Public Economic Law WP-ADZ-1-PPG
- (term 2021/22_Z)
- (term 2022/23_Z)
- (term 2023/24_Z)
- (term 2024/25_Z)
Detailed program of activities:
1. Economy as a subject of legal regulation;
2. Functions of law in the economy; economic law: public economic law, private economic law; Constitutional and administrative economic law; European economic law; Europeanization of economic law of the EU Member States
3. The issue of "economic constitution" - Openness (neutrality) of the constitution;
4. "Economic Constitution" of the Republic of Poland - The principle of social market economy; The principle of a democratic state ruled by law; Principle of social justice; The principle of subsidiarity; The principle of proportionality; Economic freedom as a legal principle and as a subjective right; Property protection as a systemic principle; The principle of equality; The principle of competition
5. "Economic constitution" of the European Union - Social market economy of the European Union; The principle of open economy and free competition; The principle of the internal market and the freedom of the internal market; Principle of non-discrimination; The principle of sustainable development; The principle of treaty neutrality; Principle of services of general economic interest; Economic fundamental rights of Community law
6. Economic administration: Government economic administration, Agencies, Local economic administration, Local government economic administration bodies, European economic administration
7. Functions of public administration bodies (I): Economic Police, Economic reglamentation, (Economic) regulation of infrastructure sectors,
8. Functions of public administration bodies (II): Economic control, Economic supervision, Economic management, Economic planning, Supporting the economy
9. Legal forms of operation of economic administration
10. Public economic activity: Principles of state property management; Economic activity of the State Treasury; Commercialization and privatization of state-owned enterprises
11. Economic activity of local and regional self-government bodies;
12. Public procurement
13. Public-private partnership; Concession agreement for construction works and services
14. State aid
15. Principles of running a business in Special Economic Zones
Term 2021/22_Z:
None |
Term 2022/23_Z:
None |
Term 2023/24_Z:
None |
Term 2024/25_Z:
None |
(in Polish) E-Learning
(in Polish) Grupa przedmiotów ogólnouczenianych
(in Polish) Opis nakładu pracy studenta w ECTS
Subject level
Learning outcome code/codes
Type of subject
Course coordinators
Term 2023/24_Z: | Term 2019/20_Z: | Term 2021/22_Z: | Term 2020/21_Z: | Term 2022/23_Z: | Term 2024/25_Z: |
Learning outcomes
AD1_W02: knows and has the ability to apply the principles and concepts of public economic law
AD1_W03: has knowledge about the formation, structure and powers of national and EU authorities under public economic law
AD1_W05: knows and understands the basic methods, procedures and tools, including data acquisition techniques, appropriate for public economic law
AD1_W06: knows and can discuss the sources of public economic law and has knowledge about institutions of public economic law and is able to use this knowledge in practice
AD1_W07: knows and understands the impact of the norms of public economic law on the processes of changes in social structures and institutions in the sphere of the economy and their elements
AD1_W10: knows and understands the general principles of creating and developing forms of individual entrepreneurship, combining knowledge of the activities of economic administration entities with basic knowledge of economics and public finance
Description of ECTS:
Participation in the lecture: 24 h
Reading the selected literature: 16 h
Preparation for the exam: 20 h
Total hours: 60
Number of ECTS: 60 h / 30 = 2 ECTS
Assessment criteria
AD1_W02: knows and has the ability to apply the principles and concepts of public economic law
To the mark 2 (ndst) - The student does not know and is unable to define the concepts of public economic law;
For the grade 3 (dst) - The student is able to identify the most important principles and concepts of public economic law;
Mark 4 (db) - The student knows and is able to define the most important principles and notions of public economic law and is able to properly use the grid of concepts in this branch of law;
To grade 5 (very good) - The student knows and correctly defines all the rules and concepts of public economic law and knows how to use the grid of concepts in this branch of law without any mistakes.
AD1_W03: has knowledge about the formation, structure and powers of national and EU authorities under public economic law:
Na grade 2 (ndst) - The student has no knowledge of the formation, structure and powers of national and EU authorities under public economic law;
Mark 3 (dst) - The student can only name the competent national and EU authorities under public economic law;
Mark 4 (db) - The student is able to name and briefly characterize national and EU authorities under public economic law;
Mark 5 (very good) - The student perfectly knows the national and EU authorities within the framework of public economic law and is able to fully discuss them.
AD1_W05: knows and understands the basic methods, procedures and tools, including data acquisition techniques, appropriate for public economic law:
Na grade 2 (ndst) - The student does not know and understand the basic methods, procedures and tools, including data acquisition techniques, appropriate for public economic law;
To grade 3 (dst) - The student indicates and recognizes the basic methods, procedures and tools, including data acquisition techniques, appropriate for public economic law, but is unable to apply them in practice
Mark 4 (db) - The student knows and understands the basic methods, procedures and tools, including data acquisition techniques, appropriate for public economic law, and is able to apply them in practice to a basic extent;
Mark 5 (very good) - The student perfectly knows and understands the basic methods, procedures and tools, including data acquisition techniques, appropriate for public economic law and is able to use them flawlessly in practice.
AD1_W06: knows and can discuss the sources of public economic law and has knowledge about institutions of public economic law and is able to use this knowledge in practice:
For the grade 2 (ndst) - The student does not know the sources and institutions of public economic law;
For grade 3 (dst) - The student lists the basic sources and institutions of public economic law, institutions of public economic law;
To grade 4 (db) - the student indicates and identifies the sources of public economic law and has knowledge of public economic law institutions and is able to use this knowledge in a basic scope in practice;
To grade 5 (very good) - The student knows and is able to discuss the sources of public economic law and has knowledge about the institutions of public economic law and is able to use this knowledge in practice.
AD1_W07: knows and understands the impact of the norms of public economic law on the processes of changes in social structures and institutions in the economy and their elements:
To grade 2 (ndst) - The student does not know and understand the impact of the norms of public economic law on the processes of changes in social structures and institutions in the economy and their elements;
Na grade 3 (dst) - The student knows and understands the basic influence of the norms of public economic law on the processes of changes in social structures and institutions in the economy and their elements;
To grade 4 (db) - The student knows well and understands the influence of the norms of public economic law on the processes of changes in social structures and institutions in the economy and their elements;
To grade 5 (very good) - The student knows very well, knows and understands the impact of the norms of public economic law on the processes of changing social structures and institutions in the economy and their elements.
AD1_W10: knows and understands the general principles of creating and developing forms of individual entrepreneurship, combining knowledge of the activities of economic administration entities with basic knowledge of economics and public finance
To grade 2 (ndst) - the student does not know and understand the general principles of creating and developing forms of individual entrepreneurship;
For the grade 3 (dst) - the student recognizes the general principles of creating and developing forms of individual entrepreneurship, combining basic knowledge about the activities of economic administration entities with basic knowledge in the field of economics and public finance;
Mark 4 (db) - The student knows and understands the general principles of creating and developing forms of individual entrepreneurship, satisfactorily combining knowledge about the activities of economic administration entities with basic knowledge of economics and public finance;
Mark 5 (very good) - The student perfectly knows and understands the general principles of creating and developing forms of individual entrepreneurship, combining knowledge about the activities of economic administration entities with basic knowledge in the field of economics and public finance.
Verification method EK - written test exam
The exam will be conducted remotely on the Moodle platform.
Basic literature: 1. A. Powałowski (red.), Prawo gospodarcze publiczne, Warszawa 2020; 2. C. Banasiński, M. Wierzbowski, H. Gronkiewicz-Waltz, R. Kaszubski, K. Glibowski, P. Widawski, Prawo gospodarcze. Zagadnienia administracyjnoprawne, Warszawa 2017; 3. M. Kania, M. Pawełczyk, E. Przeszło, A. Lichosik, R. K. Blicharz, A. Hołda-Wydrzyńska, K. Pokryszka, K. Łuczak, A. Piwowarczyk, Publiczne prawo gospodarcze. Zarys wykładu, Warszawa 2017; 4. R. Blicharz (red.), Publiczne prawo gospodarcze. Zarys wykładu, Warszawa 2017; 5. K. Strzyczkowski, Prawo gospodarcze publiczne, Warszawa 2011.
Further reading: 1. M. Będkowski-Kozioł, K. Chojnacki, M. Floriańczyk, Prawo publiczne gospodarcze. Kazusy, red. K. Strzyczkowski, Warszawa 2008; 2. M. Będkowski-Kozioł, Ł. Gołąb, Prawo gospodarcze publiczne. Testy, Warszawa 2011; 3. A. Borkowski, A. Chełmoński, M. Guziński, K. Kiczka, L. Kieres, T. Kocowski, M. Szydło, Administracyjne prawo gospodarcze, Wrocław 2009; 4. Prawo gospodarcze publiczne, red. A. Powałowski, Warszawa 2011; 5. Publiczne prawo gospodarcze, red. J. Olszewski, Warszawa 2012; 6. Publiczne prawo gospodarcze. Zarys wykładu, red. J. Grabowski, Bydgoszcz-Katowice 2008; 7. M. Zdyb, Wspólnotowe i polskie publiczne prawo gospodarcze, T. I i II, Warszawa 2008; 8. M. Etel, M. Nowikowska, A. Piszcz, J. Śieńczyło-Chlabicz, W. Stachurski, A. Żukowska, Publiczne prawo gospodarcze. Ćwiczenia, Warszawa 2010; 9. C. Kosikowski, Ustawa o swobodzie działalności gospodarczej. Komentarz, Warszawa 2013; 10. Ustawa o swobodzie działalności gospodarczej. Komentarz, red. A. Powałowski, Warszawa 2009; 11. P. Wrześniewski, Ustawa o swobodzie działalności gospodarczej. Komentarz, Warszawa 2010; 12. M. Zdyb, M. Sieradzka, Ustawa o swobodzie działalności gospodarczej. Komentarz, Warszawa 2013; 13. Zięty J., Ustawa o gospodarcze komunalnej. Komentarz, Warszawa 2012; 14. M. Szydło, Ustawa o gospodarce komunalnej. Komentarz, Warszawa 2008; 15. T. Skoczyński, Ustawa o partnerstwie publiczno-prywatnym. Praktyczny komentarz, Warszawa 2011; 16. W. Gonet, Komentarz do ustawy o partnerstwie publiczno-prywatnym. Wzory umów i pism, Warszawa 2009; 17. E. Norek, Ustawa o koncesji na roboty budowlane i usługi. Komentarz, Warszawa 2009; 18. F. Grzegorczyk, Ustawa o szczególnych uprawnieniach Ministra Skarbu Państwa. Komentarz, Warszawa 2011; 19. M. Etel, Pojęcie przedsiębiorcy w prawie polskim i prawie Unii Europejskiej oraz w orzecznictwie sądowym, Warszawa 2012; 20. K. Strzyczkowski, Rola współczesnej administracji w gospodarce (zagadnienia prawne), Warszawa 1992; 21. M. Szydło, Wolność działalności gospodarczej jako prawo podstawowe, Bydgoszcz-Wrocław 2011; 22. M. Szydło, Swoboda działalności gospodarczej, Warszawa 2005; 23. M. Szydło, Regulacja sektorów infrastrukturalnych jako rodzaj funkcji państwa wobec gospodarki, Warszawa 2005; 24. Społeczna gospodarka rynkowa, red. R. Włodarczyk, Warszawa 2010; 25. P. Pysz, Społeczna gospodarka rynkowa. Ordoliberalna koncepcja polityki gospodarczej, Warszawa 2008; 26. Wolność działalności gospodarczej w Konstytucji RP, Warszawa 2009; 27. F. Grzegorczyk, Przedsiębiorstwo publiczne kontrolowane przez państwo, Warszawa 2012; 28. M. Szydło, Reglamentacja podejmowania działalności gospodarczej w nowej ustawie o swobodzie działalności gospodarczej, „Przegląd Ustawodawstwa Gospodarczego” 2004, nr 12, s. 2 i n.; 29. Leksykon prawa gospodarczego publicznego. 100 podstawowych pojęć, red. A. Powałowski, Warszawa 2009).
Term 2021/22_Z:
None |
Term 2022/23_Z:
None |
Term 2023/24_Z:
None |
Term 2024/25_Z:
None |
Additional information
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