(in Polish) Moduły dla I roku II stopnia Bezpieczeństwa w gospodarce cyfrowej
- Elements of electronic banking WP-BGC-N-2-EBE
- Axiology of public administration WP-BGC-N-2-AAP
- Data Mining WP-BGC-N-2-ED
- E-business WP-BGC-N-2-Eb
- E-services in business and public administration - legal aspects WP-BGC-N-2-EUwBiA
- Industrial information security WP-BGC-N-2-BIP
- Information security in e-society WP-BGC-N-2-ZI
- Introduction to e-services WP-BGC-N-2-WdEu
- Legal basis of electronic services WP-BGC-N-2-PPUP
- Local Communities in Cyberspace WP-BGC-N-2-SLC
- On-line public registers WP-BGC-N-2-RPD
- Preparing a presentation WP-BGC-N-2-PP
- Securing public documents WP-BGC-N-2-ZDP
- Social Media as a form of communication WP-BGC-N-2-MS
- Telecommunication channels of e-services WP-BGC-N-2-TKEU
- The Use of cookies WP-BGC-N-2-WC