Business and Human Rights WP-SM-MON-BHR(p)-s
Business and human rights
Seminar 1. The outline of the seminar, introduction to the issues, definitions, objectives.
Seminar 2. The historic emergence of the business and human rights debate.
Seminar 3. The impact of the economic globalisation on the human rights standards. The political and ideological challenges to applying human rights to business.
Seminar 4. The human rights obligations of enterprises under public international law. The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (2011) and other non-binding indicators of binding norms.
Seminar 5. The rights of enterprises and the value of their interests when balancing against the need for respect of human rights.
Seminar 6. The key legal and non-legal challenges in determining the corporate responsibility. The concepts of non-state actors, sphere of influence and complicity. The relation between relevant trade and investment agreements and the human rights treaties.
Seminar 7. Litigating corporate human rights. The justiciability of corporate human rights obligations and the individual access to legal remedies.
Seminar 8. The corporate social responsibility and business ethics. The soft law standards, multi-stakeholder initiatives and the non-legal sanctions for human rights abuses.
Seminar 9. Human rights in employment and recruitment. The supply chain labour standards.
Seminar 10. Business and armed conflicts. Enterprises operating in conflict and post-conflict areas.
Seminar 11. The information and communication technology. Business and the right to privacy.
Seminar 12. The relation between human rights and consumer protection standards.
Seminar 13. The business perspective on human rights implementation challenges.
Seminar 14. The global and regional initiatives facilitating the convergence between the business and human rights.
Seminar 15. The future of the relation between business and human rights and the foreseeable development of norms governing it.
Subject level
Learning outcome code/codes
Type of subject
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
EK 1: can characterize basic issues in the field of business and human rights,
EK 2: has the ability to understand and analyze phenomena and processes taking place in business relations and human rights,
EK 3: presents the bodies responsible for the protection of human rights and the legal basis for their functioning,
EK 4: is aware of the importance of interdisciplinary knowledge in the process of description and explanation of various aspects of the issues of human rights protection and economic development,
EK 5: proposes a solution to a specific problem concerning the protection of human rights in the activities of international enterprises.
Udział w konwersatorium: 15 h
Zapoznanie się i analiza zalecanych źródeł : 40 h
Przygotowanie prezentacji (referatu): 30 h
Przygotowanie do kolokwium: 15 h
Suma godzin: 100h
Liczba ECTS: 100h/25 = 4 ECTS
Assessment criteria
Attendance, activity and presentation of a specific topics in the form of a papers.
C. Lopez, Business and Human Rights: Toward the Development of an international legal framework, „Review of the Due Process of Law, May 2015, no 20.
R. C. Bird, D. R. Cahoy, J. D. Prenkert (edt.), Law, Business and Human Rights. Briding the gap, USA 2014.
E. Karska, Relacja biznesu i praw człowieka – kilka uwag z punktu widzenia praktyki I doktryny prawa międzynarodowego, [in:] A. Tarwacka (edt.), Iuria et Negotia. Księga Jubileuszowa z okazji 15-lecia Wydziału Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie, Warszawa 2015.
H. Slim, Business actors in armed conflict: towards a new humanitarian agenda, [in:] Humanitarian debate: Law, policy, action. Business, violence and conflict, „International Review of The Red Cross” 2012, Vol. 94, No. 887.
D. Weissbrodt, Human Rights Standards Concerning Transnational Corporations and Other Business Entities, “University of Minnesota Law School” 2014, vol. 23.
Ł.D. Dąbrowski, Human rights obligations of enterprises under public international law [in:] Human rights – between need and possibilities, (edt.) M. Sitek, A. F. Uricchio, I. Florek, Józefów 2017 r.
OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, 2011
UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, 2011
ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, 1998
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 10 December 1948
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 16 December 1966
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 16 December 1966
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: