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Study programmes > All studies > Specialized Theological Studies > Specialized Theological Studies - full-time second-cycle studies

Specialized Theological Studies - full-time second-cycle studies (WT-SSTA-N-2)

(in Polish: Specialized Theological Studies)
second-cycle programmes
full-time programmes, 2 years
Language: English

A graduate of the specialized theological studies (SST) demonstrates an in-depth knowledge of the teaching of the Catholic Church and the ability to interpret the Magisterium in accordance with the challenges of modern times, in conjunction with other fields of study, especially with the humanities and social sciences. He is prepared to undertake and coordinate activities in the Church and other institutions whose activities concern the broadly understood social life, culture and education, especially inspired by the Christian faith. The obtained qualifications entitle to hold managerial positions in the indicated scope and to act as an expert within the completed specialization. The acquired qualifications allow to start teaching theology in seminaries and to be a professional formatter. The graduate is also prepared for further scientific development as part of a doctoral school or in the third cycle of theological studies Ad lauream. Available specializations: 1) biblical theology and patrology, 2) systematic theology, 3) practical theology.

Qualification awarded:

(in Polish) magisterium

Access to further studies:

the possibility of applying for postgraduate and doctoral studies

Professional status:

The graduate has specialist knowledge of theological sciences in one of the three paths: Biblical Theology, Systematic Theology or Practical Theology. The graduate also has an in-depth knowledge of the contemporary teaching of the Catholic Church. Can use it in the analysis, evaluation and integration of knowledge in the field of humanities and social sciences. Understands the culture-forming role of the Church and theology, both in historical and social aspects. The graduate is competent in establishing cooperation with various entities of educational, cultural, social and charity activities. Is aware of the complexity of reality and understands the need for an interdisciplinary approach to problem solving. The graduate is prepared not only to work in Church and other institutions and centers engaging in the teaching of religion or theology, social proactivity or the provision of educational, cultural and educational services, but also to work in the media, and has the appropriate competences to occupy executive or coordinating positions in these institutions. A graduate of Specialist Theological Studies has qualifications (bachelor's degree in a selected specialization) entitling to continue the studies in the Doctoral School or apply for a doctorate in discipline of theology, provided that additional requirements are completed.

Teaching standards

Learning outcomes for the course Specialized Theological Studies second cycle approved pursuant to the resolution No. 124/2019 of the UKSW's Senate on 27th June 2019. Programme of studies as defined by the Resolution No. 124/2019 of the UKSW's Senate on 27th June 2019.

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://irk.uksw.edu.pl/