Philosophical foundations of pedagogy WNP-PS-FIL
Classes are conducted in two aspects. First, it is about introducing the student to academic work. Hence, the emphasis is placed on developing the ability to read and analyze philosophical texts, pose research questions, formulate answers and conduct discussions. Secondly, it is about learning the ability to combine philosophical knowledge with educational and upbringing issues. Therefore, classes are conducted on the basis of philosophical literature, and in class discussions, attention is paid to the above-mentioned bindings. The emphasis is on anthropological issues in the context of contemporary cultural changes.
(in Polish) E-Learning
(in Polish) Grupa przedmiotów ogólnouczenianych
Subject level
Learning outcome code/codes
Type of subject
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
(K) A student defines the essence of philosophical cognition (an objective, a method, a subject); distinguishes types of philosophical knowledge (differences of subjects, methods, objectives); points to the changes taking place in the history of philosophy, explains the relationships between philosophical and pedagogical knowledge;
(S) A student gains the abilities to independently read philosophical texts, to construct an oral and written statement, to think independently and logically; to independently deepen the knowledge of philosophy, to work in a team, and to participate in a discussion;
(C) A student shows care in the use of philosophical language, obtains basic sensitivity to metaphysical problems, is aware of the difference between philosophical and other types of knowledge
Classes ................................................. 15
Preparing for classes (reading) ......................... 30
Preparation for the test .................. 15
Total number of ECTS credits 2
Assessment criteria
formative assessment:
- grade 2 - the student is not able to present the analysis of the text, does not fulfill the tasks recommended for preparation for classes; in the reading comprehension test he obtained less than 5 points.
- grade 3 - the student demonstrates independent reading of a philosophical text; builds correctly written and oral statements based on the text; is a passive listener of discussions; he obtained 5 points in the reading comprehension test.
- grade 3.5 - the student demonstrates independent reading of a philosophical text; builds correctly written and oral statements based on the text; is a passive listener of discussions; he obtained 6 points in the reading comprehension test.
- grade 4 - the student not only demonstrates independent reading of a philosophical text; and the correct construction of written and oral statements, but also independent thinking on topics related to the analyzed philosophical texts, willingly joins the discussion; he obtained 7 points in the reading comprehension test.
- grade 4,5 - the student not only demonstrates independent reading of a philosophical text; and the correct construction of written and oral statements, but also independent thinking on topics related to the analyzed philosophical texts, willingly joins the discussion; he obtained 8 points in the reading comprehension test.
- 5-grade - the student not only can read a philosophical text independently; and correct construction of written and oral statements, but also independent thinking on topics related to the analyzed philosophical texts, and takes active part in the discussion many times.
Adler M.J., Nauka współczesna a mądrość starożytnych; Drobne błędy na początku, w: tenże, Dziesięć błędów filozoficznych, b. r. b. m.
Biesaga, T. ,Błąd antropologiczny i jego skutki w bioetyce, w: Zadania współczesnej metafizyki, nr 5, PTTA, s. 191-199;
Dokumenty: Powszechna deklaracja praw człowieka ONZ; Karta praw podstawowych UE.
Erich Fromm, Zdrowe społeczeństwo, przeł. A. Tanalska-Dulęba, Wyd. vis-á-vis/Etiuda, Kraków 2012, s. 149-159 (fragment: konformizm);
Gilson E., Etyka studiów wyższych, „Człowiek w kulturze” nr 9 (1997).
Kamiński S., Naukowa, filozoficzna i teologiczna wizja człowieka, oraz Jak filozofowano? w: tenże, Jak filozofować?, TN KUL, Lublin 1989.
David C. Korten, Świat po kapitalizmie. Alternatywy dla globalizacji, Łódź 2002, s. 34-44 (fragment: hedonizm współczesny).
Jaroszyński P., Personalizm filozoficzny - integralna wizja człowieka, w: Zadania współczesnej metafizyki, nr 9, PTTA, Lublin 2007, s. 485-473.
Legutko R., Triumf człowieka pospolitego, Warszawa 2012, s. 267-310.
Marek Aureliusz, Rozmyślania, tłum. Marian Reiter, PWN, Warszawa 1984.
Wald B., Błąd antropologiczny i jego konsekwencje we współczesnej filozofii, w: Zadania współczesnej metafizyki, nr 5, PTTA, Lublin 2003, s. 123-138.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: