledge about Historical Weapons WNHS-HS-BH
- The legal and administrative protection of monuments in Poland WNHS-ODKS-SPAOZ
- The legal basis for the protection of cultural heritage and the environment WNHS-ZDK-PPOD
- The legal basis for the protection of cultural heritage and the environment WNHS-ODKS-PPODKiŚ
- The market of works of contemporary art WNHS-HS-RSZWS
- The material culture of the Middle Ages and Modern Period WNHS-ZDK-KMŚCN
- The material culture of the Middle Ages and Modern Period WNHS-AR-KMSN
- The medieval history of Poland - exercises WNHS-HI-HŚP
- The monuments of the cultural and natural heritage in Warsaw and the Masovia region, part 1 WNHS-ODKS-ZDKiPWiM
- The political system and organization of the State and the Church in Poland until the 18th century. WNHS-AZD-U-ORG
- The Prehistory of Poland territory II WNHS-ZDK-PZP2
- The protection, presentation and interpretation of tangible and intangible ethnographical monuments WNHS-ZDK-OPI
- The Recent History of Poland - exercises WNHS-HI-ĆHNAJP
- The structure of church communites WNHS-AZD2-UWK
- Theoretical Foundations of Cultural Heritage Management WNHS-ODKS-TPZDK
- Theoretical Foundations of Cultural Heritage Management WNHS-AR-TPZD
- Theoretical foundations of the cultural heritage management WNHS-ZDK-TPZDK
- Theory of the origins of Man, culture, language and civilisation WNHS-ZDK-MON.TP
- Theory of the origins of Man, culture, language and civilisation WNHS-AR-TPCKJ
- thesis WNHS-HI-PDyplic
- To provide the homeland with enlightened citizen. Libraries and reading in building a modern sooiety of the 19th and 20-th centuries WNHS-AZD2-WMstIIJO
- Tomb builldings at the cemeteries of Warsaw WNHS-HS-BGCW
- Translatorium of scientific texts representing archaeology and cultural heritage WNHS-AR-TNTA
- TRanslatorium of scientific texts representing cultural heritage WNHS-ZDK-TNTZDK
- TTraditional methods of documentation artifacts and objects WNHS-AR-TMDZRN
- Undergraduate Seminar WNHS-AR-SL
- Undergraduate Seminar. Protection of the cultural landscape WNHS-ODKS-SL
- Undergraduate Seminar. Selected aspects of the architectural history of the X-XX cetury WNHS-HS-SLWZzHA1020
- Underwater Archaeology and Art in Greaco-Roman Egypt WNHS-HS-UAA
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