European Union in the International Affairs WS-PO-EUITI
Lecture will be divided into the following thematic sections:
1. European Union in the contemporary international order after the Treaty of Lisbon.
2. Characteristics of the institution in the field of European external relations.
3. Common Foreign and Security Policy and the European Union external policy - aspects of the definitions and pragmatic.
4. The importance of policies: development aid, commercial space for the EU in international relations.
5. Neighbourhood Policy and the enlargement of the European Union.
6. The EU in its relations with other participants in international relations: the Russian Federation, the United States, the ACP.
7. The European Union: a specific example of international relations and unusual actor in international relations?
Grupa przedmiotów ogólnouczenianych
Poziom przedmiotu
Symbol/Symbole kierunkowe efektów uczenia się
Typ przedmiotu
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Efekty kształcenia
EK1 - student is able to characterize by the presence of the specificity of the European Union in international relations; areas of the EU involvement in the world; correctly describes the sphere of activity of the EU in international relations; knows the institutional and legal basis for integration in the framework of international issues.
EK2- student analyzes the determinants of the presence of the EU in international relations; organizes knowledge on various activities of the EU in international relations.
EK3 - student can discuss, draw conclusions, and work as a team to resolve the problem; seeks to deepen knowledge and skills in relation to the analysis of the external dimension of EU integration.
Kryteria oceniania
Teaching methods:
1. Presence during the lecture (allowed two unexcused absences);
2. Preparing the essay
3. Exam
Description credits:
Attendance - 25-30 hours.
Essay preparation- 25-30 hours.
Exam preparation - 25-30 hours.
Consultations -10 hours.
Total - 100 hours. = 4 points. ECTS
Bull H., Civilian Power Europe: A Contradiction in Terms?, Oxford 2003.
Bindi F., The Foreign Policy of the European Union. Assessing Europe’s Role in the World, Waszyngton 2010.
Brzeziński Z., Wybór. Dominacja czy przywództwo, Kraków 2004.
Ciamaga L., Latoszek E., Unia Europejska – podręcznik akademicki, Warszawa 2000.
Cziomer E., Zyblikiewicz L., Zarys współczesnych stosunków międzynarodowych, Warszawa 2006.
Duchêne F., Europe in the World Peace, Londyn 1972.
Hill Ch., Smith M., International Relations and the European Union, Oxford 2011.
Manners I., Normative Power Europe: A Contradiction In Terms?, “JCMS” 2002 nr 2.
Milczarek D., Unia Europejska we współczesnym świecie, Warszawa 2005.
Smith K., European Union Foreign Policy in a Changing World, Cambridge 2011.
Zielonka J., Explaining Euro-paralysis : why Europe is unable to act in international politics, Oxford 1998.
Zielonka J. (red.), Paradoxes of European foreign policy, Kluwer Law International, 1998.
Skolimowska A., The concept of the EU as a civilian power, „Contemporary European Studies”, Special Issue 2009, s. 132-138.
Więcej informacji
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