(in Polish) Język w katechezie WT-FWD-K-JWK
1. Linguistic nature of man - "homo loquens".
2. The essence of the language. Is there a religious language?
3. The types of religious experience language: the language of symbolic rites language, the language analogy, theological language, the language of the narrative.
4. Changes in theology and language, for example, narrative theology.
5. Types of language in Scripture: the language of the parable, the language of narrative, historical narrative language, the language of poetry, language sapiencjalny, prophetic language, the language of analogy like.
6. Which language for catechesis?
7. multitude of languages spoken in catechesis.
8. everyday language and religious language?
9. Ability to read texts ewangelijnych
10. The multiplicity of languages and the need to respect the biblical language hermeneutical principles.
11. Language of the Apostles' Creed
12. Language and dogmatic theology and catechesis
13. Suggestions regarding the language catechetical
14. The study of language catechetical documents: Programs, catechisms, manuals to teach religion, catechetical.
15. The language in religious journalism - an analysis of specific cases.
(in Polish) E-Learning
(in Polish) Grupa przedmiotów ogólnouczenianych
(in Polish) Punkty ECTS
Learning outcome code/codes
Type of subject
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Upon completion of the course the student
within the knowledge of:
EK 1: known types of relationships between language and catechesis. Lists the types of language in Scripture. It is characterized by various types of religious language. Describes the effect of language on the effectiveness of catechesis.
EK 2: skills:
examines the nature of language, including religious language. Compares the types of biblical language. Draw up a description of the function of biblical languages. Derives conclusions from the nature of religious language for catechesis. It proves that symbolic language is the most appropriate for the catechesis.
EK 3: competence
Description of credits:
participated in the lecture: 30 hours.
the student's own work: 20 hours.
consultation with the lecturer: 10 hours.
Total: 60 hours. = 3 ECTS
Assessment criteria
EK No. 1 referred to as "know the basic types of religious language"
The assessment of:
Insufficient (2) does not know the basic functions of language, including religious language
Sufficient (3): knows basic types and functions of language
Goods (4) distinguishes between types of religious language, the Bible, and is able to identify their functions and use in catechesis
Very good (5) able to define the religious language. He knows the kinds of languages that exist in the Bible and describe their functions. Can refer to types of biblical languages catechesis.
EK No. 2 referred to as "able to assess the usefulness of the language in catechesis"
to assess:
Insufficient (2) does not know the usefulness of the language in catechesis
Sufficient (3) know the usefulness of the language in catechesis, with an indication of its basic functions
Goods (4) is able to identify the types of religious language, including the Bible, and relate them to the catechesis
Very good (5): use of religious knowledge to build a model of catechesis
EK No. 3 referred to as "recognizes the need to consider issues of language in the creation and running of catechesis"
to assess:
Insufficient (2) can not see the need to include language in catechesis
Sufficient (3): is aware of the importance and significance of language in catechesis. Is able to identify basic types of religious language
Goods (4) is aware of the need to respect the religious language in catechesis, with an indication of the most appropriate type.
Very good (5): catechesis can build it using the most appropriate kind of language, depending on the recipient.
Verification method of learning outcomes: Exam
The prerequisite is to achieve all the established learning outcomes. The price of the object determines the positive number of points obtained from:
- Exam: sufficient - sufficient+ - 50-60%, goods-goods+ - 60-85%, very good - 85-100%
- Attendance: sufficient - 60%; goods - 60-95%; very good- 95-100%
Teaching methods: Lecture problem, debate, discussion, case studies.
Basic literature
- Język katechezy, red. R. Przybylska, W. Przyczyna, Tarnów 2008
- Język religijny dawniej i dziś, red. S. Mikołajczak, T. Węcławski, Poznań 2004.
- Narracyjny wymiar edukacji chrześcijańskiej, red. A. Królikowska, Kraków 2012.
Supplementing literature:
- K. Misiaszek, Język w katechezie, "Seminare" t. 17, 2001, s. 47-57
- C. Molari, Il linguaggio della catechesi. Problemi e prospettive, Roma 1987;
- S. Lanza, La narrazione in catechesi, Roma 1985;
- O języku religijnym. Zagadnienia wybrane, red. M. Karpluk, J. Sambor, Lublin 1988.
- Język a chrześcijaństwo, red. I. Bajerowa, M. Karpluk, Z. Leszczyński, Lublin 1993.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: