Uniform law of international sale WP-PR-MON-JPSM
The lecture is devoted to the issues of uniform international sales law, with particular emphasis on the provisions of the United Nations Convention of 11.IV.1980 on contracts for the international sale of goods. It will be discussed, in particular, the circumstances of adopting the convention, the conditions and scope of its application, methods of filling gaps and seeking applicable law in matters not covered by it, which remain, however, in connection with the issue of international sales, the mode of concluding of the contract with liability for culpa in contrahendo , rights and obligations of the parties to the concluded contract and liability for breach of contract, with particular emphasis on the non-compliance of the goods with the contract.
(in Polish) E-Learning
(in Polish) Grupa przedmiotów ogólnouczenianych
Subject level
Learning outcome code/codes
Type of subject
Term 2024/25_Z: obligatory | Term 2019/20_Z: optional with unlimited choices | Term 2020/21_Z: optional with unlimited choices | Term 2022/23_Z: obligatory | Term 2021/22_Z: obligatory |
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
After completing the course and confirming the achievement of learning outcomes, the student:
for EK1 - knows and understands the sources and nature of legal norms applicable to contracts for the international sale of goods in historical and contemporary terms
for EK2 - knows and understands the process of shaping the standards and legal institutions applicable to contracts for the international sale of goods
for EK3 - knows and understands the structure, method of formation and operation of legal institutions, as well as the relations between these institutions in relation to
to legal relations in the field of international sale of goods
for EK4 - has in-depth knowledge of the classification of legal systems and relations in terms of the international sale of goods law, identifying relationships between them and knows information technologies
and search systems for obtaining information about them
for EK5 - knows and understands methods and tools, including information technologies, for creating standards in the field of international sale of goods law.
hours of classes (according to the study plan) with the teacher on the e-learning platform - 30 h
- student's own work - 30 h
- preparation of the final work or preparation for the exam - 30h
ECTS = 4
Assessment criteria
The subject ends with an oral exam or a written work verifying the level of achievement of the assumed learning outcomes.
Rating ndst. receives a student who:
- does not know and does not understand the sources and nature of legal norms applicable to contracts for the international sale of goods in the historical and contemporary aspect
- does not know and does not understand the process of shaping the standards and legal institutions applicable to contracts for the international sale of goods
- does not know and does not understand the structure, method of formation and operation of legal institutions, as well as the relations between these institutions in relation to
to legal relations in the field of international sale of goods;
- does not have in-depth knowledge of the classification of legal systems and relations in terms of the international sale of goods law, identifying relationships between them and does not know information technologies and search systems for obtaining information about them
- does not know and understand the methods and tools, including information technologies, for creating standards in the field of international sale of goods law.
Assessment of dst. receives a student who:
- basically knows and understands the sources and nature of legal norms applicable to contracts for the international sale of goods in historical and contemporary terms
- has a satisfactory knowledge and understanding of the process of shaping the norms and legal institutions applicable to contracts for the international sale of goods
- basically knows and understands the structure, method of formation and operation of legal institutions, as well as the relations between these institutions in relation to legal relations in the field of international sale of goods
- has satisfactorily expanded his knowledge of the classification of legal systems and relations in terms of the international sale of goods law, identifying the relationship between them, and knows information technologies and search systems for obtaining information about them
- basically knows and understands methods and tools, including information technologies, for creating standards in the field of international sale of goods law.
The db grade is awarded to a student who:
- knows and understands the sources and nature of legal norms applicable to contracts for the international sale of goods in a historical and contemporary aspect
- knows well and understands the process of shaping standards and legal institutions applicable to contracts for the international sale of goods
- knows well and understands the structure, method of formation and operation of legal institutions, as well as the relations between these institutions in relation to legal relations in the field of international sale of goods
- to a good degree deepened the knowledge of the classification of legal systems and relations in the aspect of the international sale of goods law, identifying the relationships between them, and knows information technologies and search systems for obtaining information about them
- knows and understands the methods and tools, including information technologies, for creating standards in the field of international sale of goods law.
The very good grade is awarded to a student who:
-he knows very well and understands the sources and nature of legal norms applicable to contracts for the international sale of goods in historical and contemporary terms
- knows very well and understands the process of shaping the norms and legal institutions applicable to contracts for the international sale of goods
- knows and understands very well the structure, method of formation and operation of legal institutions, as well as the relations between these institutions in relation to legal relations in the field of international sale of goods
- deepened his knowledge of the classification of legal systems and relations in terms of the international sale of goods law, identifying relationships between them, and knows information technologies and search systems used to obtain information about them
- knows very well and understands methods and tools, including information technologies, for creating standards in the field of international sale of goods law.
1. Basic literature:
• Hermanowski J., J. D. Jastrzębski, Konwencja Narodów Zjednoczonych o umowach międzynarodowej sprzedaży towarów. Konwencja Wiedeńska. Komentarz, Warszawa 1997.
• Kaczorowska A., Jednolitość wykładni przepisów konwencji wiedeńskiej z 1980 r., PiP 1992, nr 10.
• Kocot W., Zawieranie umów sprzedaży według Konwencji Wiedeńskiej, Warszawa 1998.
• Kubala W., Czynności poprzedzające zawarcie kontraktu według Konwencji Wiedeńskiej z 1980 r., Prawo Spółek lipiec – sierpień 1999.
• Napierała J., Źródła praw i obowiązków stron umowy międzynarodowej sprzedaży towarów, RPEiS 1996, z. 4.
• Napierała J., Odpowiedzialność eksportera i importera za naruszenie umowy międzynarodowej sprzedaży towarów, Warszawa 1998.
• Pazdan M., Odgraniczenie umowy sprzedaży od umów o świadczenie usług na tle Konwencji Wiedeńskiej o międzynarodowej sprzedaży towarów, w: Rozprawy prawnicze. Księga pamiątkowa dla uczczenia pracy naukowej Profesora Antoniego Agopszowicza, Katowice 2000.
• Pazdan M., Sprzedaż konsumencka a konwencja wiedeńska o umowach międzynarodowej sprzedaży towarów w: Księga poświęcona Profesor Czesławie Żuławskiej, Kraków 2000.
• Pazdan M., Zastosowanie konwencji wiedeńskiej o umowach międzynarodowej sprzedaży towarów na podstawie norm kolizyjnych obowiązujących w siedzibie sądu, PPHZ T. 19/20, Katowice 2000.
• Pazdan M. (red.), Konwencja wiedeńska o umowach międzynarodowej sprzedaży towarów. Komentarz, Zakamycze 2001.
• Pilich M., Dobra wiara w konwencji o umowach międzynarodowej sprzedaży towarów, Warszawa 2006.
• Rajski J., Jednolite prawo międzynarodowej sprzedaży towarów, PPH 1996,
z. 3.
• Rajski J., Swoboda umów w ujęciu przepisów konwencji wiedeńskiej o umowach międzynarodowej sprzedaży towarów, w: Studia z prawa prywatnego. Księga pamiątkowa ku czci Profesor Biruty Lewaszkiewicz-Petrykowskiej, Łódź 1997.
• Rajski J., Jednolite zasady wykładni przepisów konwencji wiedeńskiej o umowach międzynarodowej sprzedaży towarów, KPP 1999, z. 3.
• Zachariasiewicz M. A., Zawarcie umowy w konwencji wiedeńskiej o międzynarodowej sprzedaży towarów z 1980 roku, PPHZ T. 13, Katowice 1989.
• Żarnowiec Ł., Zastosowanie Konwencji Wiedeńskiej z 11. kwietnia 1980 r. o umowach międzynarodowej sprzedaży towarów na podstawie wyboru prawa, PUG 2003, Nr 2.
• Żarnowiec Ł., Ważność umów podlegających konwencji Narodów Zjednoczonych o umowach międzynarodowej sprzedaży towarów, KPP 2006, z.
2. Supplementary literature:
• Behr V., The Sales Convention in Europe: From Problems in Drafting to Problems in Practice, 17 Journal of Law and Commerce 1998.
• Bernasconi Ch., The personal and territorial scope of the Vienna Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (Article 1), “Netherlands International Law Review” XLVI.
• Bianca C. M., M. J. Bonell (red.), Commentary on the International Sales Law – The 1980 Vienna Sales Convention, Milan 1987.
• Boele-Woelki K., Terms of co-existence: the CISG and the Unidroit Principles w: P. Šarčević, P. Volken (red.), The international sale of goods revisited, The Hague, London, New York 2001
• Brunner Ch., UN-Kaufrecht – CISG. Kommentar zum Übereinkommen der Vereinten Nationen über Verträge über den internationalen Warenkauf von 1980, Bern 2004
• von Caemmerer E., P. Schlechtriem (red.), Kommentar zum Einheitlichen UN-Kaufrecht, München 1995.
• Czerwenka B., Rechtsanwendungsprobleme im internationalen Kaufrecht. Das Kollisionsrecht bei grenzüberschreitenden Kaufverträgen und der Anwendungsbereich der internationalen Kaufrechtsübereinkommen, Berlin 1988
• Diedrich F., Anwendbarkeit des Wiener Kaufrechts auf Softwareüberlassungsverträge. Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Methode autonomer Auslegung von Internationalem Einheitsrecht, RIW 1993, s. 441-452;
• Diedrich F., Lűckenfűllung im Internationalen Einheitsrecht. Mőglichkeiten und Grenzen richterlicher Rechtsfortbildung im Wiener Kaufrecht, RIW 1995, z. 5.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: