Anthropological and molecular Methods in Criminology (practice) WB-BI-ANG-20cw
The aim of the course is to familiarize the participants with the basic anthropological methods of forensics. Participants will focus on issues of dachtyloscopy, anthroposcopy and osteology as well as their application in the identification of groups and individuals. It will also be important to familiarize students with the principles of opinion-forming.
Both the exercise and the lecture activities are divided into blocks:
1. The Role of the Anthropologist in Group and Individual Identification
2. Daktyloscopy and chelioscopy
3. Anthroposcopy
4. Osteology (identification by skeletal features; securing remains for examination, sampling)
5. Identification based on dental characteristics (CT and X-ray image analysis)
6. Opinion
W cyklu 2024/25_L:
The aim of the course is to familiarize the participants with the basic anthropological methods of forensics. Participants will focus on issues of dachtyloscopy, anthroposcopy and osteology as well as their application in the identification of groups and individuals. It will also be important to familiarize students with the principles of opinion-forming. |
Dyscyplina naukowa, do której odnoszą się efekty uczenia się
Grupa przedmiotów ogólnouczenianych
Opis nakładu pracy studenta w ECTS
Poziom przedmiotu
Symbol/Symbole kierunkowe efektów uczenia się
Typ przedmiotu
Wymagania wstępne
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
W cyklu 2022/23_L: | W cyklu 2024/25_L: | W cyklu 2021/22_Z: | W cyklu 2020/21_Z: | W cyklu 2022/23_Z: | W cyklu 2023/24_L: |
Efekty kształcenia
From the field of knowledge:
Effect 1: The graduate has knowledge of the basic anthropological methods used in forensics
From the field of skills:
Effect 2: Graduates can analyse and select information from electronic sources
Effect 3: The graduate can use literature on the application of anthropological methods in forensics (also in English)
In the field of social competence:
Effect 4: The graduate is willing to follow the principles of an anthropologist’s work ethic in court proceedings
Effect 5: The graduate is willing to identify and solve dilemmas related to the anthropologist’s role in the process
Kryteria oceniania
From the field of knowledge:
Grade 2. 0 (ndst): The graduate does not know and understand the anthropological methods of forensics
For grade 3. 0 (dst): The graduate knows the basic anthropological methods used in forensics, but does not know the rules of their application
Rating 4. 0 (db): The graduate knows the basic anthropological methods used in forensics and is familiar with the principles of their application
Rating 5. 0 (bdb): The graduate is very familiar with the basic anthropological methods used in forensics.
From the field of skills:
Assessment 2. 0 (ndst): The graduate is unable to analyse the information from online sources and literature on anthropological methods.
Grade 3. 0 (dst): The graduate can find information from the above mentioned area, but is poor with its synthesis
Rating 4. 0 (db): Graduates can find sources from the above range, can handle their synthesis, but the selection of sources is not always correct
Rating 5. 0 (bdb): The graduate is very good at identifying sources in the field of forensic anthropological methods, selecting them efficiently and synthesizing them
In the field of social competence:
Rating 2. 0 (ndst): The graduate does not understand the role of the anthropologist in the legal process, therefore he is unwilling to abide by the rules of professional ethics and is unable to recognize and solve moral dilemmas
Assessment 3. 0 (dst): The graduate understands the role of the anthropologist in legal proceedings, is willing to follow the rules of professional ethics, but is not fully able to identify and resolve moral dilemmas
Assessment 4. 0 (db): The graduate understands the role of the anthropologist in legal proceedings, is willing to follow the rules of professional ethics, is good at identifying and solving moral dilemmas
Assessment 5. 0 (bdb): The graduate understands the role of the anthropologist in legal proceedings, is willing to follow the rules of professional ethics, identifies very skillfully moral dilemmas and finds ways to solve problems
Praktyki zawodowe
Not concerned
Więcej informacji
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