Ordo Missae WT-SST-OMI
1. The qualification of Eucharist.
2. Eucharist in the primal Church.
3. Celebration of Eucharist in the theology of Church fathers.
4. Allegory schools.
5. Eucharist according to Council of Trent.
6. Eucharist as a paschal celebration of New Testament.
7. Eucharist as a remembrance of Christ’s death.
8. Initial rites.
9. The liturgy of the word.
10. Theology of common elements in the Eucharistic prayers.
11. Theological contents of each Eucharistic prayer.
12. The rite of Holy Communion.
13. Special aspects of Eucharistic celebration.
14. Devotion of Holy Communion beyond Holy Mass.
15. Liturgical legislation related to Eucharistic celebration.
(in Polish) Grupa przedmiotów ogólnouczenianych
Subject level
(in Polish) Punkty ECTS
Learning outcome code/codes
Type of subject
Preliminary Requirements
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
EK 2 - knows the history and legislation of the Holy Mass
Social competences:
EK 3 - explains the Holy Mass and prepare for it
Assessment criteria
Methods and criteria assessments:
EK 1 – know the history, theology and liturgical law concering Holy Mass
(2) – doesn’t know the history, theology or liturgical law concering Mass
(3) – knows the history concering Mass
(4) – knows the history and theology concering Mass
(5) – knows the history, theology and liturgical law concering Holy Mass
EK 2 - skills connected with the history, theology and liturgical legislation concering the Holy Mass
(2) – can’t use knowledge about history, theology and liturgical low about the Mass
(3) – can partly use the basics of knowledghe about history, theology and liturgical law about the Mass
(4) - can use the knowledge about history, theology and liturgical law
(5) criticises the historical and theological approach to the Holy Mass
EK 3 - the usage of the history, theology and liturgical legislation of the Holy Mass
(2) – doesn’t know how to explain the history and theology of Mass
(3) - knows how to partly explain the history and theology of the Holy Mass
(4) – knows how to explain the history and theology of the Holy Mass
(5) - prepares different kinds of the Holy Mass
J. Drozd, Ostatnia Wieczerza – Nową Paschą, Katowice 1977; B. Mokrzycki, Droga chrześcijańskiego wtajemniczenia, Warszawa 1983; Msza św., pr. zb. red. W. Świerzawski, Kraków 1993;B. Nadolski, Liturgika, t. IV: Eucharystia, Poznań 1992; J. Nowak, Piąta Modlitwa Eucharystyczna, w: Liturgia Domus Carissima, red. A. Durak, warszawa 1998, s. 146-163; Uwielbienie po Komunii świętej, w: Misterium Eucharystii w życiu osób konsekrowanych: Anamnesis 17, 2/1999, s. 88-92; Prawo w służbie wydarzeń zbawczych. Zarys prawodawstwa liturgicznego, Poznań 2004; Komunia św. na rękę: Liturgia Sacra 2(20) 8/2002, s. 285-287; celebracja Eucharystii w świetle dokumentów synodalnych, w: Liturgia w dokumentach II Polskiego Synodu Plenarnego, red. K. Matwiejuk, Radom 2004, s. 25-39; Apostolski wymiar Eucharystii, w: Refleksja nad encykliką Ecclesia de Eucharistia vivat – O Eucharystii w życiu Kościoła, red. S. Cichy, Katowice 2004, s. 26-37; IV Modlitwa Eucharystyczna, w: Modlitwy Eucharystyczne Mszału Rzymskiego. Dzieje – Teologia – Liturgia, red. H. Sobeczko, Opole 2005, s. 235-243; Eucharystia początkiem i programem „misji”: Warszawskie Studia Pastoralne 50/2007, s. 108-117; celebracja obecności Chrystusa w słowie, w: Praedicamus Christum crucifixum, red. A. Żądło, Katowice 2010, s. 429-432; Nowe Ogólne Wprowadzenie do Mszału Rzymskiego, Poznań 2004; Kongregacja ds. Kultu Bożego i Dyscypliny Sakramentów, Instrukcja Redemptionis Sacramentum, Poznań 2004.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: