Polish international economic relations WP-SM-MSGP(p)-ćw
1. Poland's trade and trade policy and its changes in the context of European integration.
2. Competitiveness of the Polish economy against major trading partners.
3. The prospect of Poland adopting the euro - advantages and disadvantages.
4. Polish balance of payments
5. Poland's membership in international organizations.
6. Poland's activities in international organizations and the effects of these activities on the economic and economic situation in the country.
7. Poland's membership in the European Union.
8. International trade in production factors.
9. Tax havens - effects on the fiscal policy and the economic and economic situation in the country, as well as the activities of the Polish authorities aimed at preventing the use of tax havens.
10. Poland's economic relations with Great Britain, including Brexit.
11. Poland's economic relations with the USA.
12. Poland's economic relations with Russia.
13. Poland's economic relations with Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.
14. Poland's economic relations with France and Germany.
15. Poland's economic relations with China.
(in Polish) E-Learning
(in Polish) Grupa przedmiotów ogólnouczenianych
Subject level
Learning outcome code/codes
Type of subject
Course coordinators
Term 2020/21_Z: | Term 2019/20_Z: | Term 2021/22_Z: |
Learning outcomes
SM2_W04: The student in-depth knows and understands selected facts, theories, methods and complex relationships between them related to international economic relations of Poland, also in connection with other fields, various complex conditions, axiological context of international economic relations of Poland.
SM2_W05; The student has an in-depth knowledge and understanding of selected facts, objects and phenomena, as well as their methods and theories explaining the complex relationships between them, constituting advanced knowledge in political science, ordered and theoretically founded, covering key issues and selected issues in the field of advanced political science knowledge appropriate for international economic relations Poland, and due to the practical profile of the field of study - also practical applications of this knowledge in professional activities related to the field of international relations.
SM2_W06; The student knows and understands the fundamental dilemmas of contemporary civilization, the ethical determinants of various types of professional activity related to international relations, in particular with international economic relations of Poland.
SM2_U07; The student is able to perform tasks and formulate and solve political science problems in the field of international relations with the use of new political science knowledge in the field of international economic relations of Poland, also in other fields, independently plan his own lifelong learning and direct others in this field, communicate with diverse circles recipients, adequately justify their positions.
SM2_U08: use the knowledge of political science in the field of international relations - formulate and solve complex and unusual political science problems in the field of international relations and perform tasks in an innovative way in unpredictable conditions by: - proper selection of sources and information derived from them, evaluation, critical analysis, synthesis, creative interpretation and presentation of this information, - selection and use of appropriate methods and tools, including advanced information and communication techniques, - adaptation of existing or development of new methods and tools.
SM2_U09: The student is able to use his political science knowledge - to formulate and solve problems and perform tasks typical for professional activities related to the field of study - in the case of international relations with a practical profile; formulate and test hypotheses related to simple implementation problems - in the case of international relations with a practical profile.
SM2_U10; The student is able to communicate on specialist topics related to political science in the field of international relations with diverse audiences, conduct a debate, use a foreign language at the B2 + level of the European Language Education Description System and specialist terminology.
SM2_U11; The student is able to manage the work of a team of political scientists, interact with other people as part of these team works and take a leading role in the teams.
SM2_U12; The student is able to independently plan and implement his own learning in the field of political science related to international relations throughout his life and direct others in this area.
SM2_K05; The student is ready to create and develop models of proper conduct in the political science environment and in life, taking initiatives, critically assessing himself and the teams and organizations in which he participates, leading the group and taking responsibility for it.
SM2_K06; The student is ready to critically assess his knowledge and the content received, recognize the importance of political science knowledge in solving cognitive and practical problems, and consult experts in the event of difficulties in solving the problem on his own.
SM2_K07; The student is ready to fulfill social obligations, inspire and organize activities for the social environment, initiate activities for the public interest, think and act in an entrepreneurial manner.
SM2_K08; The student is ready to responsibly fulfill professional political roles, taking into account the changing social needs, including: - developing the achievements of the profession, - maintaining the ethos of the profession, - observing and developing the principles of professional ethics and acting to comply with these principles.
Description of ECTS
exercises 15 h
reading literature 15h
preparation for classes 15h
preparation for the exam 10h
consultation 5h
60h / 30 = 3 ECTS
Assessment criteria
In the winter semester of the 2020/2021 academic year
classes are conducted in the form of synchronous contact (using the MS Teams tool) with the support of asynchronous contact (using the Moodle Platform). Students use the materials for classes posted on the Moodle Platform. The code for the classes was posted on the Moodle Platform, and also sent to Students via e-mail to the e-mail addresses provided in the USOS system.
access https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3af7c8ff68e0f24163893ceee5a6d7a2f1%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=59852cca-2609-49d1-93bf-660d516fa33b&tenantId=12578430-c51b-4816-8163-c7281035b9b3
Assessment takes place through a test posted on the Moodle platform.
Practical placement
Basic literature
1. E. Jantoń - Drozdowska, Międzynarodowe stosunki gospodarcze, Poznań 2009
2. R. Oktaba, Międzynarodowe stosunki gospodarcze, Warszawa 2013
Additional literature:
1. E. Skawińska, P. Kułyk, A. Niewiadomska, Międzynarodowe stosunki gospodarcze w XXI wieku, Warszawa 2018
2. I. Pawlas, Powiązania gospodarcze między Polską i Wielką Brytanią w kontekście Brexitu [w:] Studia Ekonomiczne. Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Katowicach, Nr 319, 2017 r.
3. P. Bożyk, Stosunki gospodarcze Polska - Rosja w warunkach integracji z Unią Europejską, Warszawa 2001
4. J. M. Fiszera (red.), Polska w Unii Europejskiej. Aspekty polityczne, międzynarodowe, społeczno-gospodarcze i wojskowe, Warszawa 2010
5. P. Kalka, Stosunki gospodarcze między Polską a Niemcami 20 lat po zjednoczeniu, Poznań 2012
Materials sent by the teacher.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: