Contemporary Conditions For Pastoral Activity of the Church WT-FWD-WU
The Catholic Church represents an extremely diverse social reality. One can look at it from the institutional perspective as a set of specific rules, norms and procedures (rituals) objectified in the theological and legal system. The Church undoubtedly also creates a network of connections and direct interactions between people sharing the shared experience of faith. The Church's activities concern both institutional and community aspects. However, the Church should not be seen only as a separate and closed system. For the Church - like every institution and community - is constantly being created and updated. This is the nature of every social reality. This also applies to the transcendent aspect of which the Church's activities are concerned.
In our lecture, we will look at the Catholic Church in Poland in the perspective of social sciences. Accepting the assumptions of critical realism, largely constituting a contemporary interpretation of Thomistic Realism, but taking into account the modern personalism, we will characterize how and in what way the current social and cultural system determines and co-creates the activity of the Church. We will investigate how the believer today determines his place in culture and the world. How it shapes and permeates each other the emergence of the personal identity of the believer and the structural conditioning mediated in the culture and social structure.
We will understand the operation of the Church in the perspective of a realistically understood social agency. The aim of the lecture is to show how the individual and collective agency of believers and the Church as a whole develops.
The Church's affairs are shaped by current socio-cultural conditions. Within the so-called We will distinguish between strictly cultural elements (cultural system), which consists of a system of theological and anthropological contents. This system in the spirit of analytic dualism should be distinguished from the interactions that take place between people. As a result of the mutual conditioning of these two systems, the personal and community identity of believers emerges. In this perspective, we will look at the components of the cultural system that defines and influences the mutual relation of believers and entire groups of believers. Through the cultural system, we will understand not only ideas and content rooted directly in the Catholic tradition, but also opposite and even contradictory to the content of faith, which, however, are part of the religious system.
We will also analyze how the socio-cultural interactions between believers and those who do not share the contents of the Catholic cultural system are forming.
1. Church activity in the perspective of social sciences - theoretical approach
2. The latest history of pastoral development in Poland
3. Pastoral work in the context of traditional religiosity
4. Pastoral work and secularization, individualization and de-institutionalization
5. Pastoral care in the face of religious and social pluralism
6. Chaplaincy in Poland in the face of digital culture, the age of communication and globalization
7. Changes in pastoral ministry based on the emerging 'reflective modernity'
8. Pastoral care and civil society in Poland, the third sector and social institutions and pastoral care
9. Ministry and entrepreneurship in Poland
10. Innovation of the Church's activity in Poland
11. Political and social movements and pastoral care in Poland
12. Atheism in Poland as a pastoral challenge
13. Religious education as a space of pastoral influence
14. Poland's demographic situation as a challenge for pastoral care
15. 'Equality agenda' and the situation of people with disabilities
16. Youth in relation to the activities of the Church in Poland
(in Polish) E-Learning
(in Polish) Grupa przedmiotów ogólnouczenianych
Subject level
(in Polish) Punkty ECTS
Learning outcome code/codes
Type of subject
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
1. basic concepts, theories and results of sociological research on social transformations that form the context of pastoral ministry in Poland;
2. basic tendencies of pastoral changes in Poland and in the world
1. naming and interpreting social changes observed in Poland using knowledge in sociology of social change
2. recognizing changes in the pastoral care of the Catholic Church
1. conscious and critical confrontation with social changes affecting students in theology.
Assessment criteria
Teaching methods and methods of verification of learning outcomes (synthetically described teaching methods used and ways to verify the assumed learning outcomes):
The basic didactic methods will be a lecture combined with a discussion. The lecture will be complemented by a multimedia presentation presenting in a visual way the most important lecture content. In addition, activating methods in the form of work with text, photo presentations and short film materials will be used as an introduction to particular topics.
Assessment criteria (Determination of the achievement level - according to the scale of grades - assumed for
the subject of learning outcomes; description of final rating components):
Degrees 5:
student efficiently uses basic concepts, understands deeply theories of social change and knows the basic trends of social change regarding pastoral work
student is able to apply the concepts and theories of social change to selected social phenomena, to name the indicated processes of pastoral changes
the student is able to critically assess the social changes taking place in the theological perspective
Degrees 4:
The student knows the basic concepts well, understands theories of social change, knows the basic tendencies of social change regarding pastoral work
Student is able to relate the concepts and theories of social change to selected social phenomena
The student recognizes the relationship between pastoral care understood theologically and socially in the context of social change
Stage 3:
The student at least to a small extent knows the basic concepts and theories of social change
The student can see the relationship between the theory of social change and social phenomena
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Additional information
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