Christian initiation WT-DTE-WMWC
Christian initiation in pre-Christian religions. Significant dimensions and meaning of initiation on the example of Greek and Eleusinian mysteries. Initiation in the ancient Church: catechumenate and mystagogy. Return to initiation and mystagogy during the Second Vatican Council. Essential elements of initiation: life change, faith deepening, new birth, everyday life. Initiation and the liturgy. Initiation and the sacraments of baptism, confirmation and the Eucharist.
(in Polish) E-Learning
(in Polish) Grupa przedmiotów ogólnouczenianych
Subject level
Learning outcome code/codes
Type of subject
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
1. Knowledge
The student understands the basic assumptions and elements of Christian initiation. Defines catechesis and Christian initiation. Characterizes the relationship between initiation and catechesis. Cites relevant documents. He explains the role of initiation in catechesis.
2. Skills
The student analyzes the definition of initiation and catechesis. Distinguishes between the various elements of initiation and catechesis. Develops catechesis theory including initiation. Assesses the effectiveness of catechesis, taking into account the element of initiation. Designs and creates a catechesis of initiation.
3. Competences
The student notices the relationship between catechesis and initiation. He discusses the effectiveness of initiation catechesis. Works in a team of people who create the catechesis of initiation. He cares about the presence of the initiation element in catechesis. Appreciates the role of initiation elements in catechesis.
Assessment criteria
lecture, discussion.
1. Inadequate assessment: the student does not know the basic assumptions of Christian initiation and is unable to relate it to catechesis.
2. Satisfactory grade: The student knows the basic assumptions of Christian initiation.
3. Good assessment: The student knows the assumptions of Christian initiation and is able to relate them to catechesis.
4. Very good grade: The student understands the importance of Christian initiation for catechesis. He can show its meaning and functions and make an interpretation in relation to religious life.
Practical placement
not applicable
1. Kongregacja Kultu Bożego, Obrzędy chrześcijańskiego wtajemniczenia dorosłych, Rzym 1972 (wyd. polskie Katowice 1988).
2. L'iniziazione cristiana. Documenti e orientamenti della Conferenza Episcopale Italiana, Torino 2004.
3. Sakramenty inicjacji chrześcijańskiej w praktyce duszpasterskiej, red. R. Pierskała, H. Sobeczko, Opole 1996.
4. Ks. Kazimierz Misiaszek, Mistagogia w katechezie, w: Mistagogia a duchowość, red. A. Żądło, Katowice 2004, ss. 81-90.
5. Marino Qualizza, Inicjacja chrześcijańska, Kraków 2002.
6. R. Buchta, Mistagogia w polskiej refleksji i praktyce katechetyczno-duszpasterskiej po II Soborze Watykańskim, Katowice 2017.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: