Marine Life WF-OB-ZYM
1. The Worls Ocean, the composition of water, brackish water, estuaries 2. Sizes the World Ocean, hipsometry 3. Climate zones: temperature, salinity, oxygen, ice, pH 4. Vertical zonaes: beach, litoral, shelf, slope, abysal, tectonic trenches, tectonic plates, volcanic activity underwater, tsunami 5. Living conditions in abysal: temperature, food, metabolism, pressure, solubility 6. Pelagial: zone fphotic and aphotic zones, buoyancy, larval forms 7. Life in pelagialu: neuston, puston, plankton, nekton 8. Sea birds 9. Adaptation to life in the sea: salinity, temperature 10. Undersea thermal springs and their fauna 11. Marine food chains and their use 12. Exploitation of the resources of the sea: frutti di mare. Quota 13. Non-living resources of the sea and their operation 14. The protection of living marine resources 15. Ecology of the polar seas
Learning outcome code/codes
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Knowledge: the student knows the history of the exploration of the World ocean, geography of the Earth, defines and explains the differences between salt water and fresh; lists the characteristics of freshwater, brackish water, saltwaters, seas, oceans, estuaries; biotic zones characterized by the sea and their inhabitants; Enumerates and describes the adaptation of organisms to live in sea water, explains the functioning of chains, networks and trophic pyramids in the marine ecosystem; Characterized biological resources of the sea and the possibility of their use.
Skills: student classifies types of seas and compares their resources, analyses the different elements of marine ecosystems (producers, consumers, decomposers in different geographical zones) and assess the quantitative and qualitative differences between them; correctly uses the terminology of the hydrobiology and oceanography, provides and evaluates the effects of natural and anthropogenic processes in the marine environment (tsunami, marine, oil and gas).
Competences: the student is able to discuss on the sea as the living environment; preserves criticism in relation to the new uses of the sea and its resources; , is able to prepare simple presentation, lectures, etc. on topics related to the biology, ecology and protection of the sea.
participated in the lecture-30
Preparation of the exam-40
Total hours-80 (125:25-30 = 2.7),
the number of ECTS-3
Assessment criteria
Written exam: write an essay on the topic (out of the by the operator).
The maintenance of the preset volume, original drawings, tables, etc. the use of a number of sources, the correct bibliography: 5;
As above, but without the illustrations (or use of xerocopies): 4.5-4; Using only Internet sources: 4-3.5;
The poverty of the substantive, too extensive rewriting from sources (rather than invented their interpretation), the lack of criticism in relation to the sources): 3-2;
The lack of references: 2.
Practical placement
Odum E.P. 1971 – Fundamentals of ecology – W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia (all editions)
Pipkin B.F., Gortsline D.S., Casey R.E., Dunn D., Schellenberg S.A. 2000 – Laboratory Exercises in Oceanography (third edition) – W.H. Freeman, 272 pp
Schmidt-Nielsen K. 1983 - Animal physiology. Adaptationand Environment - Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (all editions)
Thruman H.V. 1997- Introductory Oceanography: Essentials of Oceanography - rentice Hall College Div. (all editions)
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: