(in Polish) Wykłady monograficzne z sub. filozofii - I st. - do wyboru na II lub III roku (nowy program)
- (in Polish) WMSF: O średniowiecznych anarchistach - Joachim z Fiore i Rajmund Lull WF-FI-1123-WMGR23
- (in Polish) WMSF: Filozofia języka WF-FI-1123-WMPIL23
- (in Polish) WMSF: Husserl i Heidegger w kontekście fenomenologii francuskiej WF-FI-1123-WMSKU23B
- (in Polish) WMSF: Heraklit i Parmenides - presokratyków pytanie o tożsamość WF-FI-123-WMFK-GRZ22
- (in Polish) WMSF: W piekle z Dantem, w niebie z Beatrycze czyli rzecz o Boskiej Komedii. WF-FI-123-WMSFK-G21
- (in Polish) WMSF: Logiki temporalne z pierwotnym pojęciem zmiany WF-FI-212-WMSFL-S21
- Basic understanding of culture. Classic approach by M. A. Krąpiec WF-FI-123-WMSFK-SO21
- Ethics and popular literature (crime fiction) WF-FI-123-WMSFET-P21
- From mind to life - contemporary discussion WF-FI-123-WMSFT-P21
- Introduction to decision theory WF-FI-123-WMST-PL21B
- Logic of deductive theories (Metalogic) WF-FI-123-WMSFET-S21
- Medieval Arabic Philosophy and its Influence on the Culture of Latin Europe WF-FI-123-WMSFHF-A21
- ML: The philosophical problems of memory WF-FI-123-WMNF-ZE22
- ML: The transcendental idea: from Immanuel Kant to Robert Brandom WF-FI-123-WMT-PL22
- ML:Ethical Aspects of Language Action WF-FI-212-WME-RO22
- Philosophical aspects of human rights WF-FI-123-WMSFET-M21
- Philosophical foundations of disputes in bioethics WF-FI-OGUN-ME22
- Philosophy about pleasure WF-FI-123-WMSFHF-P21
- Philosophy anf Literature WF-FI-123-WMST-PL21A
- The dispute over the human. Understanding human nature in the personalism of Dietrich von Hildebrand and John F. Crosbe WF-FI-123-WMSFM-M21
- The philosophy of Boethius and its importance for medieval thought WF-FI-123-WMSFHF-Z21
- WMSF: French Phenomenology - Selected Issues WF-FI-1123-WMSKU23A
- WMSF: Introduction to The Eclipse of Darwinism WF-FI-1123-WMWAG23
- WMSF: Just War Theory. Classic and revisionist version WF-FI-123-WMET-CE22
- WMSF: Man's Dying and Death - Philosophical Aspects WF-FI-1123-WMMEL23
- WMSF: Philosophy of Thomas Aquinas WF-FI-123-WMHF-AND22
- WMSF: Science and Religion: Coexistence - Conflict - Complementarity WF-FI-123-WMFP-SW22