Theoretical bases of education WNP-PPW-TPWC
Theory of education as a scientific discipline; Education: various definitional approach; Anthropological and axiological basis for education; Structure of the education process and its dynamics; Subjectivity in education; The process of moral education and its structure; Basic educational environments; Education to face the challenges of the modern world.
After completing the course the student is able to characterize the basis for the theory of education, to analyze the relationship between theory and other disciplines of education pedagogy; make the application of theoretical knowledge to the process of solving educational problems; indicate relationships education process with other social processes; make a critical analysis of the theory in the context of the transformation of the modern world.
(in Polish) E-Learning
Term 2021/22_L: (in Polish) E-Learning (pełny kurs) | Term 2020/21_L: (in Polish) E-Learning (pełny kurs) z podziałem na grupy |
(in Polish) Grupa przedmiotów ogólnouczenianych
(in Polish) Opis nakładu pracy studenta w ECTS
Learning outcome code/codes
Type of subject
Preliminary Requirements
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
- The student is able to characterize the philosophical, socio-cultural and historical foundations of the theory of education,
- describe theoretical base for education and demonstrate knowledge of a variety of structured educational environments.
- After completing the course the student is able to analyze the relationship between educational theory and other pedagogical disciplines, use the basic theoretical knowledge in the field of education in the theoretical basis for analyzing and interpreting educational problems.
Social competences:
- Student is able to justify the importance of the knowledge acquired in the process of self-improvement in the teacher profession and to account for the importance of interdisciplinary knowledge in explaining and describing the upbringing and education of children.
Contact hours - exercises - 15 h
Preparing for classes, reading - 15 h
Preparing for Assessment - 5 h
preparation of presentation - 15 h
The total number of ECTS points - 50 h/25 = 2
Assessment criteria
Continuous assessment:
preparing a presentation,
preparation of the paper,
oral test.
3.0 - Student can describe the basis for the theory of education; presents a structured knowledge of the anthropological and axiological foundations of education; is able to provide structured knowledge about moral education and subjectivity in education; knows how to analyze and interpret behavioral problems.
3,5 - The student presents the basics (philosophical, anthropological, axiological) theory of education and structured knowledge about education and different educational environments
4.0 - The student is able to provide structured knowledge about education and justify the importance of the knowledge acquired in the process of self-improvement in the profession of teacher.
4,5 - The student presents a structured knowledge on the basics of education and knows how to develop educational strategies.
5.0. - Student is able to provide the basis for education, analyze and interpret contemporary educational problems; present an ordered knowledge of education and different educational environments.
The final grade consists of: attendance, preparation and participation in the classroom and the evaluation of the oral test.
1. S. Kunowski, Podstawy współczesnej pedagogiki, Wydawnictwo Salezjańskie, Warszawa 1993, s. 25-34 (rozdz. 2: Pojęcie pedagogiki jako nauki).
2. B. Śliwerski, Pedagogika ogólna. Podstawowe prawidłowości, Oficyna Wydawnicza Impuls, Kraków 2012, s. 25-30 (rozdz. 1: Etymologia pojęcia „wychowanie”).
3. J. Dewey, Moje pedagogiczne credo, w: S. Wołoszyn (red.), Źródła do dziejów wychowania i myśli pedagogicznej, t. III, PWN, Warszawa 1966, s. 167-176.
4. J. Maritain, Od filozofii człowieka do filozofii wychowania, w: F. Adamski (red.), Człowiek, wychowanie, kultura, WAM, Kraków 1993, s. 61-79.
5. J. Tarnowski, Człowiek – dialog – wychowanie. Zarys chrześcijańskiej pedagogiki personalno-egzystencjalnej, „ZNAK” 1991, nr 436 (9), s. 69-78.
6. J. Korczak, Prawo dziecka do szacunku, w: S. Wołoszyn (red.), Źródła do dziejów wychowania i myśli pedagogicznej, t. III, PWN, Warszawa 1966, s. 124-142.
7. B. Smykowski, Aktualizacja potencjału człowieka jako kryterium pomyślności jego rozwoju, „NAUKA” 1/2019, s. 121–136.
8. J. Homplewicz, Etyka pedagogiczna, Wydawnictwo Salezjańskie, Warszawa 1996, s. 169-178 (par. 40 Metodyka przekazu wartości etycznych).
9. A. Sędek, Kto ma wychowywać, szkoła i/lub rodzina? Głos w dyskusji, „Studia z Teorii Wychowania” 2019, X, 3(28), s. 61-72.
10. A. Salamucha, O pojęciu podmiotowości inaczej, „Paedagogia Christiana”, 1/47 (2021), s. 231-249.
11. Edukacja. Jest w niej ukryty skarb. Raport dla UNESCO Międzynarodowej Komisji ds. Edukacji dla XXI wieku pod przewodnictwem Jacquesa Delorsa, Stowarzyszenie Oświatowców Polskich, Warszawa 1998, s. 85-95 (rozdz. 4: cztery filary edukacji).
12. K. Olbrycht, Nowy humanizm Jana Pawła II jako perspektywa dla współczesnej rzeczywistości szkolnej i wychowawczej, „Paedagogia Christiana” 2/32(2013), s. 53-68.
13. A. M. de Tchorzewski, Rzecz o godności, autorytecie i odpowiedzialności nauczyciela w czasach chaosu aksjonormatywnego, „Horyzonty Wychowania” 2020, Tom 19, Nr 50, s. 161-176.
14. J. Wilkin, Znaczenie uniwersytetów w epoce postprawdy, „NAUKA” 1/2020, s. 67-81.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: