Courses at
Faculty of Medicine. Collegium Medicum
- (in Polish) Immunoterapia nowotworów WMCM-LEN-IN-fak
- (in Polish) Medycyna ratunkowa WMCM-LE-MRat-5
- (in Polish) Pedagogics WMCM-NU-PED-1-1
- (in Polish) Physical examination WMCM-NU-PHYE-1-1
- (in Polish) Fundamentals of nursing WMCM-NU-FN-1-2
- (in Polish) Telemedycyna WMCM-LEN-MON-TEL
- (in Polish) Internal medicine and internist nursing WMCM-NU-IMIN-2
- (in Polish) Hospital infections WMCM-NU-HI-cw
- (in Polish) Long-term nursing care of patients WMCM-NU-LTCN-zp
- (in Polish) Łacina dla medyków WMCM-LE-ŁdM-fak
- (in Polish) Histologia z embriologią WMCM-LEN-HzE-1-2
- (in Polish) Obstetrics, gyneacology and gyneacological nursing WMCM-NU-OGGN
- (in Polish) Patomorfologia WMCM-LE-PAT-4
- (in Polish) Biostatystyka z elementami informatyki WMCM-LEN-BInf-3-1
- (in Polish) Prawo medyczne WMCM-PG-PM-1
- (in Polish) Wybrane zagadnienia patologii ciąży WMCM-LE-WZPC-fak
- (in Polish) Komunikacja lekarz-pacjent WMCM-LEN-KLP-3
- (in Polish) Chirurgia dziecięca WMCM-LEN-ChD
- (in Polish) Geriatria WMCM-LEN-Ger
- (in Polish) Psychologia dziecięca WMCM-LE-PD-5
- (in Polish) Psychiatria WMCM-LE-PSYCH-5
- (in Polish) Organizacja ochrony zdrowia WMCM-LE-OOZ-6
- (in Polish) Praktyki zawodowe po V roku WMCM-LEN-PZ-5
- (in Polish) Patomorfologia WMCM-LEN-PAT-3-1
- (in Polish) Choroby cywilizacyjne WMCM-LEN-CC
- (in Polish) Dietetyka z elementami żywienia klinicznego WMCM-LEN-DzEŻK
- (in Polish) Onkologia WMCM-LEN-On-5
- (in Polish) Psychologia dziecięca WMCM-LEN-PD-5
- (in Polish) Transplantologia WMCM-LEN-T-5
- Doctor-patient communication WMCM-LE-KLP-sem
- "Pain and suffering-the source of light and darkness." Diseases of the elderly. WMCM-LE-MON-BiC
- Anatomy WMCM-PG-ANA
- Anatomy WMCM-PG-ANA-ćw
- Anatomy WMCM-PG-ANAT-1
- Anatomy WMCM-PG-ANA-1
- Anatomy WMCM-PG-ANA-cw-1-1
- Anatomy WMCM-PG-ANAT-cw-1
- Anatomy WMCM-LE-ANA-1
- Anatomy WMCM-LE-ANA-2
- Anatomy WMCM-LE-ANA-ćw-1
- Anatomy WMCM-LE-ANA-ćw-2
- Anesthesiology and nursing of patients with life-threatening conditions WMCM-PG-APWZ-3
- Anesthesiology and nursing of patients with life-threatening conditions WMCM-PG-APWZ-sem-3
- Anesthesiology and nursing of patients with life-threatening conditions WMCM-PG-APWZ-zp-3
- Anesthesiology and nursing of patients with life-threatening conditions WMCM-NU-APZ-PR
- Anesthesiology and nursing of patients with life-threatening conditions - mid-year internships WMCM-PG-APWZ-pzś-3
- Antibiotics and drug resistance WMCM-LE-AL-fak
- Artetherapy in medicine WMCM-LE-AM-fak
- Basic sciences - introduction to learning medicine in clinics WMCM-LE-BS-fak
- Basic sciences - introduction to learning medicine in clinics WMCM-LE-BS
- Basics of medical rescue WMCM-PG-PRM
- Basics of medical rescue WMCM-PG-PRM-ćw
- Basics of molecular biology WMCM-LE-PBM-ćw
- Basics of molecular biology WMCM-LE-PBM
- Basics of molecular biology WMCM-LE-PBM-sem
- Basics of molecular biology WMCM-LEN-PBM-sem
- Basics of molecular biology WMCM-LEN-PBM-ćw
- Basics of molecular biology WMCM-LEN-PBM
- Biochemistry WMCM-PG-BIO
- Biochemistry WMCM-PG-BIO-ćw
- Biochemistry and biophysics WMCM-PG-BI
- Biochemistry and biophysics WMCM-PG-BI-1
- Biochemistry and biophysics WMCM-PG-BIO-1
- Biochemistry and biophysics WMCM-PG-BIO-cw-1
- Biochemistry of selected diseases and addictions WMCM-LE-BWSiU-fak
- Biochemistry with elements of chemistry WMCM-LE-BzEch-1
- Biochemistry with elements of chemistry WMCM-LE-BzEch-2
- Biochemistry with elements of chemistry WMCM-LE-BzEch-sem-1
- Biochemistry with elements of chemistry WMCM-LE-BzEch-sem-2
- Biochemistry with elements of chemistry WMCM-LE-BzEch-ćw-1
- Biochemistry with elements of chemistry WMCM-LE-BzEch-ćw-2
- Biophysics WMCM-LE-BF
- Biophysics WMCM-LE-BF-ćw
- Biophysics WMCM-LE-BF-sem
- Biophysics WMCM-LEN-BF
- Biostatistics with elements of computer science WMCM-LE-BInf-1-1
- Biostatistics with elements of computer science WMCM-LE-BInf-1-2
- Biostatistics with elements of computer science WMCM-LE-BInf-3-2
- Biostatistics with elements of computer science WMCM-LE-BInf-3-1
- Biostatistics with elements of computer science WMCM-LE-BInf-2-1
- Biostatistics with elements of computer science WMCM-LE-BInf-2-2
- Biostatistics with R - basic course WMCM-LE-BwR-fak
- Cancer Immunotherapy WMCM-LE-IN-fak
- Civilisation diseases - interdisciplinary approach WMCM-LE-CCI-fk
- Clinical aspects of pathophysiology of coronary heart disease, with particular emphasis on microcirculation dysfunction and coronary vasomotor disorders WMCM-LE-KAP-fak
- Clinical Genetics WMCM-LE-GK-3
- Clinical Immunology WMCM-LE-IK
- Clinical Microbiology WMCM-LE-MK
- Clinical Pharmacology WMCM-LE-FK
- Clinical pharmacology WMCM-LE-CP-e
- Clinical Pharmacology WMCM-LEN-FK
- Communication with the patient WMCM-PG-KZP
- Cytophysiology WMCM-LE-CYT
- Cytophysiology WMCM-LE-CYT-sem
- Cytophysiology WMCM-LE-CYT-2
- Data protection and medical documentation, patient rights WMCM-LE-MON-ODDM
- Dermatology WMCM-LE-Der
- Diagnostic imaging WMCM-LE-DO
- Dietetics WMCM-PG-D-1
- Dietetics WMCM-PG-D-sem-1