Ecumenical theology WT-FW-EK1
1. Ecumenism from a historical perspective. Brief history of the Ecumenical Movement and explanation of the special meaning of Vatican Council II
2 Ecumenism from the perspective of the problem of the detachment of Christianity from Judaism
3. The tasks of ecumenism: Spiritual ecumenism, Charitable ecumenism, Doctrinal ecumenism
4. Doctrinal ecumenism: analysis of the development of dialogue structures and the fruits of dialogue of the Catholic Church
5. The diversity of the theological models of ecumenism in the Roman Catholic Church
6. The need for a new ecclesiology - the pioneering research by Yves Congar
7. The need for a model of the ecclesiology of conversion
8. The importance of ecumenism for the theology and the challenge of doctrinal ecumenism today
9 The importance and challenges of today's doctrinal ecumenism: What definition of the Church, ministries, sacraments and anthropology?
10 Interreligious dialogue. Catholicism towards non-Christian religions. An open question about the possibility of "theology of religion" and "interreligious ecumenism"?
(in Polish) E-Learning
(in Polish) Grupa przedmiotów ogólnouczenianych
Learning outcome code/codes
Type of subject
Course coordinators
Term 2023/24_Z: | Term 2019/20_Z: | Term 2021/22_Z: |
Learning outcomes
- The results of education in the field of knowledge:
- Student knows the main principles of ecumenical and interreligious dialogue from the perspective of history and interpretation of the Roman Catholic Church;
- Is aware of the doctrinal differences between the main confessions
- He can list the main doctrinal achievements in the dialogue of the Roman Catholic Church with other churches or Christian denominations since the mid-20th century; He understands the fundamental importance of fruits of this dialog for pastoral work;
- Can explain the concept of ecumenism in Yves Congar's new ecclesiology;
- Has practical knowledge about the mutual recognition of Baptism by most Christian denominations in Poland and about the conditions for mixed marriage imposed by the Roman Catholic Church in Poland;
- He knows the history of interreligious dialogue, the attitude of Catholicism towards non-Christian religions and its main fruits: the great topics of human unity and the question of Roman catholic Church concern for the preservation of the identity of faith.
See: ( TMA_W 08) (cf. H2A_W04)
- The results of education in the field of competence:
- The student is able to list the most important historical reasons that influenced the differences and divisions of individual Christian traditions;
- Recognising the current differences between different denominations of Churches or ecclesial communities, the student is able to indicate and explain three tasks of contemporary ecumenism: unity in the spiritual, charitable and doctrinal dimension;
- Students will learn to critically analyze the texts of the Roman Catholic Magisterium on ecumenism and interreligious dialogue as well as the texts of the most important ecumenical commissions, e.g. the Lima document of the "Faith and Order" Commission;
- The student is able to draw practical conclusions for pastoral ministry on the basis of records contained in ecumenical documents;
- The student is able to analyze and criticize doctrinal issues on his own, on the basis of theological knowledge, at the same time being able to conduct worldview, ecumenical and interreligious dialogue, observing the principle of the Second Vatican Council, in order to preserve unity in the necessary things, recognizing the freedom of all, ensuring that love is cultivated in all (cf. DE 4).
See: (TMA_U01,TMA_U10) (cf.: H2A_U01, H2A_U04, H2A_U03)
- The results of education in the field of social competence:
- The student is able to formulate conclusions on ecumenism and dialogue with other religions according to the guidelines of the Second Vatican Council, making "every effort to eliminate words, opinions and actions which, in the light of justice and truth, do not correspond to the situation of the separated brothers and sisters and therefore hinder their relationship with them". (see DE 4).
- The student is able to use the theological and historical arguments set out in the lecture as well as terminology concerning ecumenism, creating an environment of culture based on dialogue.
- The student acquires synthetic knowledge about the importance of religious pluralism for the world's cultural and social heritage.
See: (TMA_K02, TMA_K03). (Cfr. H2A_K01, H2A_K02)
Assessment criteria
Didactic methods and ways of verification of learning outcomes (synthetically described applied didactic methods and ways of verification of the assumed learning outcomes):
1. observation and conversation during the course
2. active participation in the discussion
3. The method of verification of the overall educational results refers to the oral colloquium from the entirety of the transmitted knowledge and from the reading of the indicated basic documents of the Church and books on ecumenism.
Assessment criteria (Evaluation of the level of achievement - according to the grading scale - of learning outcomes set for the course; description of the components of the final grade):
5.0 - excellent knowledge, skills and social competences specified in the educational results of this module
4.5 - very good knowledge, skills and social competences defined in the educational results of this module
4.0 - good knowledge, skills and social competences defined in the educational results of this module
3.5 - satisfactory knowledge, skills and social competences, but with substantial shortcomings identified in the educational results of this module
3.0 - satisfactory knowledge, skills and social competences, but with numerous shortcomings identified in the educational results of this module
2.0 - unsatisfactory knowledge, skills and social competences defined in the educational results of this module.
List of selected books
Main Bibliography
1. [S.A.], Od konfliktu do komunii. Luterańsko-katolickie wspólne upamiętnienie Reformacji w 2017 roku. Raport luterańsko-rzymskokatolickiej Komisji dialogu ds. Jedności. Wspólna modlitwa, Wyd. Warto, Dzięgielów 2017, 149 p.
2. DEKRET O EKUMENIZMIE UNITATIS REDINTEGRATIO [w:] SOBÓR WATYKAŃSKI II. Konstytucje. Dekrety. Deklaracje, Pallotinum, Poznań 2002, pp. 189-208.
3. Wspólna deklaracja w sprawie nauki o usprawiedliwieniu (1999), see.
4. KONSTYTUCJA DOGMATYCZNA O KOŚCIELE LUMEN GENTIUM [w:] SOBÓR WATYKAŃSKI II. Konstytucje. Dekrety. Deklaracje, Pallotinum, Poznań 2002, pp. 97-166.
5. DOKUMENT Z LIMY: Chrzest, Eucharystia, Posługiwanie duchowne. Dokument z Limy 1982. Tekst i komentarze. Wyd.II. popr., Lublin, Wydawnictwo KUL, Teologia w dialogu 13, 2012, 263pp.
6. JAN PAWEŁ II, Ut unum sint, Pallotinum, Poznań 1995, 116pp.
7. KASPER, W., Charakter teologicznie wiążący Dekretu Soboru Watykańskiego II o ekumenizmie. See. [In :] /r_jednosci_chrz/wiazacy_unitatis_29042004.html
8. NAPIÓRKOWSKI A., Teologia jedności chrześcijan. Podręcznik ekumenizmu. Wydawnictwo Salwator, Kraków 2011, 244pp.
9. PAPIESKA RADA DO SPRAW JEDNOŚCI CHRZEŚCIJAN, Dyrektorium w sprawie realizacji zasad i norm dotyczących ekumenizmu (25.05.1995). „Communio” (1994) nr 2., pp. 1-93.
10. TRANDY H. i Patalon M. (pod red.), W Drodze za Chrystusem, wyd. WAM, Kraków 2009, 264 pp. See
11. VERCRUYSSE, J.E., Wprowadzenie do teologii ekumenicznej, seria: „Myśl teologiczna”, Wyd. WAM, Kraków 2001, 148pp.
Secondary Bibliography
12. „Ekumenizm” zob. hasło [w:] Encyklopedia katolicka, Wyd. KUL, t. IV, pp. 854-867,
13. „Światowa Rada Kościołów” zob. hasło „Ekumeniczna Rada Kościołów” [In:] Encyklopedia katolicka Wyd. KUL, t. IV, pp. 829-835.
14. CONGAR Y., Prawdziwa i fałszywa reforma w kościele, Znak, Kraków 2002, 456pp.
15. CONGAR, Y.; PUYO, J., Życie dla prawdy. Rozmowy z ojcem Congarem, tł. A. Paygert, Pax, Warszawa 1982, 202pp. (See Congar Y., Jean Puyo interroge le pere Congar. „Une vie pour la vérité”, Centurion, Paris 1975, 240 pp.)
16. HRYNIEWICZ W. (red.), Ku chrześcijaństwu jutra. Wprowadzenie do ekumenizmu, TNKUL, Lublin 1997, 826pp.
17. HRYNIEWICZ, W., Kościół jest jeden. Ekumeniczne nadzieje nowego stulecia, Znak, Kraków 2004, 456pp.
18. JASKÓŁA P., Podstawy ekumenizmu, Opole 2010, 145pp.
19. KIJAS, Z.J., Odpowiedzi na 101 pytań o ekumenizmie, WAM, Kraków 2004, 368pp.
20. KONECKI K. (red), Ekumenizm Teologia Kultura, Włocławek 2006, 636pp.
21. Kościół i dialog. Materiały z Sympozjum zorganizowanego z okazji 40 rocznicy promulgacji Lumen gentium i Unitatis redintegratio, red. A. Czaja, L. Górka, V. Kmiecik, Lublin 2005, 188pp.
22. NAPIERAŁA, S., "Ekumenizm" w: Pawlak Z. (red.), Katolicyzm A – Z, Księgarnia św. Wojciecha, Poznań 1989, pp. 95-97.
23. PAWŁOWICZ, Z., Leksykon Kościołów, ruchów religijnych i sekt w Polsce, Biblioteka „Niedzieli”, Częstochowa 2008, 336pp.
24. Ut unum. Dokumenty Kościoła katolickiego na temat ekumenizmu 1982-1998, red. S. C. Napiórkowski, K. Leśniewski, J. Leśniewska, Lublin 2000, 952pp.
25. W DRODZE ZA CHRYSTUSEM. Kościoły chrześcijańskie w Polsce mówią o sobie. Praca zbiorowa pod redakcją Hanny Trandy i Mirosława Patalona, WAM, Kraków 2009, 264pp. (See
26. BUJAK, J., Jedność na nowo odkrywana. Dialog katolicko – prawosławny w latach 1958-2000, WT UAM, Poznań 2001, 84pp.
27. BULGAKOV, S. N., Prawosławie: zarys nauki Kościoła prawosławnego, Orthdruk/Formica, Białystok/Warszawa 1992, 217pp.
28. CLÉMENT, O., Rzym inaczej: prawosławny wobec papiestwa. 1999, Wydaw. Księży Marianów, Warszawa, 94pp.
29. DVORNIK F., Bizancjum a prymat Rzymu, PAX, Warszawa 1985, 132 pp.
30. EVDOKIMOV, P., Prawosławie, Pax, Warszawa 1964, 396pp.
31. HRYNIEWICZ, W., Kościoły siostrzane: dialog katolicko - prawosławny 1980-1991, Wydawnictwo Księży Werbistów VERBINUM, Warszawa 1993, 336pp.
32. KLINGER, J. (pod red.), O istocie prawosławia: wybór pism, Warszawa 1983, 548pp.
33. LEŚNIEWSKA, J., LEŚNIEWSKI, K., Prawosławie. Światło wiary i zdrój doświadczenia, Prawosławna Diecezja Lubelsko – Chełmska, Lublin 1999, 619pp.
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