Comparative catechetics WT-DNK-KP
course contents: Stages of development of Catechetics. Reasons for the emergence of different aspects of Catechetics. Criteria for the formation of different concepts of Catechetics. Examples of practical approaches catechesis. Teaching religion in schools from the perspective of history. Legal basis for the presence of religion in schools in European countries. The nature of religious education. The basic elements of the concept of religious education in schools in Europe: the confessional and non-confessional lesson; obligatory and facultativity, organizational and educational aspects, formation and legal status of a teacher of religion.
assessement mrthods: exam.
(in Polish) Grupa przedmiotów ogólnouczenianych
Subject level
Learning outcome code/codes
Type of subject
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
1 Knowledge:
The student knows the concept of Catechesis, catechesis and religious education classes at school. It has a basic knowledge of issues related to the methodology of catechesis. Versed in basic concepts Catechesis as a theological science. Has knowledge of various shots of catechesis, depending on the methodological assumptions.
2 Skills:
The student examines the concepts of Catechetics and catechesis, and knows how to tell them apart. Compares different directions catechetical, assessing their value and importance to the Church.
3 Competencies:
The student is open to various shots of education, including Christian education, in which he finds important and essential elements for Christian formation. Discuss the issues related to Christian education and its importance for human development.
Assessment criteria
Lecture problem, discussion, joint analysis of sources.
1. Assessment of insufficient: the student does not know the basic issues
2. Adequate rating: Students know the definition of catechetics
3. Evaluation of good: Students know the definitions of catechetics and is able to identify similarities and differences between the different concepts of catechetics
4. Evaluation very good: The student can give the definitions of catechetics, their goals, objectives and content as well as the historical context of their creation.
F. Blachnicki, Pisma katechetyczne II: Katechetyka fundamentalna, red. M. Marczewski, Wydawnictwo Salezjańskie, Warszawa 2006; K. Misiaszek, Koncepcja nauczania religii katolickiej w publicznej szkole polskiej. Próba oceny, Towarzystwo Naukowe Franciszka Salezego, Warszawa 2010; R.Chałupniak, Wychowanie religijne w szkołach europejskich, w: Wybrane zagadnienia z katechetyki, red. J. Stala, Wydawnictwo Diecezji Tarnowskiej Biblos, Tarnów 2003, s. 176-201; R. Chałupniak, Katolickie wychowanie religijne w szkołach publicznych w jednoczącej się Europie, „Zeszyty Katechetyczne” 13(2007) n. 1, s. 7-38; J. Charytański, Lekcje religii w Europie, „Ateneum Kapłańskie” 84(1992) z. 2, s. 194-207; Conferenza Episcopale Italiana, L'insegnamento della religione. Risorsa per l'Europa, Elledici, Torino 2008; M. Majewski, Spotkania katechezy z teologią, Kraków 1995; K. Misiaszek, Koncepcja nauczania religii katolickiej w publicznej szkole włoskiej po Konkordacie z 1984 roku. Próba oceny, Wydawnictwo Salezjańskie, Warszawa 1999; R. Murawski, Etapy rozwoju katechezy, "Ateneum Kapłańskie" 91(1978) s. 49-70;T. Panuś, Główne kierunki katechetyczne XX wieku, Kraków 2001; T. Panuś, Współczesne kierunki katechetyczne, w: Historia katechezy i katechetyka fundamentalna, red. J. Stala, Wydawnictwo Biblos, Tarnów 2003, s. 109-197.
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