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Study programmes > All studies > Polish Philology > Polish Philology - part-time first-cycle studies

Polish Philology - part-time first-cycle studies (WH-FPZ-N-1)

(in Polish: Filologia Polska - studia I stopnia niestacjonarne)
first-cycle programmes
part-time, 3 years
Language: Polish

Celem kształcenia na kierunku jest zdobycie wiedzy z zakresu literaturoznawstwa i językoznawstwa oraz przygotowanie do wykonywania różnych zawodów. W ofercie naszego kierunku dostępne są moduły do wyboru, których realizacja w procesie kształcenia daje zespół określonych, cenionych na rynku pracy, umiejętności. Są to: Copywriting, komunikowanie masowe i media/ Specjalizacja nauczycielska. Umiejętności zdobyte na module komunikacyjnym pozwolą na podjęcie pracy w mediach, agencjach reklamowych, na stanowisku rzecznika prasowego oraz firmach zajmujących się copywritingiem. Moduł edytorski przygotowuje do pracy w wydawnictwach książkowych (tradycyjnych i cyfrowych) orazprasie.


Dokumenty na studia niestacjonarne będziemy przyjmować od 10 lipca w sali 310:

  • we wtorki w godz. 9.00-15.00,
  • środy w godz. 10.00-14.00,
  • czwartki w godz. 10.00-14.00.

Qualification awarded:

(in Polish) licencjat

Access to further studies:

The possibility of applying for the second-cycle studies and postgraduate studies

Professional status:

not applicable

Teaching standards

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Learning outcomes in terms of knowledge, skills and competences for the field of studies: Polish philology, part-time programme as approved by the resolution of the UKSW Senate No.66/2015 of 22nd May 2015. The study plan and programme were defined by Resolution No. 55/2018 of the Council of the Faculty of Humanities of 14th May 2018.

Course structure diagram:

Abbreviations used in tables:
lect - Lectures
cl - Classes
kon - Conversatorium
lek_now - Modern language classes
pr - Practice
semli - BA Seminar
e - examination
zal - credit
zoc - graded credit
(in Polish) Filologia polska I rokECTSlectclkonlek_nowprsemliexam
Auxiliary Sciences15zoc
History of Poland15e
Descriptive Grammar of Polish15zal
Linguistic Culture15zal
Literary Analysis15zal
Biblical Tradition15e
History of Polish Literature (the Old Polish Literature)15zal
History of Polish Literature (the Old Polish Literature)15zal
Culture and techniques of studying115zoc
English Language1515zal
Introduction to Literary Studies15e
Masterpieces of World Literature15zoc
History of Poland15e
Literary Analysis15zoc
Linguistic Culture15zoc
Descriptive Grammar of Polish15zoc
History of Polish Literature (the Old Polish Literature)15e
History of Polish Literature (the Old Polish Literature)15zoc
English Language1515zoc
Academic Polish for foreigners1

1 - Obligatory subject only for foreign students ects=6 lect=60h (1-2 sem.)

(in Polish) Filologia polska II rokECTSlectclkonlek_nowprsemliexam
Introduction to the History of Philosophy15zal
History of Polish Literature (the Romanticism)15zal
History of Polish Literature (the Romanticism)15zal
Practical Stylistics15zal
History of European Theatre15zal
Intellectual property protection11515zoc
English Language15zoc
Descriptive Grammar of Polish15zal
BA Seminar15zal
Introduction to the History of Philosophy - Lecture15e
History of Polish Literature (the Romanticism)15e
History of Polish Literature (the Romanticism)15zoc
Practical Stylistics15zoc
History of European Theatre15e
English Language1515zoc
Descriptive Grammar of Polish15e
BA Seminar15zal
Text Editing Rules15zal
Text Editing Rules15zoc
Linguistic Correctness in Text Editing15zoc
Academic Text Editing15zal
Academic Text Editing15zoc

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://irk.uksw.edu.pl/