(in Polish) Konwersatoria filozoficzne - rok 2 stopień I (tzw. stary program)
- (in Polish) K: Powrót czy zanik religii? Interpretacje filozoficzne WF-FI-1123-KFBAL20
- (in Polish) K: Wybrane problemy filozofii medycyny WF-FI-1123-KFLAT20B
- (in Polish) K: Blaski i cienie sekularyzacji. Okres od XVI do XXI wieku. Ujęcie filozoficzno-historyczne WF-FI-1123-KFMAZ20b
- (in Polish) K: Irrational beliefs WF-FI-1123-KFPIEK201
- (in Polish) K: Introduction to the philosophy of cognitive science WF-FI-1123-KFPIEK202
- (in Polish) KF: Etyka i dobre życie WF-FI-123-KFE-RO22
- (in Polish) KF: Ontologia dzieła sztuki R. Ingardena a gry komputerowe WF-FI-123-KFFIL23
- (in Polish) KF: Filozofia średniowieczna WF-FI-123-KFHF-ZE22
- (in Polish) K: Konwersatorium filozoficzne z logiki: Elementy teorii mnogościi WF-FI-123-KFL-P21
- (in Polish) KF: Dialogi filozofa z ChatGPT. Narzędzia, korzyści i ograniczenia WF-FI-123-KFPIL23
- (in Polish) Konwersatorium filozoficzne z etyki: Czy różnimy się zawsze pięknie? Etyka wobec współczesnych sporów o wartości ( wojny plemienne) WF-FI-123-KONET-P21
- (in Polish) KF: Filozofia szkoły lwowsko-warszawskiej WF-FI-123-KONFL-FI22
- Atheists spirituality WF-FI-1123-KFSKU20
- Basic problems of philosophy (metaphilosophy, metaphisics, epistemology, philosophy of language) WF-FI-1123-KFKRO20
- Concept and understanding the world WF-FI-1123-KFPDPIL2
- Contemporary Philosophy of God and Religion WF-FI-12-KONSKU
- Contemporary philosophy of God and religion WF-FI-123-KFSKU20
- Discussion of Infinity WF-FI-1123-KFLEM203
- Ethics and humanities WF-FI-1123-KFPODR20
- Evolution or creation? WF-FI-1123-KFLEM201
- Foundations of theory of argumentation WF-FI-1123-KFPORW20
- Human freedom and dignity in contemporary bioethical disputes WF-FI-1123-KFPDKOB1
- Idea of self-knowledge WF-FI-1123-KFPDPIL1
- KF: A modern version of the classic concept of truth WF-FI-123-KFPOR23
- Laws of nature WF-FI-1123-KFLEM202
- Philosophical conception of man WF-FI-21-KFPLOT20
- Philosophical models of life in antiquity and the Middle Ages WF-FI-1123-KFZEMB202
- Philosophical radio workshops WF-FI-12-KONFWR
- Philosophical radio workshops WF-FI-12-KONFWR
- Philosophy or art of wisdom and way of life WF-FI-1123-KFPDSOC1
- Rationality of beliefs WF-FI-1123-KFPDTOM1
- Rationality of religious beliefs WF-FI-1123-KFPDTOM2
- Selected issues in philosophy of science WF-FI-12-KONBUCZ19
- Selected trends in contemporary philosophy of science WF-FI-1123-KFBUCZ20
- Seminar: Great questions and great answers from ancient and medieval philosophy WF-FI-123-KONZEMB20
- Seminar: Metalogic WF-FI-12-KOMM
- Seminar: Workshop on writing reviews WF-FI-1123-WPRT-PIEK
- The concept of biological information WF-FI-1123-KFLAT20
- The pros and cons of secularization. The period from antiquity to revival. A philosophical and historical perspective WF-FI-1123-KFMAZ20