(in Polish) Multicultural Poland - the heritage of Polish Jews / Polska wielokulturowa - dziedzictwo Żydów polskich WNHS-HS-MPPJ
The class is designed to get the participants acquainted with the following topics:
1.Organizational classes - discussion of the syllabus, grading criteria, grading scale, scope of the colloquium, getting acquainted with the participants' level of knowledge in art history. A brief history of Judaism and Polish Jews. Basic information about the institutions for the protection of Jewish heritage in Poland.
2.Specifics of art, its written sources, basics of iconography and terminology. Synagogue as the center of Jewish religious and social life - terminology, history and sources, architecture, functions, equipment, its references to the Temple of Jerusalem.
3.Preserved masonry synagogues in Poland - Orthodox and Reform - selected examples. Iconography of synagogue decoration and its sources, the most important motifs - zodiac, animal, plant, temple motifs, colors - on the example of the synagogue of Gwoździec.
4.Cracow Kazimierz - the best preserved Jewish quarter in Poland and its tangible and intangible heritage.
5.Warsaw - the center of Jewish culture of the first half of the 20th century - tangible and intangible heritage - artistic and literary circles, the most important artists, associations and artistic groups.
6.Kazimierz Dolny on the Vistula River - the most famous colony of Polish-Jewish artists.
7. Lodz - the city of collectors and the Jewish artistic avant-garde (Jung Yiddish).
8. credit colloquium - online - Mteams.
Class - 15 hours - includes lecture illustrated with presentation and film footage, as well as short presentations by students on the following objects selected from the list: synagogue, locality, artist or work, given by the lecturer.
(in Polish) Grupa przedmiotów ogólnouczenianych
Subject level
Learning outcome code/codes
Type of subject
Preliminary Requirements
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
1 The lectures participant has a basic knowledge of the importance of the heritage of Jewish culture in Poland among the humanities and is aware of its subject and methodological specificity.
2. The student has a structured knowledge of the history of Polish Jews, the material cultural heritage in the field of religious life and a basic knowledge of the phenomena occurring in the artistic life of the first half of the 20th century.
3. Knows and understands the methods of interpreting Jewish art objects and the terminology appropriate to it. Understands the influence of historical and cultural conditions on art and its layer of meaning.
4. Is aware of the complexity of issues related to Jewish art and the need to study it.
5. Knows the institutions that study issues related to Jewish art.
6. Student is able to construct a logical written and oral statement in English on Jewish art at the B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
The student workload includes 45 [90] hours [1 hour x 2 for foreign language classes] = 3 ECTS: 15 [30] hours - monographic lecture + 30 [60] hours: 10 [20] hours - reading and analysis of primary literature; 10 [20] hours - preparation of a presentation on a topic selected from the inventory; 10[20] hours preparation for a credit colloquium.
Assessment criteria
- attendance in class- max 30 points / one unexcused absence is allowed, subsequent absences “cost” minus 2 points each
presentation on a topic selected from the list - max 10 points
- passing the colloquium - max 60 points, minimum 36 points.
- attendance in class - max 30 pts
- presentation on a topic selected from the list - max 10 pts
- passing the colloquium - max 60 points, 36 points minimum.
- Grading scale: 60-75 = 3,0 / 76-79 = 3,5 / 80-90 = 4,0 / 91-94 = 4,5 / 95-100 = 5,0
1. Gadomska I., ‘ Building the “New Jerusalem”: Jewish Artistic Patronage in Łódź’, 1880–1907, 2018.
2. ‘Hirszenberg Brothers: in Search of the Promised Land’, Łódź-Warszawa 2017.
3. Huberman I., ’Living Symbols’, Massada 1988
4. Jung-Idisz /Yung Yidish, 1919, Łódź 2019.
5.Piątkowska R., ‘A Sense of Togetherness: The Jewish Society for the Encouragement of the Fine Arts in Warsaw (1923-1939)’.
6. Piechotka Maria and Kazimierz, Heaven's Gates: Wooden Synagogues…, Warsaw 2020 - selected passages.
7. Piechotka Maria and Kazimierz, Heaven's Gates: Masonry Syngaogues…, Warsaw 2020 - selected passages
8. Styrna N., Artyści żydowscy w Krakowie 1873-1939, katalog wystawy / Jewish artists in Kraków 1873-1939, exhibition catalogue, Kraków 2008.
9. Tarnowska M.,’ Jewish artistic background in Poland before the World War II’, 2017
Portale internetowe: Wirtualny Sztetl - https://sztetl.org.pl/
Centralna Biblioteka Judaistyczna - https://cbj.jhi.pl/
1. Jewish artists and Central-Eastern Europe: art centers, identity, heritage from the 19th century to the Second World War: the First Congress of Jewish Art in Poland, ed. by J. Malinowski, R. Piątkowska, T. Sztyma-Knasiecka, Warszawa 2010.
2. Piątkowska R., ‘A shared space. Jewish students at the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts (1923–1939)’.
3. Perek Shirah Booklet – on-line.
Some materials of the literature items are in the MTEAMS
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: