Personality psychology 1 WF-PS-N-PO1
1. Roots and research traditions in personality psychology. Input of classic psychology
2. Controversies about personality psychology. Lay theories and scientific theories; natural and humanistic approaches to personality interpretation
3. Criteria of scientific theory of personality; applied methods of measurement of personality. Perspectives of analysis of personality theories
4. A subject and its characteristics. Fundamental strategies of interpretation
5. Dispositional approaches to traits (history- constitutional propositions, theory of Eysenck, Cloninger, Allport)
6. Descriptive approaches to traits (Cattell, Big Five, Wiggins, Leary, a constructivist interpretation)
7. Controversies about human traits; situationism as an opposition to theories of traits
8. Answers to controversies - down to the past (Dollard, Miller; Skinner; Lewin)
9. Interactional interpretations of traits (Rotter, Bandura, Mischel)
10. A subject created in a process of adaptation- sociobiological approach to personality (Hogan, Millon)
11. The role of a culture - cultural theories of personality; contemporary anaylises on relation "culture- personality"
12. An evolution as a basic way of personality interpretation- psychoanalysis of S.Freud
13. A subject and a culture- psychoanalysis of C.Jung
14. A culture and needs of a subject - interpretations of Fromm, Sullivan, Horney, Adler.
15. Object- relations theories
(in Polish) E-Learning
(in Polish) Grupa przedmiotów ogólnouczenianych
Subject level
Learning outcome code/codes
Type of subject
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
EK_1- knows the speciifics of personality psychology and understands the differences between various research traditions
EK_2 - has knowledge on different conceptions and personality theories; is able to differ them and to identify them.
EK_3 - understands the role of biological and socio- cultural determinants of personality
EK_4 - identifies and differs between fundamental methods and techniques of personality exploration; knows their theoretical and application specificity; understands relations of personality theory and its methods
EK_5 - can explain the reasons of different interpretations of personality
EK_6 - uses diverse techniques of measurement of personality, interprets results of tests
EK_7 - confronts and integrates knowledge descending from different sources
EK_8- interprets personality from known approaches to personality
EK_9- is conscious of necessary to respect compatibility between techniques of measurement of personality and social- ethical context of diagnosis
EK_10- is competent to recognize the limitations of possibilities to estimate complexity of human personality
ECTS [1 ECTS= 30 (25) godz.]
Assessment criteria
To pass the first semester the attendence is demanded. The course ends in a form of written exam (30 questions) after the second semester. 26 to 30 correct answers means A; minimum 20 correct answers - B; below 15 answers- unsatisfactory
Gasiul, H. (2012). Psychologia osobowości. Nurty teorie koncepcje. Warszawa: Diffin. Wydanie 2.
Complimentary literature:
Ashcraft, D. (2001). Teorie osobowości. Studia przypadków. Warszawa: PWN.
Gałdowa, A. (red.) (1999). Klasyczne i współczesne koncepcje osobowości. Kraków, UJ.
Hall, C.S., Lindzey, G., Campbell, J.B. (2004). Teorie osobowości. Warszawa: PWN.
Oleś, P. K. (2003). Wprowadzenie do psychologii osobowości. Warszawa: WN Scholar.
Pervin, L.A., John, O.P. (2002). Osobowość. Teoria i badania. Kraków: UJ.
Siek, S. (1983). Wybrane metody badania osobowości. Warszawa, ATK.
Strus, W., Cieciuch, J. (2016). Towards a synthesis of personality, temperament, motivation, emotion and mental health models within the Circumplex of Personality. Journal of Research in Personality, 66, 70- 95.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: