(in Polish) Warsztat pedagogiczny: Antropologiczne podstawy pedagogiki resocjalizacyjnej i opiekuńczo-wychowawczej WNP-PE-WAR-MB
The classes are taught in two ways. Firstly, the aim is to introduce the student to research work. Hence, the emphasis is placed on teaching the skills of reading and analysing scientific texts, posing research questions, formulating answers and leading discussions. Secondly, it is about developing the ability to combine humanistic knowledge with educational and upbringing issues. This is why classes are based on philosophical literature, and class discussion draws attention to the above-mentioned connections. In doing so, anthropological issues in the context of re-socialisation, care and educational pedagogy are emphasised.
(in Polish) Grupa przedmiotów ogólnouczenianych
(in Polish) Opis nakładu pracy studenta w ECTS
Subject level
Learning outcome code/codes
Type of subject
Preliminary Requirements
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
(K) The student differentiates between the types of anthropological knowledge (differences in the subject, method, aim); explains the relations of philosophical and pedagogical knowledge; knows the basic concepts of philosophical anthropology related to educational and upbringing issues.
(S) The student acquires the ability to read a scientific text independently; build a statement; efficiency of independent and logical thinking; efficiency of further independent deepening of humanistic knowledge related to educational and upbringing issues; efficiency of group work; efficiency of discussion;
(C) The student demonstrates care in the use of philosophical language, acquires basic sensitivity to the problem of combining humanistic knowledge with educational and upbringing issues.
Assessment criteria
Final mark: depends on the number of points obtained by the student during the course: maximum number of points. 20 (1 point =5 x 0.2 points). Points are gained from participation in class discussion, preparation of class reports, work (in groups) on the Sth text (maximum 5 points per class cycle) and from the project prepared in small research groups (4-5 persons). The student earns a maximum of 15 points for the project. Implementation of the project: a choice of one of the 5 topics (see range of topics)carried out in classes within the framework of a problem assigned for the academic year . Groups of 4 students work on each project. In a 20-minute PowerPoint presentation, all those involved in the project from the research group must participate. The moderation of the discussion on the presented content is also assessed. The assessment criteria are therefore as follows:
18-20pts. -5,0
11pt. -3.0
Psalm 1, (Dwie drogi życia), w: Psalmy rozważają Jan Paweł II i Benedykt XVI, Wprowadzenie ks. prof. W. Chrostowski, Resikon Press, Warszawa 2006.
Papież Franciszek w rozmowie z A. Ivereighem, Powróćmy do marzeń. Droga ku lepszej przyszłości, Rafael, Kraków 2020.
Biesaga T., Błąd antropologiczny i jego skutki w bioetyce, w: Zadania współczesnej metafizyki, nr 5, PTTA, s. 191-199.
Fromm F., Zdrowe społeczeństwo, przeł. A. Tanalska-Dulęba, Wyd. vis-á-vis/Etiuda, Kraków 2012, s. 149-159 (fragment: konformizm);
Kamiński S., Naukowa, filozoficzna i teologiczna wizja człowieka, w: Jak filozofować?
Kiereś H., Trzy socjalizmy. Tradycja łacińska wobec modernizmu i postmodernizmu, Fundacja LSCh, Lublin 2000.
David C. Korten, Świat po kapitalizmie. Alternatywy dla globalizacji, Łódź 2002, s. 34-44 (fragment: hedonizm współczesny).
Krąpiec M.A., Ja-człowiek, RW KUL, Lublin 1991.
Lewis C. S., Cztery miłości, IW. Pax, Warszawa 1993.
Murray D. Szaleństwo tłumów, Wyd. Zysk i S-ka, Poznań 2020.
Salij J., Czy raj istniał naprawdę? W: tenże, Pytania nieobojętne, „W drodze”, Poznań 1986.
Ślipko T., Spacerem po etyce,Petrus, Kraków 2021.
Tatarkiewicz W. O szczęściu, PIW, Warszawa 1990.
Tomasza z Akwinu, Czy cnota obyczajowa może być bez umysłowej? (Sth. 1-2, q 58, a.4), czy cnota obyczajowa jest uczuciem? (q 59, a 1), Czy uczucie może towarzyszyć cnocie obyczajowej? (q 59, a 2), Czy każda cnota obyczajowa odnosi się do uczuć? (q 59, a 4). Tomasz z Akwinu, O wolnej decyzji, Sth. 1, q 83, a 1.
Term 2023/24_L:
Psalm 1, (Dwie drogi życia), w: Psalmy rozważają Jan Paweł II i Benedykt XVI, Wprowadzenie ks. prof. W. Chrostowski, Resikon Press, Warszawa 2006. |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: